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Feb. 7th, 2014



[Action to Stark Tower] )

[ The message pops up on the Network in the morning after sunrise. It's simple and, to those who may know what is going on? It's easy to understand what is going on. ]

I've found some information that everyone who wants to help Tony Stark might be interested in. Just let me know and I'll send it over.

When I wake up? There better be tons of balloons waiting for me. Enough to make me properly embarrassed. I'm sure everyone will know where I am at this point. Dean made it not so much of a secret about what's going on.

I just wanted to say thank you. For helping us and really understanding what this means. Sorry in advance too. I'm not sure what's going to happen after this all stops. You'll figure it out though. I know you will.

[Action to the Doctor] )

Jan. 30th, 2014


003 ☆ RE: text | voice;

[ Private Text to Tony Stark ] )

[ Private Text to Bruce Banner ] )

[ Private Voice to the Doctor ] )

Mandalus. This is Clara Oswald. I'm here with Dean and the others.

We need help with what we're doing. If you have any questions or want to volunteer? Let me know. Okay? We'll talk it over and hopefully we can get this done. We don't have a lot of time anymore.

Jan. 15th, 2014


002 ☆ RE: accidental video

[ Well hello, Mandalus! The sun is shining. Or it would be if it wasn’t somewhere around 3 in the morning. And inside. Whatever--have a nice view of Clara’s room. And, more importantly, a fully dressed, cowboy-hat wearing Doctor practically looming over her bed in excitement.

On the count of one, two, three--aaaand there goes Clara’s sheets since the Doctor has just yanked them away.

Good morning, Clara! Time to wake up. You will never guess what I’ve got. [ How is this even recording? Simple: something knocked Clara’s communicator off the shelf before all of this. ]

[ Honestly, it was the sheer blast of cold air then the Doctor’s shouting that makes Clara bolt up into bed. A small cry of surprise escapes from her. Hair an absolute mess, her instinct she has is to grab the blankets back from the cowboy hat wearing alien in her bedroom. ]

Haven’t you heard of knocking?! Or at least asking someone politely to wake up?! [ Yes, she’s shouting. She holds the blankets over her chest and glares up at the Doctor before squinting. ] Where did you find the cowboy hat?

[ No answer--mainly because the Doctor has the biggest grin this side of the Cheshire Cat and is as enthusiastic as a five year old dizzy on lemonade. Arms stretched wide, gesturing to the video feed’s direction and even a little bit of spirit fingers. It’s a miracle he doesn’t just go ‘ta-daaaaa~’ ]

[ Clara’s mouth opens just a bit in surprise before she shoves herself out of the bed. Her hands go straight on the Doctor’s shoulders, trying to turn him round and push him towards where he’s gesturing. ]

You parked it in my room! [ Then she stops, drops her hands, which go right under her bust. ] Hang on. Why didn’t it make the sound? The one it makes when it lands. Why didn’t it wake me up? [ She has that demanding tone in her voice as the volume raises, eying him suspiciously. ]

[ Because he may have been tinkering with the cloaking device… But instead of answering that the Doctor just grabs her by the hands and pulls her up, up, up! ]

This sexy old girl is back and ready for action. A few test runs and she’ll be good as new and I can get everyone out of here, eh? [ He’s excited. So very excited, he looks like he’s about to start hovering as he squeezes both her hands as hard as he can. ]

[ Sometimes it’s hard to be angry at the Doctor when he acts like a giddy school boy. She can’t help the fond smile on her face at his excitement. Clara would reach out and touch the TARDIS if he didn’t have a hold of her hands so tightly. Still, being the bubbling personality masking a bossy control freak that she is-- ] You could of showed me without parking it in my bedroom! How long has it been here? I’m in my nightie still! We can’t go test driving when I’m not even dressed!

You look fine, we have a multiverse to explore and I, for one, would like some answers. Come along, Clara, come along! [ Aaaaand dragging her on to his space ship. Is he ever going to be disappointed when it doesn’t work. ]

Dec. 18th, 2013


001 ☆ RE: voice -> video

[ Being escorted to beach is not what Clara was expecting when she stepped out of the TARDIS after the Doctor--her Doctor. Not the one with the suit or the one who fought all those wars. The one she knows. Clara isn't really sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't a beach with snow--hang on, snow?--and a fellow in a robbed outfit talking to her. ]

Sorry. Hang on. I was just somewhere else. Now I'm here. On a beach. With snow. [ The audio is on, but it is obvious that Clara and the person she's talking to don't notice. The man actually speaks in hushed tones that the phone can't pick up. ] Okay. Where's the Doctor? I was just with him--wait. Did you say...?

