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Dec. 19th, 2013


014 ☄ video | action;

[ When the feed starts, it is obvious that Kirk is feeling better. Color is back in his face and minus the stiff way he moves? He looks like his old self. Almost. There's still the lingering signs that he's fighting off the sickness--or his body is adapting to it. Whatever. ]

Hey, Mandalus. [ A nod. ] For those who don't know me? My name is Captain James T. Kirk. And, if you're new to the city and we haven't had the pleasure of meeting? Welcome to the city and the war. Not that it's really where any of us want to be. We all have something going on back home that we'd like to attend to. If you have any questions that haven't been answered about the city? You're more than welcome to ask.

Also? Take a moment to look at the sky if you haven't. That should put this whole war into context. [ Those who look at the sky will note that it looks like it's cracked and broken open in branch like patterns. ]

Down to business. The fact is? The city isn't under control of the Cult but the Starport is. What little we do know of Mandalus' past is that they operated in space for a time. There is evidence of trading with other planets. What remains of that culture is the Starport, but there has always been something else there too. Something that messes with the scans of even the most advanced ship of the fleet of my universe, the USS Enterprise. Whatever that is? I'm pretty sure that is the reason why they're still at the Starport.

I need a team of people willing to go in with me and stop whatever it is they are up to. It might be the chance we need to disrupt their plans and get a step ahead in this war.

[ He lets out a deep sigh, wondering what the hell else he can add to this. ] Also, for new people? If you start feeling sick? Make sure you visit either Dr. Leonard McCoy or Dr. Julian Bashir. Your bodies aren't adapting to the planet fully if you are showing symptoms of extreme illness. The doctors have figured out a fix for it. Make sure you take them up on the offer.

Stark, I think we also need to finish our conversation about that network idea you had. [ A grin goes out to Tony Stark. ]

Kirk out.

[ Encrypted Private Message to the Enterprise Crew ] )

Nov. 19th, 2013


013 ☄ encrypted video | action;

[ The feed kicks on, showing the face of the not missed James T. Kirk. He looks pretty bad: beaten up face, pale and clammy skin, and his arm is in a sling while the shoulder is very bandaged up. The lesson to be learned? Don't get arrested in a ill-cared for prison after you try to save someone from flower mutant zombies. ]

Mandalus, this is Captain Kirk. It's been awhile. [ He manages a grin--after all, this is Jim Kirk. He's got to make everyone think he's better than he actually is. ] There's pretty much a lot to report and not a whole lot of security. Anyone with technical knowledge ever figure out how to get these messages encrypted from the Cult?

[ He glances up as a citizen walks by, carrying medical supplies. ] For those that knew her? Lieutenant Uhura, a member of my crew, has been sent home. Hopefully we'll all be following her soon.

Mary Margaret and David Nolan--also known as Snow White and Prince Charming--have gone home as well. I tried contacting them earlier and received no answer. I'm going to assume then there's no leadership present for our current militia forces. We're going to need to organize ourselves and fast to take this Madam Morris down. We'll let the citizens of the city try her, punish her, whatever we need to do but she's got to be taken out.

Then I'm going for my ship.

We'll need volunteers and people willing to storm the Central District. If you're interested? Come down by the warehouse. Every phone has been sent a data file with the address. You can thank the people at this 7th Heaven place for getting it set up. Oh, and medical personal? You'll be needed here too. We've got injured on both us and the C'Meni side. Thankfully the assault team got us out of that prison place.

[ Kirk closes his eyes and lets out along breath. He's exhausted but, since when has that ever stopped him? Read: never. ] Once we've taken out Morris and we have access to the Spaceport? We're going to find a way to end this damn war. I want information on everything we've got about the Cult, the Serpent, Mandalus--all of it. It's time to end this war and get our people home.

Kirk out.

