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Sep. 18th, 2012


Who: Cerise & Kellan PART 2
What: Running into old work buddies that are not friends at all.
Where: Bar in Vegas
When: Recently!
Warnings: Language.

She’d been one of the hollow-eyed kids he’d been just too old to be when he joined up. More a blessing than a curse - at least his way, the indoctrination hadn’t left unhealable scars. )


Who: Cerise & Kellan PART 1
What: Running into old work buddies that are not friends at all.
Where: Vegas streets, then a bar.
When: Recently, like everything.
Warnings: Language.

Looking straight at him, shoulders back, chin up - visible in the passing lights and without anything but the thin trail of smoke off the end of his cigarette between them, the memories crumbled into place, replacing the dread with shock and surprise and more wariness and a flickering moment of mute horror. )

Sep. 16th, 2012


Who:Ivy, Harley, and baby Belladonna.
What: Harley wants to show off her new daughter, Ivy disapproves. Drugging, betrayal, travel, and hotel kicking commence.
When: Tonight?
Where: Ivy's Greenhouse.
Warnings: None really?

Harley was completely unaware of whatever was happening behind her, knowing that Belladonna was safe with Ivy looking after her. )

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Who: Luke and Brielle
What: A visit.
Where: Jaail.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Saad.

She frowned, sadness threatening moisture in her eyes when she instinctively reached forward. Her fingertips hit the blunt glass between them and that hand fell back to the tabletop, as if she'd forgotten the protective glass was there at all for a moment. )

Aug. 18th, 2012


Who: Wren and Brielle
What: A visit
Where: Jail
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Much sad?

She seemed only to wane and wilt, eyes creasing with sad notes of fondness and regret. No, it should not have happened this way. )

Aug. 5th, 2012


Who: Ivy!Brielle, Selina!Wren, and Bruce!Luke (+ NPCs)
What: Dealing with Brielle's husband does not go according to plan. (part 2)
Where: Brielle's apartment.
When: Continuation of this.
Warnings/Rating: Violence.

Selina recognized the fighting style of the newcomer, rather than the appearance. She didn't have Blondie's help in recognizing Luke Henry, and she only had grainy youtube clips and Brielle's memory to go on. )


Who: Ivy!Brielle, Selina!Wren, and Bruce!Luke (+ NPCs)
What: Dealing with Brielle's husband does not go according to plan. (part 1)
Where: Brielle's apartment.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Violence.

But it wasn't the time for that, because Ivy was finally getting to the reason they were there. Divorce papers, arson charges, and Selina found that the itch she'd been wanting to scratch all day wasn't actually getting any better by being there with David's cheek ground beneath her boot. )

Jul. 26th, 2012


Who: Ivy & the Bat
What: The Bat comes by to pay a grouchy visit.
Where: Ivy's greenhouse.
When: Not long after the mass escape from Arkham, AKA way back when. Leesha & I got mad distracted with memorytimes.
Warnings: None really. Some threats, some of Ivy being Ivy.

Her touch may not have been poison, but her kiss was infamous, and a life spent trusting no one meant that his decision was inevitable. )


Who: Brielle.
What: Reactions followed by some bad news.
Where: Her apartment.
Warnings: A little blood, a little sadness.

Slumped against the carpeting, Brielle took a moment to try and steady herself while in a crumble of poise on hands and knees. )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Brielle / Poison Ivy
What: Memories Plot
Where: Brielle's apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Mornings were preferable, when the sunlight poured in through windows with no curtains and bounced bright off of white walls. She liked the barren living room with the ferns spilling down the windowsill. She liked the cream color of the carpet with its sporadic stains of dirt and water leakage, casualties to the potted flowers and saplings that she'd pushed into most corners. Brielle had spent most of this morning on the phone with her lawyer, organizing the details of a restraining order against her husband, as discussed with Luke. The lawyer gave her instructions for how to file with the local police department, but he followed up with some harrowing news. David's accounts, which she'd been drawing money from in order to pay for the necessities of rent and lawyer fees, had become recently frozen. It would seem that the divorce papers had hit a nerve, and while the lawyer apologized, Brielle was going to have to find new council. She couldn't afford his retainer. Brielle ended the phone call with a thank you of understanding, and she sat cross-legged on the floor for a long minute. A glance to the glass of water beside her proved empty, and it was upon rising that everything began to slip. It felt like a drop in blood pressure, the way vision blurs and your stomach ends up somewhere down by your feet. Swallowing, she staggered, dropping the empty glass rather harmlessly onto the carpet along the way.

