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November 26th, 2017

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Cat C, Claire J, Damian W, Stephanie M, Tim D

[Cat C]
[Via text.] Hi. Phone achieved.

[Claire J]

[A picture, texted, of her wearing the socks.]

[Damian W]

[Also texted.] Hey. I didn't know about Stephanie.

[Stephanie M]

Um I hear congrats are in order?. :)

[Tim D]

Girl in hiding is not much help, but she'll do what she can, guy in need.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

[Public: anon]; Public; Cat C; Eddie N;

[Public: anon]

I'm looking for the woman who was at the party, hanged. Are you all right?

[Public: not anon]

Er, the thing with the town, how far does it run? Is the Capital excluded?

[Cat C]


[Eddie N]

Er, who is it I know in the 'undercity'?

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[Off the Record: 11/26 - 12/10]

→ Whatever has been causing humanity to return to the residents of Repose ceases. There is no indication what happened or why, and local officials make no statements regarding the incident. Officially, it's as if it never happened, and life continues on in the strange little town. The return to normalcy may come to those affected in one swoop or gradually, but none of the effects are lasting.

→ The first real snow of the year falls on Sunday night, and snowflakes light up the night sky. No, really, they light up the night sky. The flakes are prismatic, pinks and purples and blue beneath the glow of the moon. The snow itself is white and fluffy and beautiful, and it's strangely temperate for the year's first snow that sticks. Town Hall instructs residents not to worry about the colorful flakes, blaming recent rains and atmospheric conditions for the phenomenon. Whatever the reason, it makes for a beautiful night and a brightly lit sky, and residents that venture out to play in the flurries are rewarded with the happy feelings of childhood returned to them. The feeling only lasts a few days, but it's warm and fuzzy and fades slowly.

→ Tis the season, and the annual tree lighting ceremony is scheduled to occur on Main Street in early December after the tryptophan glut ends. It's a nighttime affair, and there will be caroling and hot cocoa for all who attend. Additionally, the town tradition of Secret Santas will continue this season, and all residents with names registered on the forums will receive the names of their gift recipients after the tree is lit. As always, Town Hall requests secrecy until Santas are revealed later in the month.

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[News: Capital and Surrounding Areas]

[Over the weekend, late at night, a young woman is found unconscious on the streets of the Capital, wearing a minimal amount of clothing and no shoes. She's taken to the nearest hospital due to a number of reasons including: bruising and ...cuts... around her neck, signs of sexual contact (possibly assault), and drug overdose. There are also signs of possible ongoing abuse and malnutrition on top of the drug use. It wouldn't normally be newsworthy, but she had no identification on her when she was picked up, and the authorities are asking for help identifying the Jane Doe. People are asked to come forward with any sort of information. A brief description of the young woman includes that she's approximately 5 ft tall with a "very slim" build, dark hair and light-colored eyes, with a number of tattoos. Anyone with any information is asked to call the Capital PD at [District Phone Number].]