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July 22nd, 2016

[info]flashofvenom in [info]repose


[Felicity H.]

Hey, you give the team any more thought? Want to come by the facility and check shit out?

[Perry P.]

Hey, man. What kind of flowers does your aunt like? Wanna bring some by.

[Cat C.]


[info]maldito in [info]repose

Flash M

[Locked to Flash M]
Sorry for keeping you waiting.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Sasha J

[Locked to Sasha J]
[After this.]

Sasha. You asked me about the military. I gave you my opinion, and I shared my experience, but that's not me forcing anything on you. Alright? You have to do what you think you should do. Am I going to do cartwheels? No. I spent twenty years in Hell because of the military, and you know that. I still can't remember half of the things they did to me, and I spent so much of it strapped to a medical bed for testing that I don't age, and I can't have kids, and my head is a mess. Do I want that for you? No. Does it scare me that you're thinking of joining? Yes. That's natural given my experiences, but Sash, you can't keep taking things I hope for you and making them edicts. I'm not telling you to live a sedate life, and I'm not telling you to get married, and I'm not telling you not to join the military. I want you happy, and I don't think that's a bad thing for a sister to want for her kid sister. Alright? You can't live your life being bitter about what people who care about you want for you. But, more importantly, you can't let what we want control you.

Make your own choices. Live your own life. Alright?

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

[Public anonymously]

We discussed the worthiness of art and people. You were also soaking wet. Still alive?


How was the party? I think we can call it that, it wasn't a bloody art show.


I've been told to ask you to paint the skirtings multi-colors.

[B and B]

Tell me there's a magical hangover cure in circulation.




I need to know for the payroll if you're still here and in one piece.

[info]housebroken in [info]repose

mason j, ella g, janus a

[Delayed, but after his chat with Claire.]
[Group lock]

There's a hunter here. It [...] could be an issue.

[info]ripe in [info]repose

daniel w, dahlia h, nick m

[Daniel W]
Its time for some sage, old person advice-giving time.

[Dahlia H]
Hi! How's your mood? That's the prerequisite before I ask you for a big favor(but a big favor that pays!)

[Nick M]
Can I get a reservation for two on Sunday afternoon? Tell your chef to prepare his finest toast.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Who: Jack P and Perry P
What: Job-giving
When: Backdated, guys. Pre-plot.
Warnings: Nada

Perry had those, along with a running commentary of his life in his head and a hankering for heights )