Jul. 18th, 2012


Who: Brielle narrative.
What: What she's been up to, and being followed.
Where: All around town.
When: The afternoon before all the forum conversations.
Warnings: None.

There's a dream I can see, I pray it can be. )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Who: Ivy narrative.
What: Drug warehouse overhaul.
When: Tonight.
Where: Gotham's gang district.
Warnings: Violence, assault, etc.

She wasn't an animal of night time or frightful things that went bump with their masks and their capes, she wasn't some nocturnal animal.. or an animal at all really. )

Jun. 14th, 2012


Who: Ivy and Harley and some NPCs lacking good timing.
What: A little jewelry store break-in.
Where: Gotham City.
When: While the Birds & the Bat were busy holding hands and being a family.
Warnings: Mild violence? Lots of links to random jewelry?

Commissioner? If you're listening, you might want to send an ambulance to Foster's Jewelry on Sixth Street.. oh, and thanks for the ride. )

Jun. 10th, 2012


Who: Whoever wishes to attend (Open!)
What: Simon's Party
Where: Mandalay Bay
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: This is a party post. Place locations in subject lines and warn appropriately. Feel free to dibs!

The party was held on the roof of the Mandalay Bay. )

Jun. 5th, 2012


Who: Brielle & Jack.
What: Jack requests a meet with Brielle to give her money she doesn't want.
When: Recently, aprox. the same time that Alex is in/getting out of the hospital.
Where: An abandoned lot at night.
Warnings: None?

Is someone threatening you? )

May. 20th, 2012


Who: Ivy, Harley, Cat + OPEN to anyone in DC (Or their Vegas counterparts)
What: Making a scene
Where: Caesars Palace
When: Las Vegas Plot
Warnings/Rating: Who knows with this crew.
Note: We're going to do separate threads for each of the girls, but feel free to jump into in-progress threads or start new ones.

Dragons were running around, a green thing was destroying hotels, there were dead men walking, and the world still took notice of three scantily clad women on their television screens. )

May. 10th, 2012


Who: Brielle, transitioning into Ivy & Crane.
What: An arrangement. Crane is Ivy's bitch, etc.
Where: Arkham, then Crane's apartment.
When: The day after the forum chaos.
Warnings: Ivy.

Making a house call, doctor? )

May. 9th, 2012


Who: Les cousines! Wren & Brielle.
What: Ruh-roh.
When: Very recently, but after Brielle's conversations with Jack & Alex, which I don't feel like linking to.
Where: Caesar's.
Warnings: Epi & I completely destroyed a relationship, a family, and our own characters in less than 2 hours. PAAARTAY. Also known as the Birdemic of logs.

Her gaze lifted back to Brielle then, gray and quickly going cold, a light going out behind black irises, something lost that would never come back. )

May. 4th, 2012


Who: Jack and Brielle + Wren
What: Tending to Brielle's wounds
Where: Passages → Caesars
When: Backdated to after the Paris party
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Hope was tangible for the most hummingbird heartache of a moment, bringing those brown eyes wide. )


Who: Luke and Brielle
What: An inevitable run-in.
Where: Caesar's.
When: Around the time Wren turns herself in.
Warnings/Rating: None.

Brielle wanted to touch his arm again, but realized that was probably out of place after all of this time. Instead, she twisted some fingers into the elegant fabric of her dress and offered him a slow-to-rise smile. )

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