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April 15th, 2017

[info]hereshecomes in [info]repose

Log: Atticus and PJ

Who: PJ and Atticus
What: Meat and Greet
Where: PJ's car and then onward
When: After their conversation
Warnings: Nah

LOL see what I did there? Meat? And Greet? Get it? Meat? )

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

[locks to damian w, misha b, cris m and sam m, daniel w]

[damian w]

I'm very sorry for asking Misha's help. I see now that it wasn't appropriate. I won't trouble him with this sort of thing again, you have my word.

[misha b]

Hello, Misha. I never did hear anything about how the party went for you.

[cris m & sam m(!)]

Still honeymooning, I hope?

[daniel w]

Hello Daniel.

[info]salesman in [info]repose

[news and the town]

[The Corinthian walks his old beat, through the dreams of the vulnerable. It's localized to Repose (of course, the lucky town of all misfortune through the decades of its existence). Some dreamers might have elusive, structured, or even fortified dreams through which this monster cannot stalk, but for the rest, he is the thing chasing you, the one that doesn't stop, the one you can't see but can feel on your heels and at the back of your neck. Dreamers flee before him, fall into his traps, drop down through an empty blackness without bottom, or run without being able to stop.

It is just a nightmare, of course, just a creature in the dark, and has no physical effect other than a lingering sense of disquiet, dispelled early by the light of dawn.]

[info]verbumdomini in [info]repose

[News-ish; Locks: Misha, Rory, Leena; Janus Alert; Call: Daniel]

[Saturday night-ish/Sunday morning the light descends upon the Neighborhood gentle as a dove and as powerful as lightning, then floods through the town in that moment of darkness just before dawn when most people are still sleeping. Pure white and full of hope, peace, and forgiveness. A new start. Those attuned to the mystical can pinpoint the holy and divine nature easily. It lasts for approximately half a minute before dissipating into the coming sunrise.

It is really no coincidence that the messages from Claire come early Easter morning, minutes after dawn breaks, while she is preparing herself for the hunt. Dealing with if she still has a job at the bar will have to come later. Priorities.]

[Misha B]
Are you alright?

[Rory B]
You are still around, yes?

[Leena B]
Thank you.

[Janus A]
[She debates asking after his well-being, but she knows. Instead there is a very clear warning that tugs at demon more than nightmare. The Spear is zeroed in upon him. Judgment comes. Or maaaaybe that aura is merely the worldwide celebration and explosion of faith on the most holy day of the year for Christians. He is risen, and all that jazz.]

[Phone Call: Daniel W]
[Ring ring!]