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November 11th, 2018

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[Plot: Halloween]

[As the sun rises on Repose's annual Halloween bash, things change. For those closest to the source during the event, injuries persist and carry over into morning light. For those lucky enough to be far removed from the boy causing the Thinning, injuries are but memories of the night before. All guests remember the lives that belong to them in other places like this one, and those thoughts weigh heavily as guests begin their journeys home. Talk in the diner that morning is all about potential versions of the diners, and the churches are filled with those praying for forgiveness and asking for new lives here, similar to the ones from the evening before. The line at the gas stations stretch forever as residents stop to chat, and the entire town is alive with gossip.

It takes the entire day to clear out the woods and orchards, and, in some cases, it takes even longer for Repose's citizens to feel like themselves again. But, eventually, everything returns to normal, and, barring injuries and residual effects, only memories of other lives remain. When Town Hall swears they have no idea what caused the evening's changes, they are telling the truth. Even the Facility's promises to look into matters are in earnest. Media outlets across the world report their own strange evenings, unrelated to Repose's oddities, and it seems the oddness of the world is becoming more apparent in the morning light.

And, as always, life in Repose goes on.]