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Jan. 2nd, 2014


[Video] [Public] [Accidental]

[Howard never seems to know when he has this thing on, but it doesn't matter because right now he's not even looking at the camera. He had been reaching for a pencil, it seemed, and he was frowning as he glanced at the readings on his screen.]

...that can't be right. Why would the barrier be showing this if the earthquake came from below us? And what does that have to do with the blizzard?

[He is muttering to himself, twirling the pencil in his hand, and he starts to write furiously. Calculations can be seen by the way he has the page angled, and he runs one hand through his dark hair, mussing the dark waves.]

[He called out behind him, to some unseen assistant.] Someone get me the chalkboards! [He glanced over at his notes again.] And a barrel filled with coffee. This is an all-nighter.

Oct. 15th, 2013


[Video] [Accidental]

[Your scene - a shaky camera angle of Stark Labs, where Howard is literally shoving crates to people outside of the window, who are loading them into a truck. One crate opens at the lid, showing a variety of Stark-brand weapons, and he's pushing it out with the rest.]

[There is a banging at the door, and harsh yelling.] Open up, in the name of the Serpent!

[Howard glowers at the door, but he doesn't waste time. He gets the last crate out, and hisses out to those loading the truck.] Take the back entrance. Get that to Stark Tower - they'll know who to get those weapons to. Now go, now! I'll hold them off.

[He goes for his desk, where he pulls out a sleek, silver weapon, and aims it at the door. It sends out a thin stream of frost and ice, freezing the door shut. The banging gets louder, then it goes quiet. Howard exhales, looking towards the window. They have gotten away, because the relief is palatable on his face, but then he frowns. There is the flash of Serpent uniforms trying to climb outside.]

[He's trapped, and he knows it. So he sets his jaw, and grabs his jacket. No one will take Howard Stark unprepared, so he pulls on his coat and smooths down his hair. Then he leans against his desk, where the phone is still recording, and waits for his last few minutes of freedom.]

[The sound of glass breaking fills the feed.]

Aug. 5th, 2013


[Video] [Public]

Hello my fellow Honored Guests and our triumphant friends and allies ... this is Howard Stark speaking. [Howard looked up from his desk, where he was building a device.] As you all know, thanks to our C'Meni friends, we are down one Serpent. However, a couple of issues still remain -- and for me that's those strange white lines that appeared above our space shield. I'm building some scanners to see if we can find out what exactly these are, but it would be a lot more helpful if we could find a way to safely get some samples.

[He gestured to the device before him.] Hence, what you see here. Now, as soon as I've got this prototype up and running, I'm going out to the bubble and doing some scans. I need some other eyes and help carrying the equipment -- anyone up for a small jaunt out to the country?

Jun. 30th, 2013


[Video] [Audio]

[Howard's voice, and handsome face, appear on a Mandalus-wide video, as he grins his million-watt smile.]

Good Sunday, people of Mandalus! You have all hosted us through a variety of your festivals and important religious days, and for that we are most grateful and humbled. So in return, I would like to invite you to celebrate one of my favorite holidays back home - the Fourth of July. It is a true story of how a tiny nation of just thirteen states fought against the British government to win their independence, and give birth to the United States of America, the home of many of your visitors here. Ask any American here, and they'll be glad to tell you the tale. I think you will find it very familiar, in your own struggle against the beastly Serpent.

I will be throwing a lavish bash for several hundred of my nearest and dearest - and afterwards - I shall honor the entire city of Mandalus with a fireworks display. So please, feel free to visit your local parks and wooded malls, to see the lighted display that I dedicate to you, and all of yours.

((OOC: The party will start on Tuesday, July 3rd, that way people have the opportunity to post over the weekend to it. If you know Howard, then you're invited. If you want to ask Howard if you are, feel free to post. Trust me, he knows how to throw Gatsby level shindigs.))

Jun. 29th, 2013



Audio message|| Steve Rogers )

Audio message || Tony Stark )

Audio Message || Maria  )

May. 30th, 2013


[Video] [Public]

[The video was turned on to span over a large building in the art deco style of the 1940's. Sleek, white stone was stretched over the entire building, and there was something graceful yet utilitarian about the construction. Yes, this was a building where fantastic things happened - but it was also practical. No part of this structure was just for decoration - more like experimentation.