[ Those who decide to visit will see a warehouse that looks abandoned on the outside. Minus the task force that has been set to protect it--comprised of citizens who are sympathetic to the C'Meni and Honored Guests and any Guests that have offered their services. ]

Oct. 25th, 2013


012 ☄ accidental video;

[ The feed is activated as the phone falls to the ground, nestled against the wall to show Kirk kneeling down beside a young woman who is crying and holding her arm. He's dressed in something that is completely different from his uniform. He gently pulls her arm from against her chest, looking at the fresh bite mark on her arm. He frowns and looks around, pulling out his phaser--light beaming red.

Then the phone goes sliding across the ground as a screech is heard. A "clicker" jumps across the screen straight at them. The woman screams and the shots of the phaser can be hard. ]

Crap. [ Kirk curses, and he can be seen shoving the beast off him and can be seen grabbing his shoulder. He turns then to look at the woman who is frantically grabbing her cell phone and dialing a number. ] Hey, wait a second. We're on your--[ sirens can be heard in the distance. Kirk swears again and helps the girl up. ]

[ The door to the business in the alleyway opens and a cook comes out. He and Kirk share angry words before the man shoves Kirk up against a wall and pins him there. The last thing heard is the sound of doors opening and heavy footsteps pounding on the ground.

Captain Kirk has been arrested. ]

Sep. 27th, 2013


011 ☄ voice | text | action for enterprise crew;

Attention, Mandalus. While I'm positive you all know who I am by this point, this is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise. We all have plenty of things going on at the moment, so I'll make this short and to the point. Especially since there's no point in re-announcing what the Cult has already shown us.

[ Kirk pauses. ] A few weeks ago we hosted a camping trip. Myself, a member of my crew, and a few others investigated a series of strange readings we picked up on our handheld scanners. We can say for certain now that the small residence we found outs in the forest did belong to the System before they went missing. All evidence points to it being a study - if not residence - to the member of the System known as Praenuntius. You might all know him as the creepy guy in the hood.

Inside his study we found several books. My science officers - the few that we do have - spent the last few days getting reports together. There were plenty of books and items that we believe to have properties that magic users here in Mandalus will be able to identify. However, there were some books that I believe you all will want to have copies of. It seems Praenuntius was reading, if not taking notes, on all of our homeworlds. We've managed to digitize them and upload them to the ship's computer, so if you want a copy of what he had about your world? I'll make sure we send it to you.

He also kept a journal of the current events of the city up until the point they went missing. As well as what my science officers believe to be cook books. Or something like them at least. I suggest you get in contact with us so I know exactly to send to you all.

We've also done some scanning on those cracks in the sky. Anyone who is curious or has a background in science? Get a hold of me. We need more hands on with this study.

Beyond that... this curfew is a real thing. If anyone needs to get to safety before the curfew starts? Call us. I have the transporter room standing by to pick up anyone that needs a place for the night. We can try to transport you from the ship to anywhere you want to stay if you don't like the idea of being on a futuristic spaceship.

Kirk out.

[ Private Encoded to Tony Stark ] )

[ Private Encoded to Dean & Sam Winchester ] )

[ Private Encoded to Thor Odinson ] )

[ Private Encoded Snow White, Queen Elizabeth I, Prince Charming ] )

Jul. 28th, 2013


010 ☄ accidential audio -> video;


The sound echos through on the network. There is the sound of metal hitting the floor, then a large thud following it. A warning beep follows and the voices of a man and a woman come through, mumbled but still present. Then the sound cuts out.

Not long after, the video feature turns on. James Kirk is staring into the feed, his eyes set, a frown on his face. The expression is hard to read on the pale face, but it's clear he is angry, terrified, and worried all at once. Maybe a few other emotions thrown in that Kirk can't even properly describe himself. He's leaning up against the bed in Sickbay, holding the device in one hand as the male nurse holds him up period. ]

Someone tell me what the hell is going on! [ He barks it out like an order, not a request. He's shaking, but not disorientated. In fact he looks far more alert than he should.

