August 2020



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February 11th, 2017

[info]heir in [info]repose

Call: Louis D, Dick G, Oliver K, Jude C

[Call: Louis D]
[4:30AM, ring!]

[Locked to Dick G]
Have you spoken with Father yet?

[Locked to Oliver K]
Where are you?

[Locked to Jude C]
Have you reconciled with your brother?

[info]mareas in [info]repose

Connie G

[Locked to Connie G]
[Grossly early, but he's bored. Sorry-not-sorry, Con.]

Man, it would be great if someone brought their bro some hot chocolate in these cold and lonely woods. But my sis can just tell me what she thinks of our darkhaired brokin.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Jack + Adrian: Repose News

Who: Jack P + Adrian(?)
When: Recent.
Warnings: TBD. Likely language

From the outside, Repose News didn't look a hell of a lot more than it had done previously. )

[info]steadyhands in [info]repose



If I want to pick up good chocolate, is the only place nearby the Capital?

[info]imyourguy in [info]repose

quicklog: eddie/steph the arcade

[There was family drama and Eddie was glad he wasn't invited. Instead, he stayed at the arcade, teaching high school kids how pinball machines worked (and what pinball machines were) before giving them all the assignment of hacking a gameboy advance to play a certain mod. It was kiddie stuff to someone like Eddie who had to hack actual computers to make money by their age, but it was still way more advanced than anything a regular computer science class was going to teach them. None of these kids were going to be stuck being IT lackeys if Eddie had anything to do with it.

He checked the forums and his conversation with Stephanie and figured she'd drop by soon with news on Leena. Leena, who Eddie knew wasn't a woman you wanted to chase down. If she was well enough to type, the best thing the family could do was to leave her alone. Or force Bruce's cripple ass to go out in the woods and find her. Eddie wanted no part of those conversations, but he was curious how everything went down. He also wanted to make Stephanie feel better, since a wild goose chase wasn't the best way to start over with a family she hadn't really seen in months, maybe even a year.

The kids left and Eddie went behind the prize counter and pulled out a bottle of whiskey he had "borrowed" from his other new business. When was meow face coming back? The neon glow of his arcade didn't have an answer for him. What a good riddle it must have been.]