Which why this new building in the business district should surprise no-one with the large lighted lettering of STARK LABORATORIES on the side. Or a very pleased Howard Stark popping his face on the screen.]

Well. I can safely say I'm in business. Also, if I've got any scientific minds out there - I am hiring. And for you resellers out there... I am looking for modern equipment. I believe you all know the address.

May. 14th, 2013



[The sound of fingers scrambling against the phone, and Howard's panicked voice.] We need to get out! All of us! Run! Run for the fields! It's the only way we'll survive -- oh god ... OH GOD it's too late ... it's melting everything ... everything...

[He gasps out, horrifed, distant and muffled.] Oh Maria, Tony ... I am so sorry ... I am so sorry ... I never thought they would turn it on us. I never thought ....

May. 9th, 2013


[Video] [Public]

[The video opens to one of the fields outside of Mandalus proper itself, with Howard in in rolled up shirt sleeves, tie neatly knotted and his suspenders glinting in the daylight. He is in front of a device that looks something like ... well. Like an organ, but all the pipes are the same size. He is checking the readouts on a carefully put together control board, and the other hand is holding up the camera.]

...All right, first test run of the Stark Firestar propulsion unit, version 2.0. This is the small scale version of the first siege weapon that Stark Enterprises is producing in Mandalus.

[He turned a few knobs, muttering under his breath.] Keeping power input at twenty five percent -- I set up a target out in the middle of this field, to test the firing capabalities. Shouldn't really do much more than graze the thing ... but I can adjust the torque and power output as needed.

[He slipped his goggles over his head, grinning at the camera.] Gotta love science, right?

[He flipped the switch, and the tubes slowly lowered down into firing position, and then proceeded to spit out fireballs at an accelerated rate. Howard's eyebrows rose, and he turned off the machine quickly before turning the camera towards ... well, what remained of the target. And the fence behind it. And ... the cow...]

...Right. Power output. Need to tweak that.

Apr. 27th, 2013


[Public] [Unknown video]

[The camera turns on in the streets, where the festival banners are still lighting every door, and a crowd is gathered in quiet wonder, watching a man put back together an outdoor generator using a handful of tools. His suit jacket is on the ground, along with his dress shirt and tie, and he's twisting something into place with his fingers as sweat beads his forehead and his shoulders. A fiercely pleased grin passes his mustached face.] Think we've ... got it.

[The generator clicks back on with a smooth purr, and the lights up and down the street turn on, glowing brighter than before. The man nods with a quiet pleasure, taking a glass of water and a cloth to clean his hands with a grin from a grateful Mandalus street citizen.] Can't have the party stop over something simple like that -- now - you said there was a problem with some of the rides, near the festival? I'll be glad to look at them - Howard. Howard Stark. I'm a mechanical engineer, if anyone's hiring?

[He grins again and the crowd laughs, as he gathers up his things.] You joke, but a fellow's got to fill his stomach - anyways, let's get to work, eh?

Apr. 12th, 2013


[Unknown Video]

[When the video turns on, it's looking down at a well-shined pair of fine leather shoes from a long ago age. There is a quiet muttering as someone shifts the view of the camera back and forth.]

Intricate electrical relays ... my god, this is really a communication device. Miniaturized microphone, speaker, all put within this tiny device. Incredible. How in the world did they get these so small? The technology is astounding ... oh, what I wouldn't give for my lab ...
wait, what's that? A tiny movie camera?

[The phone is turned over to see a handsome young man in his thirties, dressed in a fine suit. Dark eyes, dark pencil mustache and dark hair with a face that will familiar to some more than most. That man whistles softly as he tilts the camera back and forth.] Incredible. A moving picture device made the size to fit in your hand - now I really want my lab.

[He looks up, gaze narrowing.] If I have to be kidnapped anywhere, at least someplace with fascinating devices. Now, if I could only get a screwdriver...

Jan. 13th, 2013


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