His crew is dead. He has seen Kaylee and McCoy's accidental posts on the network. He's seen the news announcements. His crew is dead. After everything--how is he even back--what is going on? ]

Captain, you're not--

I want answers! Get off me. I'm fine! [ And right as he says that, his legs give out and the nurse has to catch him. Another walks over and uses a hypospray right in his neck. His favorite! ] I said get off me, that's an order! Will someone tell me why they're dea--[ the nurse cuts the feed. ]

Jul. 14th, 2013


009 ☄ accidental video;

--Move aside! Clear the area!

[ The phone lays on the ground inside of the Avasata Station. The camera points upwards, showing an emergency response team huddle down next to the phone. They pull off their bags and start shifting through the medical tools, many resembling tools from modern earth. ]

We've got no pulse! Revive him!

There's signs of radiation poisoning!

We can treat it when we get to the hospital! For now, revive him and keep him steady on the way there!

[ The emergency team goes in and out of view from the camera. ] Clear! [ There is a sharp inhale of breath and a gasp, followed by coughing. ] Stabilize him!

He's fading fast!

Get him back! Get him back!
[ A few seconds pass before the coughing resumes and a hand passes over the camera, a long sleeved black shirt covering the arm of it. ]

--ship... where's my--[ the voice is barely audible over the working team and the people huddled around in a circle. ]--is she... Spock, did he tell--

He's responding! Quick, prep him for transfer.

[ The hand reaches up, obviously struggling to move as it grasps onto the nearest emergency responder. A young woman. She looks down at Jim Kirk, reaching up and putting her hand over his. ]

My crew... are they--

[ The young woman quickly takes the medical device from her co-worker and leans forward, pressing it into Kirk's neck. Her other hand then presses itself against his wrist. ] Pulse stabilizing. But we need to expel the radiation before it deteriorates his body further.

[ Suddenly, lights swirl around Kirk's visible arm. The young woman pulls back. Everything goes white. The next thing the phone shows is the ceiling of the transporter room of the USS Enterprise. A medical team wearing white hazard suits, and hauls Kirk up. The phone catches just a brief glance of him, looking weak and barely holding on. ]

Jun. 27th, 2013


008 ☄ voice | filtered away from john harrison;

[ Prepare yourselves, Mandalus, for the lovely voice of Captain Perfect Hair Kirk. ]

Attention Mandalus. This is James Kirk, Captain of the Federation starship the USS Enterprise. If I've missed any newcomers to the city while our expedition was taking place? Welcome to Mandalus. I'm sure by now you know the whole story that most of us get fed when we arrive.

[ He pauses. ] For those who don't know, my crew held an expedition into the Mandalus Crater, the site that was once the Plantation and about eighty percent of the Residential District. Myself, two members of my crew, and two teams of volunteers entered the crater to find out why the Serpent attacked that part of the city specifically. Now that we've concluded the gathering of data? I can confirm that not only was the expedition a success, but the System has been withholding key information.

[ cut for size ] )

[ Kirk again pauses, this time as if he's looking at someone else on the bridge. ] The last announcement I have is regarding Commander John Harrison from Starfleet. I'm not sure how many of you came into contact with Harrison after he arrived, but, it is my duty to inform you that the man you met was an act. John Harrison is not a ranking officer in Starfleet. He is a war criminal from our world. He is a terrorist who has killed numerous people on Earth. This man is in custody and dangerous. If any of you have questions regarding Harrison, I'll answer what I can. The information I have is limited due to the fact he is from my personal future.

...Look. This is getting long, so let's wrap this up. We are holding a memorial service for the people that the Serpent killed. Men, women, children. I'd like your support in this. Come to the Spaceport on the 29th at 1700 hours. I'm sure the natives will welcome the gesture.

Bridge crew of the Enterprise. I need to speak to each and every one of you. Queen Elizabeth I, if you have a moment, you and I need to talk as well.

Kirk out. [ With that, the feed ends. ]

Jun. 10th, 2013


007 ☄ video | attmepted filter away from the System;

As I'm sure you all are aware, I'm Captain James T. Kirk of the United Federation starship Enterprise. If you didn't before? Now you do. If you're new here and I haven't had the opportunity to speak to you? Welcome to Mandalus.

