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Jun. 30th, 2012


Questions meme - Take 4

You know how it goes!

- Post a question anonymously (about the characters in Kiseki, their relationships, the muns' headcanons, etc)
- Reply to the questions (it's meant to be done OOCly, but if someone replies IC I won't ban them or anything)
- ???
- ... Profit? \o/

Apr. 9th, 2011


Questions meme - Take 3

You know how it goes!

- Post a question anonymously (about the characters in Kiseki, their relationships, the muns' headcanons, etc)
- Reply to the questions (it's meant to be done OOCly, but if someone replies IC I won't ban them or anything)
- ???
- ... Profit? \o/

Jul. 28th, 2010


Questions meme - Take 2

Okay, once again Andrea's responsible for this. Second take on the questions meme o/

You know how it goes!

- Post a question anonymously (about the characters in Kiseki, their relationships, the muns' headcanons, etc)
- Reply to the questions (it's meant to be done OOCly, but if someone replies IC I won't ban them or anything |Db;)
- ... Profit? \o/

Jun. 25th, 2009


Moar memes

OKAY, so. Andrea wanted a meme in which we could ask random questions about the characters, such as which Hogwarts house would they be in or which Pokemon would they be.

And while I forgot to bring it up in chat (she says that geniuses are absent-minded, so I'm going with that), I did come up with a way to make it work o/;


It's quite simple; comment to this entry anonymously, with a question. Then just reply to it /o/ If you can't think of what awesome Digimon your character would turn into/what color of socks they prefer/whatever the heck, simply skip that character. Remember that it's an OOC meme, so you should reply as yourself, not as the chara.

And feel free to make the questions as srs business or as idiotic as you want |Db