August 2020



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May 9th, 2018

[info]heir in [info]repose

Cat C, Leena B, FLEET: Misha B

[When this goes up.]

[Locked to Cat C]
Something has occurred with Leena. I do not have details, but I am contacting the Commissioner. I will depart for Jersey, as well.

[Call: Leena B]
[He tries. Ring.]

[FLEET: Misha B]
[Once Cat is finished.] I require your assistance. I need to go to Jersey.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Reece E

[Text to Reece E]
[After this.]

Hypothetically, if something big and growling is after Helena, and the possibility exists of going to help her, even with the knowledge that she is absolutely going to lose her shit if I show up, because I'm male and terrifying, should I still go? Is going the most selfish thing on the planet? Am I doing it for me and not for her? In this hypothetical scenario, someone capable, and who she isn't frightened of, is already planning on going.

P.S. I think I just fucked Em up. Help.

[info]atrophy in [info]repose

"Muerte", Stephanie M, Eddie N

[Locked to "Muerte"]
Hey. Cat said she yelled at you or something and something was going on with you being addicted to Eddie?

[Locked to Stephanie M]
Hey, man.

[Locked to Eddie N]
Cat had to unexpectedly leave town because Helena got attacked by a growling thing in New Jersey. Jsyk.

[info]riddlethem in [info]repose



I'm sorry.

[Stephanie M.]

Cat's out of the state, so we need to just get this over with before I do something really stupid. Are you good to fight?

[Melody B.]

Are you somewhere safe?

[Jack P.]

What did you have for dinner tonight, my friend?

[info]meltingsnow in [info]repose


[Dylan M]

Want to go to the bonfire with me? I promise to only get moderately drunk.

[For reasons unknown, Mary starts making little lunches for Nish on the regular. If Nish tried to leave the house without grabbing the lunch, her dog Molly will make a fuss about it. The lunches are anything from hearty sandwiches, to rice bowls to wraps with veggies.]


We've opened more trails at the park! Stop by the ranger station for an updated map. And, thanks everyone who contributed so we could do our seasonal repairs.

[info]apostatic in [info]repose

News: Repose

[Much like previous photos these ones turn up all over town. The same message is on the back as the last ones, but the content is different.

At first, it's only one picture of the ghostly couples holding hands briefly as they walk down Main Street before they vanish seemingly into the sun. The second one, appearing on day two, is two lovers saying good-bye at the train station. Each day it's a new couple, one couple sneaking kisses between the stacks and in the rows of the movie theatre, another one of an elderly couple holding hands and sitting on their rocking chairs, another of a ghostly girl in a prom dress throwing her arms around another ghostly girl and kissing her in the parking lot of the school. Each day, a new picture is taken of a new couple and the pictures make their way around town, but the photographer's identity remains unknown.]

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Cat, Damian and Leena in Jersey

Who: Cat, Damian, and Leena
What: Kitten rescue
Where: Jersey
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: Violence, death, mentions of assault. Language.

She leaned up against the wall to watch him burn, burn, burn, a weight like nothing settling on her shoulders. )