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October 4th, 2016

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Public, Pesha, Destiny, (added:) Harry]

[As Sunshine F.]

So I'm looking for a guy and I don't know if he's in this town or not. Going out on a limb. His name's Philip and he used to use a stupidass nickname that I refuse to use because it's stupid.

[Pesha and Destiny]
Hey. This is fucking awkward, but I want to apologize.

[After this. And under her real name. She's feeling nostalgic, enough to overcome the reticence to use her actual name.]

Too many assholes showing up in this town.

[info]fleurish in [info]repose

News: Flower Shop

[It seems that the flower shop has had a changing of hands.

Signs are changed out over the first part of the week, delivery workers haul in new items and haul away old. Walls are painted and arrangements are set out on the walk. It's a splash of fall colors mixed in with vibrant green, welcoming the changing of seasons.

On Tuesday, businesses throughout Repose receive a fall arrangement, complete with a card welcoming them to visit Fleurish in the future.

Fall is the season for change, Repose!]

[info]vindicta in [info]repose


Does anyone know of places that are hiring?

[...] Thank you.

[info]fleurish in [info]repose

Perry P, Gwen R, MJ W, Flash M

[Locked to Perry P]

I just wanted to extend a greeting to you. I understand you worked for the previous owners of the flower shop, which I have recently taken ownership of. If you would like, I would love to have you stay on for deliveries. I will leave the choice up to you, though I do look forward to meeting you in person.

Owner - Fleurish

[Group Lock to Gwen, MJ, & Flash]

I recently took ownership of the flower shop, and it's my understanding that the three of you live above it? I have no intention on changing whatever arrangement you already had, but I wanted to introduce myself since we may run into one another from time to time. Do let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

Owner - Fleurish

[info]wants in [info]repose

[Update: Sonrisa]

[As of October 4th, Sonrisa is no longer accepting deliveries at its doors. Every package, letter, bouquet, &c., is left at one of two P.O. Boxes at the Post Office, depending on if it's personal or business mail. Not to mention, a few cameras are hung around the store, inside and out, but all are unnoticeable and well-hidden.]

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Cris M, Janus A

[Locked to Cris M]
Good news.

[Locked to Janus A]