August 2020



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August 6th, 2016

[info]pesadilla in [info]repose

[Spidey Bonfire: Felicity, Flash, Gwen, Harry, Jason, MJ, Perry]

[The main bonfire was blazing brightly in the distance, and a smaller one was just coming to life at the edge of the lake, away from the families present. There was a half-keg, compliments of MJ, with red Solo cups perched atop it, and the blanket in the bonfire's glow was big enough for a king-sized bed and then some. The lake looked inviting and warm, bonfire lit, and the dock was the backdrop of this smaller gathering. There was room on the far end, cleared off, for Harry's speakers and whatever music he brought with him. For now, the main bonfire's music carried lightly, but the music playing close, from iPod speakers and courtesy of 8tracks, was decidedly girl.]

[info]thefixer in [info]repose


Who: anyone
What: Bonfire & parties
Warnings: Please apply them!

By the time dusk had draped itself over proceedings, set up was almost entirely out of the way. The bonfire was banked high and the water gleamed with mirrored licking flame, the smoke light and aromatic as it filtered over the music (courtesy local business owner number one) and the noise and bustle of people, laughing, drinking (courtesy local business owner number two, although all obvious and necessary duties vis a vis payment taken care of by yours truly, given open flame and liabilities and proximity of the police station). The sun had left the ground baked-hard and the air full and sultry and the heat was present party guest, albeit one flirting with the idea of an early exit.

Toward the water were spread blankets and present tree cover, and closer to the green were a number of families with small people kept carefully beyond reach of all things dangerous, circled in by parents and the well-intentioned old ladies of the B and B battalion. This was, Jude considered, a success two-fold, firstly the presence of willing babysitting, and secondly negating the need to ferry interference between the elderly and easily scandalized (judging by regular church attendance and enjoyment of gossip, rumor-mongers amongst them who'd spent lavish time and attention upon the former-sheriff and his lady) and the occupants of make-out point. Which was not, sadly, labeled as such but regretful agreement with mistress of revels that people would ably know what to do once they reached it.

All in all, an evening leaning heavily on pleasant with the cooperation of all present and capable. Jude had found a gentleman of retirement age formerly of the blue-shirt-and-shield persuasion and had stationed the drinks nearest enough to him so that interference had to be run by persons not-him. This thus taken care-of, the evening was a free-for-all.