I've got a few things to address, so, this may take awhile. [ Kirk is sitting in his quarters at his desk, a small frown on his face. Though it's pretty obvious by just looking at his eyes he's way more upset than he's letting on. ] It seems whatever phenomenon that caused the sky to rip apart has finally run its course. Our scans indicated that it was a barrier around the planet itself - possibly going into deep space - that ripped open. The actual barrier that goes out into the mountains and ocean around the city remained intact. According to the reports from all the safe houses? Everyone who flooded the city during this anomaly has returned to their homes... [ he pauses then. ] Two of my crew members went back home with the flock of people. I'm sure you all met others that appeared then disappeared. My condolences for your loses.

[ Kirk looks down and bites the inside of his lip. It bothers him more than he's going to say that Spock and Uhura are gone. Five months without more of his crew than Bones, then they're ripped away again? That's not okay. Still, he has to be objective in all this. The crew he has in Mandalus needs him to be a captain. ]

We're going to investigate further what happened, but it apparently is connected to the vision that Praenuntius had a week or so ago. Speaking of that bastard. [ Kirk finally gives a grin. ] I had a talk with him when he announced his vision; namely about the barrier and what is beyond it.

According to him? The System can't leave the city. That barrier is meant to keep everyone in and everything else out. The barrier is also in the atmosphere, so I'll be running tests on altitude with the shuttles. Beyond the barrier is what is left of the planet from constant bombardment of the Serpent, making the city truly this planet's last stand. The mass destruction caused the atmosphere to be toxic, but I don't buy any of that until I have proof of it.

It's possible that there are other planets with life in them, but Mandalus is incapable of contacting them so long as that barrier is up. I'll bet money that's also what is messing up the Enterprise's sensors. There is something in the shield that keeps the Serpent from destroying it, but only Entity knows where the location of the shield is. Most likely Its the only one who knows where the device is that brings us here. There was also information relevant to the Starport. I'll share that with anyone who is interested.

[ He leans back in his seat. ] Here's the thing. We're only going to get answers if we find them ourselves. I'm not about to trust the word of people who dragged us here and told us to fight a war. Which is why I'm setting up expeditions for exploring. It's what my crew is supposed to be doing out in space, and it's time we found some answers. Me, two of my current crew members, and whoever else volunteers will be going and exploring the crater the Serpent left in the Residential District. I want to know why he destroyed that part of the city and nowhere else. It might give us some clues as to how this bastard thinks.

If you're interested? Get back to be before the end of the week so we can prep the shuttles. [ He gives a nod. ] Kirk out.

May. 17th, 2013


006 ☄ accidental video;

[NIGHTMARE NARRATIVE cause it's huge] )

[ The feed kicks on as the phone goes flying. It lands on the ground, showing Kirk sitting up right in his quarters, breathing heavily. He's covered in sweat and for once in the lives of many? He looks afraid. Slowly he eases into a relaxed state before throwing the sheets off his bed, covering the phone. ]

Son of a bitch.

[ The feed goes quiet. Then a few minutes later, Kirk re-activates the feed. ] This has gone on long enough. If anyone has any information on these Nightmares? I want it. We're finding a way of stopping them. We're going to find the Cult, the Serpent, and we're going to stop them.

[ Despite how shaken he looks? He's still determined. ] Anyone interested in making an expedition group? Let me know. Once we stop these god damn nightmares? We're moving on to the next one.

[ And the feed ends. Members of the crew, or people that often hang out at the Enterprise, can find Kirk stalking the hallways aimlessly. ]

May. 9th, 2013


005 ☄ accidental video+action;

[ The audio function turns on as Kirk accidentally bumps into the side of a bar, evident by the thump. The sounds of music, clinking of beers, and general chatter floods the speakers until a female voice over rides them. ]

If you're the Jim Kirk I think you are, that means you have a huge space ship. Doesn't it?

[ Kirk chuckles. ] What makes you think my ship is here in Mandalus? Last I checked? The System isn't fond of giving us what we want.

