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September 29th, 2012

[info]theblackcat in [info]newalliance

Who: The Black Cat & Maria Hill
Where: Gotham Warehouse.
When: Sep. 29th.
What: Felicia's working a job. So is "Robin".
Rating: PG-13

they creaked. they groaned. they smelled funny. )

[info]bobsicle in [info]newalliance

Clearing the Air

Who: Bobby Drake and Rogue
Where: Outside Rogue's room, Xavier Institute.
When: Sep. 27th, shortly after this exchange.
What: Bobby tries to talk to Rogue about that thing that happened earlier in the month when they were teenagers.
Rating: SFW.

Awkward didn't begin to describe it. )
Tags: ,

[info]revmeup in [info]newalliance

Who: Harley Quinn and The Joker
When: Early 2011
Where: A hideout beneath Axis Chemicals.
What: The Joker is working on his most clever scheme yet! And Harley decides to interfere with some couple bullsh!t
Rating: PG-13. Possibly R. We’ll see!
Notes: Started in GDocs. Finishing here.

Some girls try too hard to impress with the way that they dress, with those things on their chest and the things they suggest )

[info]hulkling_altman in [info]newalliance

Who: Bart, Billy, Teddy, open to Tommy!
When: Sunday afternoon!
Where: New York Mall
What: Bart is still looking for girl advice.
Rating: PG-13

I know you guys aren't into girls, but... )

[info]nothawkette in [info]newalliance

Who: Titans
Where: The Clubhouse.
When: Sep. 29th. [evening]
What: They discuss team titles and mentors and things.
Rating: PG-13

It had been a long and arduous trial. )

[info]agentpcoulson in [info]newalliance

Who: Phil Coulson & Kate Bishop
When: Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012
Where: Off-site SHIELD training facility, New York City
What: Agent Assessment
Rating: PG

putting you through your paces )