August 2020



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July 17th, 2018

[info]isconfetti in [info]repose

Ren S, Reece E, Eddie N

[Locked to Ren S]

[Locked to Reece E]
Are you writing really long postcards like novels?

[Locked to Eddie N]
Hi Eddie. I don't think you're my secret person this time.

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Steve M, Janus A

[Atticus, notably, has not returned to the Carriage House since this mess. He's taken a bag to Vade, where he intends to stay for the present.]

[Locked to Steve M]
Sorry about the blow up.

[Locked to Janus A]
Not sorry I said Sorry about the temper Can look however you

[He posts neither. In the end, he just sends two of his excess postcards:]

[Delivered to Steve M, at the Carriage House]
[A card. On the back, neatly, his cell number is written - as if that's necessary.]

[Delivered to Janus A, at the Greyhound Station]
[Knows Janus might not see it for a while. Is OK with that. A card. On the back, neatly:] Sorry about the chair.

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Aedan B, Patrick G, Steve M, Destiny S, Daniel W]

[Aedan, Patrick, Destiny, Billy, Daniel**]

[Locked separately, but the same message.]
are you writing postcards?


[Includes the above, but also another line:]
i feel strange asking, but i don't know how many steve ms there are in town. was all that stuff about captain liberty you?


[In an envelope on the kitchen table when she leaves for work one morning. A good chunk of her first paycheck, as well as the cash that Lear gave her. If she keeps it, she knows she's going to spend it on something she shouldn't. On the outside of the envelope is written: for rent and food. -m]

**She'd add more people she knows, but she's starting small in her reaching out.

[info]brushybrushy in [info]repose

[Postcard to Ragnar]

[Postcard addressed to Ragnar arrives with the morning mail]

I was wondering if your offer for dinner coffee and conversation is still open.
-Ash Reynard