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Feb. 24th, 2014


WHO Eddie and Steph [Pt. 1 o' 2].
WHAT Valentine's Day.
WHERE Gotham's Museum of Natural History
WARNING it's these two. the usual. 2qt2care.
When was the last time you admitted something to me? If this were a game, I think asking you to move in with me would put a point in my box for dumb bravery. )

Feb. 17th, 2014


Who: Bats
What: Narrative: blackmail.
Where: Gotham.
When: Recentish.
Warnings/Rating: None.

Some needed a little convincing. That was fine, he didn't mind. Some needed proof that he had the information he claimed he did. He didn't mind that either. )

Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: Bruce and Alfred
What: More sads and comfort.
Where: Wayne Manor.
When: Backdated to before Damian's funeral.
Warnings/Rating: Sads?

Alfred did not show a great deal of wear. He had the kind of face that wore the same wrinkles as every other day, the same sense of having seen a great deal and surprised by little of it and even when excessively tired and dispirited, he showed it little. )

Feb. 12th, 2014


Who: Selina and Bruce
What: Of Squads and nanite bombs (2/2)
Where: Outside Gotham
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

It was pointless for her to tell him not to argue. She had to have known that. He wasn't going to roll over and accept her insane desire to play martyr. )


Who: Selina and Bruce
What: Stealing something that was already stolen (1/2)
Where: Outside Gotham
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Whatever she was here for, Bruce knew it wasn't some tiny trinket. )


Who: Jonathan Crane
What: A narrative and dirty business
Where: New Arkham Asylum
When: Recent!
Warnings/Rating: Jonathan's a bad boy. What else is new?

Jonathan Crane began to take advantage of the trust he was given. )

Feb. 11th, 2014


Who: Eddie, Stephanie (part two!)
When: Backdated to the day before secret Valentines were sent out
Where: Tunnels -> Lazarus Pit
What: Explorin tunnels
Warnings: swearing, talkin bout sad stuff.

She sounded worried, protective of her riddled man in face of a pervasive, omnipresent entity. )


Who: Eddie, Stephanie (part one!)
When: Backdated to the day before secret Valentines were sent out
Where: Tunnels -> Lazarus Pit
What: Explorin tunnels
Warnings: swearing, violence.

You look hot in infrared, hoh hoh )

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Who: Kal, Jason + Kara
What: Jason comes for a sad visit
Where: Sanctuary
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: S for Sads

He rested his chin against her shoulder while she shook him with sobbing, and he remembered what Damian's face looked like, and he didn't shed a single tear. )

Jan. 30th, 2014


Who: Bruce and Dick
What: Some sads for two dudes who lost their Robin.
Where: Bruce's room.
When: Night of Damian's funeral.
Warnings/Rating: Sads.

Dick cleared his throat and tried to find words, words that weren’t offensive or wrong. He didn’t want to make Bruce feel bad (again) for having missed any of the stories Damian and Dick had between them. )

Jan. 29th, 2014


Who: Eddie and Cass
Where: the shared apartment
When: recentlyish
What: tech, tools and not a lot of talking
Warnings: None!

Cass ate like someone was about to take the food away always. )


WHO Eddie and Steph
WHAT Shopping for a former goon's bb on the way.
WHEN Recently.
WHERE A baby store.
WARNING Excessive amounts of cute.
His charm suddenly fell flat, mind overwhelmed by the babystore, being there with Stephanie and how nice everyone was. )

Jan. 27th, 2014


Who: Eddie and Bruce
When: recentlyish
Where: Wayne Manor
What: Eddie checks on the Dark Knight
Warnings: Talk of death

A visitor was the last thing he was expecting. No one came knocking at his door; he gave them space, and in return they did the same. )

Jan. 25th, 2014


Open to DC folk

Who: Open to all DC kids
What: Damian’s wake
Where: The Manor
When: Recently
Warnings: Likely sads

There was polished crystal everywhere, the silver glowed with the attention of a dozen, hired, careful hands. The Manor had not seen numbers of people with any significance in some time but the carpets were rolled back and the floors smelled like hard work and polish. Chairs had been put out across the ballroom floor in clusters and a trestle table was laid out with food, delicate-cut sandwiches, coffee and tea in silver urns.It looked incongruous, like a celebration, but the somber feeling that weighted down the Manor was indication enough that this was not an event held to sign checks, or to drink champagne. An easel, a formal portrait of Damian, had been put into a corner, and the air was thick with the smell of flowers, although pointedly no lilies.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Who: Jonathan Crane
What: A narrative
Where: His flat -> New Arkham
When: Today!
Warnings/Rating: Nada

The one thing that stood out to him was that the Jonathan Crane who had walked these streets before him had been, above all, careless, and it disgusted him. )

Jan. 19th, 2014


Who: Eddie and Crane
When: Backdate to the day after Firefly bit the dust
Where: Gotham Harbor
What: The cheapest, most self serving funeral ever
Warnings: talkin about dead stuff

Crane didn't say anything for a long while, just listening, watching the water beneath them, the lights of the city reflecting off of its surface. )

Jan. 16th, 2014


Who: Eddie and Steph
Where: Los Tacos
When: Recently
What: yelling, arguing, the usual.
Warnings: cussing, sads

He stared at that tired look and reached to hold her hand. Machina had put herself on mute. The warmth and the pinging faded into nothing. )


Who: Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman
What: Walk into a
Where: Bar Cabin in the woods
When: One day.
Warnings/Rating: Diana has to put up with two stubborn men. We're going to put her up for canonization.

Still, she believed in them, and what they could accomplish. She saw proof of it every day, with every world and life they saved. )

Jan. 15th, 2014


WHO: Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake
WHERE: A Gotham rooftop
WHEN: After this
WHAT: They talk about Damian and sad all around.
RATING: Sads and feels for Damian.
STATUS: log; complete

I miss him so much )


Who: Bruce and Selina
What: Bad coping mechanisms? (1/2)
Where: The rooftop where Damian died.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Feels.

She felt that flinch, even through the kevlar, and she could only imagine what was going through his mind during that extended silence. )

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