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January 14th, 2018

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

[locks to Sam M, Cris M, Daniel W]

[Locked to Sam M]

So, decide on any New Year's resolutions I ought to hold you to?

[Locked to Cris M]

Hello Cris. How are you? How have things been since New Year's?

[Locked to Daniel W]

Hello Daniel.

[info]nishka in [info]repose


OMG is there anywhere else for a visitor to sleep besides this shitty motel? (No offence to the fine owners of said shitty motel.)

[info]nishka in [info]repose

Log: Nish/Caleb

Who: Nish and Caleb
What: Operation: get Nish out of the motel.
Where: the B&B
When: Sunday, January 14, 2018

clean sheets and turndown service? yes please... )

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Narrative: Marta]

Who: Marta
What: Narrative - Rehab check-out and new job.
Where: Capital back to Repose (Motel)
When: This weekend.
Warnings/Rating: Long. So long. Some Marta-esque themes of drugs and sex work.

Marta knew that she'd gotten through the worst of the detoxing when the moved her to a different room )

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

News: Motel, Patrick G, Aedan B, Dahlia H, Daniel W, Steve M

[Residents of the motel might notice that, beginning Sunday, there's a new maid around the place. She has a cart and goes room to room to do all the "normal" upkeep - sheets, towels, vacuuming. She'll stick to the same schedule as the days pass by: first the rooms, and then she can be found in the laundry room at the back of the motel - washing and drying and folding and restocking her cart. She wears a uniform, but no nametag, her hands shake sometimes as she works, and she doesn't say much as she moves around the motel doing her job. As time goes on, sometimes she'll be seen walking to and from town, most often to the bus station but sometimes to pick up a few small things from the grocery store.]

[Patrick, Aedan, Dahlia, Daniel, Steve]
[Separate locks, but the same message.]
hey. back in town.