Yes, my Honored Guest. Mandalus.

[ There's a long silence. Clara feels as if a truck hits her with a sudden wave of memories. Mandalus--that was the place with the war. Wasn't it? She's lived way too many lives and normally memories from them don't even hit her. Except she knows that it wasn't some echo in Mandalus. It was her. Clara Oswald, the Soufflé Girl. If she remembers right? There's no point in actually asking to be sent home or where the Doctor is. She's somewhere else and she'll eventually go home. Just like she did before.

The video clicks on to show a slightly older looking Clara. ]

Hi... there. [ Oh, awkward. ] My name is Clara Oswald and I've been here before. Blimey, that was a long time ago it seems. Almost like lifetimes. [ Haha, in jokes. ] Anyways that isn't important. What's important is that someone tells me what's happened since I was gone. Did we win? Is that snake thing gone? And has the beach always had a ton of snow, or is that new?

[ Clara bites her lip. ] Ellie, Dean, you're still here, yeah? [ Hopefully, oh and-- ] Tony, Donna? Please tell me someone is still here. Someone I knew from before.

[ Then with a hesitant wave, Clara turns off the video and starts to try to wade through the snow. Although she is totally not dressed for snow. ]

Oct. 24th, 2013


003 ☆ voice;

--And that should do it. Got it, JARVIS?

Of course, Miss Oswin. The calibrations will only take two minutes and thirty-five seconds to complete.

Brilliant. [ The sound of the phone shuffling can be heard and Clara picks the phone up. ] Right. Sorry it took a few days, guys. We sort of had to find a place to buckle down where the Cult wasn't going to find us easily. But, like JARVIS said! Just about two minutes and your Bangles will be gone. About time too, I hate these bloody things.

[ There is suddenly banging on the door and the sound of muffled voices talking--one is louder than the other and extremely not happy. ] Not so good. Time to get moving again.

If your Bangle doesn't pop off? Call me. I'll go in and specifically unlock your Bangle. Might take a bit of time, seeing as I'm sort of on the run, but we'll get it done. Be careful, guys. The Cult isn't going to be happy about this one.

Oops! [ As the sound of thumping up stairs happens, Clara cuts the call. ]

Jul. 17th, 2013


002 ☆ accidental video | action;

[ Blah blah blah narrative ] )

[ The phone slips out of her pocket and turns on, showing the alleyway as the sun sets over the city. Clara is slowly moving away with the small girl in tow, sticking to the wall and trying to avoid the loud voices that can be heard. ]

Can't wait till we've taken care of these damn Foreigners. Comin' in here and thinkin' they know what the hell is goin' on. Why can't we string 'em all up?

You heard what He said. That's his job. We just take care of the rest.

Still, it would be fun-- [ There is a large clang. Clara comes to a stop, turning and looking at the little girl as she ran straight into a bundle of garbage that hadn't made its destination to the garbage can. The two then look over as there is the sound of running footsteps. Clara picks the girl up and holds her close, turning and running further into the alleyway. She eventually disappears from sight and the phone continues recording as the two Cult members run past. ]

(( ooc: Clara will be responding to replies a few hours later, once she has a new phone. For action replies, you'll find her on her way to Stark Tower--minus Spider-Man~ Be heroic, Spidey! ))

Jun. 12th, 2013


001 ☆ accidental video;

[ Clara stumbles down the steps of the Station. Her hand clutches onto the leaf that she's holding. Her eyes are red from crying, tear streaks still present on her face with her hair being frazzled. She loses her balance on the last stair, crumbling down onto the ground. Clara sits on the the ground, her head pounding in pain. Is it obvious she's hurting? She thinks it might be. Even if it isn't, she looks around helplessly. ]

I don't know where I am. [ Clara says it softly. She's got no idea that the phone has been turned on. It shows the woman looking completely lost... and scared. Clara hates being lost--is she lost? She's sure she is. ] I don't know where I am! Where am I?

[ She managed to grab onto the sleeve of a woman passing by. ] Do you know where I am? The Doctor--do you know the Doctor? I need to save him. Please, just--[ The woman backs away and shakes her off. ]

[ Clara lets out a soft cry, putting her hands to her head as she bends forward, curling into a ball. ]
I don't know who I am. Someone, please, tell me where I am. Doctor? Doctor!

[ Then the feed cuts out. ]

(( ooc: Clara will respond to the replies a few hours later, once Peter Parker has carted her off to somewhere nice to nap. ))

Jan. 13th, 2013


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