August 2017




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Jul. 23rd, 2017


Who: Open to anyone who has any sort of connection to Tim and Mia
When: Backdated, July 21st-22nd
Where: New York City
What: Tim's 21st and Mia's 22nd bday bash!
Rating: Who knows?
Make threads everywhere!

Everyone had been warned to bring bathing suits and to not pass out with their shoes on. )

Jun. 20th, 2017


Who: Damian and Loki
When: After midnight, June 11th (backdated, after this.)
Where: Wayne Manor, Gotham
What: Loki has bad dreams. It's a thing. So he sneaks into Damian's room for company. Then things just get downright bizarre, because Loki pulls chaos with him wherever he goes.
Rating: Low?

To be fair, Damian only said he had to fight Titus and Ophelia for space, and the two didn't fight very damned hard to keep him off the bed. )

Jun. 10th, 2017


Who: Damian, Tim, eventually Loki and open to other Batmanor folk
When: June 10th, 2017
Where: Wayne Manor, Gotham
What: Damian wants to make boundaries clear, Tim is busy but listening, Loki is fashionably late (and would argue the later the more fashionable).
Rating: Low?

Sometimes family isn't about loving each other, but protecting each other, a safety network where good intentions and mere friendship would normally fail. Blood and household roofs have nothing to do with that. )

Jun. 4th, 2017


Who: L.L., Loki and Thor.
When: June 3rd, 2017; after Mia's visit with James.
Where: New York, New York.
What: L.L. and Loki attempt to have a normal, fun night despite lingering trauma caused by the whole HYDRA fiasco. Oh, and Thor tags along because big brother's gotta protect, yo.
Rating: Low.

We just want a distraction from the reality that threatens us )

May. 27th, 2017


Who: Open!
When: 22nd (back) on a dark and stormy night
Where: Gotham - Hydra underground/water base
What: Teams are going after the Hydra base, converging and rescuing
Rating: High in violence
Note: Feel free to thread!

Very few mongooses, however wise and old they may be, care to follow a cobra into its hole... )

May. 17th, 2017


Who: Loki, James, npc Hydra agents, Whitehall
Where: Hydra hideout, Gotham
When: May 13th and on, some flashbacks
What: Loki is often questioned and Ikol gets him through it. It seems only fair that if he's being helped to hang on to shreds of sanity that he can help James do so as well. Or at least have someone to laugh with when mad.
Rating: Pretty grim, some torture but nothing too detailed

Discovery requires experimentation. )

May. 1st, 2017


Who: Loki and James
When: April 30th to May 6th (forward)
Where: Beneath Gotham
What: Hydra is grabbing all its assets in preparation for the takeover. Loki and James are unfortunately excellent test subjects.
Rating: Suspenseful?

I hate to bother, but would you mind terribly saying something? I'd feel quite contrite if my first cellmate were dead before I got to know him or her. )

Apr. 30th, 2017


Who: Loki narrative, npcs
When: April 30th, 2017, right after this.
Where: Gotham
What: Godling-napping!
Rating: Lowish, little violence

You're the worst Uber driver ever! )

Apr. 19th, 2017


Who: L.L. Houston, Loki, and James Rogers
When: April 22nd, 2017; Late night into early morning. (backdated)
Where: An exclusive hotel with a rocking night club for those bored rich folk in NYC.
What: L.L. is treating the boys to a night of dancing and drinking.
Rating: PG to PG-13

Come on, come on, turn the radio on. It's Saturday and I won't be long. Gotta paint my nails, put my high heels on. It's Saturday and I won't be long 'til I hit the dance floor. )

Apr. 16th, 2017


Who: Narrative - Loki, NPCs Wanda, Vision, Eira
When: March 1st, even further back, March 4th, and April 16th
Where: New York
What: Loki is saying good bye to the family. It's Eira's fault, really. Flashback heavy.
Rating: Low

Can't win, but there are alternatives to fighting. )

Mar. 8th, 2017


Who: Stephen Strange, Dormammu
When: 3/1 (and ALL times!)
Where: Skies of New York (and EVERYWHERE)
What: An epic battle between the Sorcerer Supreme and the Dread Lord leads to unintended consequences involving time and space. But mostly time.
Notes: This officially throws open the timeline for shenanigans, if you so desire. Make your own threads to keep the timeline settings distinct!
That was probably bad )

Jan. 31st, 2017


Who: Dr Strange, Loki
When: 1/17 (backdate)
Where: Sanctum Sanctorum, and astrally, Lazarus Pit in Gotham
What: Stephen looks in on the Lazarus Pit he found, and tries to come to some answers.
Gaze not into the abyss ).


Who: L.L. Houston + Loki
What: L.L. feels like she's being watched and asks Loki to help her figure out why.
Where: L.L.'s apartment.
When: January 31st, 2017.

I always feel like somebody's watching me. )

Jan. 17th, 2017


Who: Loki and Damian
Where: Gotham Academy
When: January 17th
What: Loki stops by for a visit to catch up. He's annoying like that.
Rating: low

Breaking in, breaking things, and breaking silence all in one fell swoop. )

Jan. 15th, 2017


To: Loki
From: Stephen Strange
Date: 1/14
You have unread messages )

Dec. 27th, 2016


Who: Everyone going on their Japan trip.
When: December 28- January 8
Where: Japan
Notes: I thought it would be fun to have a thread to put all our fun shenanigans. You can toss up social media posts, or make threads with the cool stuff you'd like to do. SKy is the limit, have a blast.

Japan Shenanigans. )

Dec. 9th, 2016


Who: Loki and Thor
Where: Asgard
When: December 9th, 2016
What: Thor and Loki chat. Loki's likely to both grump and fib.
Rating: PG

Troublesome acquisition... but worth it. )
Tags: ,

Nov. 2nd, 2016


Who: Open to party guests
When: 10/31/16 - Halloween!
Where: Stately Wayne Manor
What: The Annual Wayne Charity Halloween Ball

Let's do the Monster Mash! )

Oct. 27th, 2016


Who: Dr Strange, Wong (+OPEN to candy-seekers)
When: 10/29
Where: Sanctum Sanctorum, Greenwich, NYC
What: When you have a magic brownstone, you deck it out for Official Trick or Treating, particularly if you're trying to deal with some guilt.
Redemption takes many forms, including the form of chocolate bars )

Oct. 8th, 2016


Who: Loki and Dr. Strange
Where: Strange's Brownstone, New York
When: Latter half of September
What: Loki has a thing to take care of. A difficult thing. But he used to be an evil god, so this should be easy. Right? ... right?
Rating: PG-13ish?

Want to have a wizard battle? Because I'm going to cheat. )

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