November 26th, 2008

[info]notjustageek in [info]parabolical

Who: Fred and OPEN to anyone Hyperion who wants Girl Scout cookies
When: Evening, after the graffiti post
Where: Kitchen
What: Initiating meet and greet by cookie
Rating: PG

Familiar yet new. )

[info]bellsm in [info]parabolical

Who: Bella Cullen and Lavender Brown
What: Closet raiding, distractions, general Bella needs friends bonding time
When: Shortly after their texts
Where: Edward's and Bella's place
Rating: PG maybe?
Status: Incomplete

closet raiding, distractions, girl time )

[info]st_monica in [info]parabolical

Who: Monica Dawson and Gabriel Grey
When: After their conversation on the boards (I will link later)
Where: Gabriel's room at the Hyperion
What: Monica explains why she doesn't want her powers anymore
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBA

What's the point of powers if I can't save anyone? )

[info]tir_mcdohl in [info]parabolical

Who: Tir McDohl and anyone else willing to join in.
When: Wednesday, November 26 2005
Where: Behind Fu King Chinese Resturant

Into a new world )

[info]break_you_down in [info]parabolical

Who: James and OPEN (preferably not a normal, defenseless human just yet.)
What: The natives don’t appreciate the newcomer hunting on their turf. James doesn’t seem to care about what they think.
When: Night, 9 pm, give or take a few minutes.
Where: Downtown, near a less populated area.
Rating: PG-13

I’m going to dedicate you to Victoria  )

[info]robinindahood in [info]parabolical

Who: Clark and Jack
What: just talking.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: coffee shop
Warnings: probably none, just talking.

Which way do I go?  )

[info]nobletiger in [info]parabolical

Who: Alyssa and Casey
What: Cheering up a mopey red ranger.
When: Evening
Where: Kat's place, where Casey's staying.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Alyssa had decided it was high time someone got Casey out of the apartment, if only for a little while. She didn't like seeing fellow rangers feeling down, so she'd taken it upon herself to try and cheer Casey up.

She'd spent the day (when she wasn't busy patrolling or doing something else Isis related) baking. Back home in Turtle Cove, Alyssa had been the designated cook on the Animarium. She enjoyed it and didn't mind doing this for Casey. In fact, it was fun for her. She just hoped he appreciated it.

Holding onto a plate of cookies and brownies, Alyssa made it to Kat's without dropping anything. She held the plates with one arm and her growl phone in the other. She'd wanted to be prepared in case she ran into anything along the way. Thankfully, Alyssa had made it safe and sound to Kat's doorstep. Knocking on the door, she waited patiently for someone to answer.

January 2010



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