August 2020



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August 1st, 2017

[info]heir in [info]repose

Roadside tent: Daniel W & Damian W

Who: Daniel Webster & Damian Wainright
What: delivering the swift kick of justice to an ass
Where: the gray tent on the side of the road, heading out of town
When: after this; late at night
Warnings/Rating: likely mentions of death, gore, violence, and violence against animals

He came by cover of darkness. )

[info]sonataind in [info]repose



They say having a job would be good for me. I find myself exceedingly reluctant. I have a feeling they believe having a job to go to would be the only way to get me out into the world. I suppose that is true enough. Funny how a month ago I wasn't allowed to leave. Now they want me to. Ridiculous.

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

Beau W, Jude C, Damian W, Nameless, Janus A

[Locked to Beau W]
I know I missed our practice session, but I ran into a fist some. You reckon you're keen to reschedule for the weekend?

[Locked to Jude C]
You been quiet some, Honey.

[Locked to Damian W]
Boss, I reckon I can get back to work this weekend with a whole lot of makeup.

[Locked to Nameless]
You been causing trouble any?

[Locked to Janus A]
I'm starting to reckon you're avoiding me.

[info]onerule in [info]repose

["inner circle" lock.]

[locked to the "inner circle". if you're family, friend, in the ~know... you're in.]

I hope it is not presumptuous of me to assume you all know where I've been and what I was doing.

There were [...] side effects. Some memory loss and. I thought you should know before I return.

[info]heir in [info]repose

Call: Ra's al Gol

[Call to the number given, from a blocked number]
[Mid-morning locally. Before this. Ring!]

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Second City

[It's not fanfare or the movements of those that run the show. It's not those who run the mechanics efficiently and entirely competently underneath that. But it's not bottom-feeders either. There's a ruction in one of the stalls on the far edge of Second City, that's tied into a business that deals entirely with desire (a few sorts, anyway. Desire's a desirable sort of trade in Second City, pardoning the pun and there's a variety on offer). As it happens, it has reach back to a group that ran - or did, anyway - an operation trading in lost kids. There's a chasm that opens up overnight; secrets belonging to both factions have been exposed to a third party and the whole state of affairs is exposed to what passes for light down there. It's small scale and nobody's dead, they're embarrassed and humiliated and humiliation is a currency. And these things happen, but it breaks up an iceberg of a familial stake in some of the less salubrious businesses and of course - people talk. You can't prevent them from talking.]