You can't call yourself a captain without a ship, Capta--

Call me Jim. Please. I insist. [ The grin is obvious in his tone. There's a squeak in the chair as he leans forward. ] I can call myself captain, you know. I've got the uniform with the rank and everything. Maybe you should come see it sometime. Along with the spaceship.

Don't be stupid, Jim. No one is going to go out there. [ A loud clank is heard as the woman puts her glass on the counter. ] You know what the stories say about the spaceport.

[ He doesn't know. He stands up, the sound of the dragging chair going over the post. ] What, like ghost stories? Come on. You know I could protect you from anything that bumps in the night. Unless the thing that's bumping is me. [ The woman laughs suddenly, but then it dies as another clank is heard. ] Is there something I can do for you?

This foreigner giving you trouble, Cassie?

[ Kirk snorts. ] Foreigner? Is that what you guys are calling us now? You should show a little gratitude towards us. We're here to fix something you can't--Jim--No, no, it's fine. He thinks I'm being rude to you, Cassie. He just needs to learn when two people are having a nice conversation--

[ Suddenly, there's a scream of surprise and the sound of crashing of tables. The device rolls out of Kirk's pocket to show Kirk leaning against the bar, a red head trying to pull a man in a cowboy hat away from Kirk. Kirk stands up and wipes at his bleeding lip. Then he straightens his jacket. ]

God damn it, Jim. [ Bones is heard off screen but he comes into view soon enough, raising his hands to the man in the cowboy hat. ] Look, how about we all calm down and get our egos in check.

[ He gives Kirk a slight tug to pull him along and out of harm's way. ] Come on, Jim, let's leave the loud and aggressive native alone. [ With a look towards the man in the hat, he almost smirked.] Don't mind him, he gets grouchy when he has to deal with overblown morons. [ And now would be a good time to split before they both get their heads bashed in. ]

You wanna run that one by me again, old man? [ Kirk holds his hand up between the two. He then grins at McCoy, turning and looking at the man in the hat. ] When you want to thank us for saving your city? You'll know where to find us. Cassie! [ Kirk turns to the red head. ] Call me.

[ Then McCoy drags Kirk off screen. ]

(( ooc: you can meet up with Kirk and McCoy at the bar, or reply in over the network! Replies will be coming from both men! ))

Feb. 27th, 2013


004 ☄ video/action;

[ Kirk turns on the feed, standing in the ruins of the Residential District. Behind him? A shuttlecraft from the USS Enterprise. ]

This is Kirk. If anyone needs assistance out of the Residential District to the hospital, I'm here in the outskirts of the ruins. Anyone who is on rescue missions? Let me know and I'll give you whatever assistance I can.

[ His jaw snaps shut and his teeth grind slightly as he struggles with biting back anger, horror at what's happened, and the sense of loss. Somehow? He feels as if he should have done more to protect people. Especially the ones who are wearing Bangles. ]

Whoever thinks we're not in a war? This is your wake up call. Don't think that this thing isn't dangerous or serious about its mission. [ Kirk lets out a slow exhale. ] Kirk out.

Feb. 11th, 2013


003 ☄ video;

[ Kirk flips the video on the phone, and it's clear that the young Captain has gotten anything but actual sleep in awhile. He reaches up and runs a hand down his face. ]

It looks like things have settled down for now, but, I don't think we should relax too much. I'm sure all of you don't need to be reminded that we're at war. We should be prepared at all times for something like last week to happen again. For the people who have been here from the start, this is probably old news. So, let me give you some new news.

[ He sets the phone down on the desk he's at, hands on the surface and leaning on it to look down at the screen. ] I'm going to be starting a series of projects. It's time we make headway in this war and get people home. I know Commander Shepard has a militia, so that's a start. We need to focus on the rest of it. The only way we're going to get anywhere is if we're all working together.

[ Kirk gives a sigh and shakes his head. He's exhausted. ] I'm going to be making a guide to the city. I'm surprised we don't have one yet. This guide is going to be something we can hand out to anyone who shows up here. It'll give the basics of what's going on, the who is who, but I'd also like it to include what we're doing. Businesses, organizations, anything that is going to help someone settle in. Who is hiring, who needs the help, where they can go for medical needs. All of that. So, if you guys can send me the information of your businesses or services, I'll make sure to include it. I'll be sending it out to everyone once it's completed.

[ Then he looks up at something, possibly a view screen on board the Enterprise. ] Next? I think we need to start getting into this city and finding out what the hell is actually going on. Beings, no matter their race, don't attack people just because they can. There is always a reason behind it. We need to start exploring this city, gathering information, and sharing it between all of us. There's obviously something in the Underground if the army came from there and there's gotta be more to this spaceport than ruins and some working docking ports. Anyone who is interested let me know. We'll figure out who works with what and who, then meet up at some point in the future to share what we've found.

[ He reaches forward and grabs the phone. ] Most of us have something we need to get back home to. I don't believe in just sitting around and waiting for things to happen. Otherwise we're just going to end up stuck here as long as they want us to be. Let's get home. [ He pauses and nods to himself. ] Kirk out.

Jan. 28th, 2013


002 ☄ video;

[ Good thing that Kirk was on his way to the Spaceport when The Serpent made its appearance. The ground shakes and he nearly falls off the Mandalay, but he manages to make it across as the sky splits open. He rushes inside, intent on making contact with Shepard about what's happening--then he's distracted. Kirk enters bay 45 and finds the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 waiting for him. With that knowledge in mind, his eyes on his ship, Kirk takes the phone out and makes a quick executive decision. ]

I'm sure you've all seen and heard what started happening at 0300 hours this morning. [ Kirk glances up again, his gaze going off screen to the Enterprise. ] This goes without saying, but it looks like the war has come knocking on our doors. I say we fight back.

[ A pause as he mulls something over--but seems to quickly decide what he'll say. ] For the people who haven't met me? My name is Captain James T. Kirk of the Federation starship Enterprise. Given the newest edition to the Starport this morning, I'm going to offer any assistance that I can to anyone who is going to need it. We have room for any potential medical needs and can find a way to get people to your location if you need help.

[ Using the teleporter to move people from place to place without being detected? Damn right that is what Kirk is offering. ]

If any of you are interested in stopping this army? Let me know. I have a few ideas in mind. [ Kirk tosses out that cocky grin. ] Message me over the phones if you need any assistance. Kirk out.

[private to lt. commander leonard mccoy] )

Jan. 14th, 2013


001 ☄ accidental video-->video;

[ The phone clicks on as there is the sound of a scuffle. A second later one of the security guards from the Station is shown falling to the ground from a punch--then another. The phone itself falls to the ground and a shot of a golden shirt is briefly seen as the owner falls due to another punch. The phone shuts off then.

Some time later it turns back on. James T. Kirk reaches up and brushes the blood off his swollen lip. ]

Right. Let's try it this way. [ He mumbles to himself, shrugging a jacket on over his gold shirt uniform. Not to mention the jacket is one that belongs to the security guards of Mandalus. There's a glance he sends around him before looking down at the phone in his hand. It looks like 21st Century technology--meaning that these people probably haven't gotten close to the warp-technology. oh, boy. ]

So, I'm not really sure what is going on? These guys just grabbed me--[ Kirk points behind him, gesturing to where the security was before the fist fight happened. ]--and stuck me with this needle. What, is that just normal for you guys? You just pick some random guy off the street and drag him to a dark room then stick a damn needle in his neck?! Aren't there medical procedures against that sort of thing? I mean, come on!

[ Deciding it's probably not best to go off into a rant, Kirk takes a look around the Station again. Judging his current position, if it's possible to even contact anyone from the Federation. No communicator, and if this planet really is at the 21st Century level of technology? That's not going to work. With a frown set on his face, Kirk turns his attention back to the phone. ]

If anyone could tell me what the hell is happening? I'd really appreciate it. [ Kirk pauses and rubs the side of his jaw. ] If you could also tell me where I can find the people in charge of this place? That'd be even better. Thanks in advance. You know, for the information.

[ Then he ends the feed. ]

Jan. 13th, 2013


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