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Nov. 23rd, 2013


Who: Luke & Wren
What: Post-birth adorbs. (1/2)
Where: Sunrise Hospital.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: None.

When the door opened with the nurse carrying the baby in a swaddled white blanket, Wren didn't even notice, and the woman slipped in and out, settling the baby into the little plastic baby monitor without saying a thing. )

Nov. 10th, 2013


Who: Wren
What: Narrative
Where: Home → Church
When: After these conversations
Warnings/Rating: Disturbing sexual imagery

She didn't expect anyone to understand. )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Who: Muerte and Selina
What: Unexpected meetings, tentative okay-ness
Where: Muerte's funeral home
When: Now? Ish?
Warnings/Rating: Talk of childhood death.

Selina found herself at the door of the funeral home at the crack of dawn the morning after the body of a seven-year old boy had been delivered there )

Nov. 6th, 2013


Who: Wren and Luke
What: Discussing the party (1/3)
Where: Home
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: T for tears

Somehow, he managed to breathe. Somehow, he managed to speak without falling apart. )

Oct. 28th, 2013


Who: Damian and Selina
Where: Bat mansion!
When: Pre plot
What: awkward talkin
Warnings: I have everybody wants to be a cat stuck in my head now and i blame this thread

Does Alfred make a habit of throwing women out of Bruce's bed? )

Oct. 17th, 2013


Who: Bruce and Selina
What: First aid.
Where: Some apartment in Gotham.
When: Backdated to post-prison break. (2/2)
Warnings/Rating: Noone.

'What will the neighbors say?' she asked, before stretching against him and kissing him without warning, all lush lips and the dull bite of teeth. )


Who: Bruce and Selina
What: First aid.
Where: Some apartment in Gotham.
When: Backdated to post-prison break. (1/2)
Warnings/Rating: Noone.

His non-vocal displeasure of her investigation of his utility belt made her shoulder ache just a little less, because aggravating him was always a good time; it had been since she'd been just a kitten. )

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Who: Wren and MK
What: A run-in that goes terribly
Where: Luvbug Baby
When: Recently (Fuzzy timeline)
Warnings/Rating: Language? Screaming? Misery?

MK eyes widened as Wren snapped, aghast and taken back by the little pregnant blonde who finally found the straw that broke the camel’s back. )

Sep. 27th, 2013


Who: Selina
What: Narrative: Unlocking the Wonder City doors
Where: Arkham City
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

What better place to start? )

Sep. 24th, 2013


Who: Luke & Wren
What: Dust and feels, yo. (1/2)
Where: Their house.
When: During the sandstorm.
Warnings/Rating: Foreplay.

She was soft kisses to his cheek when he said he couldn't leave, that one little sentence settling her heart back into its place in her chest for the time being, at least until he walked out the door again. )

Sep. 11th, 2013


Who: Cat and Hood
What: An "offer."
Where: Jaybird's warehouse
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Nein

It irked him that they could come flying into town once in awhile and everyone treated them like they were the saviors of the day, forgot all about those of them that worked cleaning Gotham's streets night after night, year after year. )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Who: Wren and Evie
What: Sads. Endless sads. So many sads.
Where: The house
When: After Will's "party"
Warnings/Rating: Sads?

Evie didn't know what she would do if she had nothing to do. She'd been dreading this day, this day when everything would be done and sorted and there were no more calls to make and no more plans to make. )

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Who: Wren, Adam
Where: Supermarket
When: Recently
What: a small disagreement ok
Warnings: talk of some messed up MK stuff. like kidnapping, self harm, etc

Adam expected some kind of warmth from Wren, a strained attempt at conversation and politeness to keep MK happy. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Who: Luke and Wren
What: The pregnancy talk.
Where: Their house.
When: Recently.
Warnings/Rating: None.

And she was nervous. )

Aug. 19th, 2013


Who: Wren and Michael
What: Introductions, a chat about Doors, and the problem of photography.
Where: on the bus as the wheels go 'round and 'round.
When: Say yesterday. Unless Epi doesn't. Then say something else.
Warnings/Rating: Fairly safe, maybe a touch of language, some mature allusions.

He didn't look at her like she could be bought or taken, and she liked that about him. It made him smaller, somehow, in her mind's eye. )

Aug. 16th, 2013


Who: The Bat and the Cat
What: The Bat gets tricked into helping with a little JLA assignment (2/2)
Where: S.T.A.R. Labs
When: Just before Bat-mite
Warnings/Rating: None

The Bat had expected weaponry, advanced technology and compounds and things too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands, but a child? )


Who: The Bat and the Cat
What: The Bat gets tricked into helping with a little JLA assignment (1/2)
Where: S.T.A.R. Labs
When: Just before Bat-mite
Warnings/Rating: None

His certainty that Nigma had divulged his secret wavered as she spoke, and he frowned as she traced the symbol on his chest, not because of the sensation or the action itself but rather what she said. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Who: Wren and Evie
What: Back to school supplies!
Where: IDK Target?

The beach ball deflated. )


Who: Saint and Wren
What: Photography lesson
When: Recently
Where: Saint's studio slash apartment
Warnings: Oh-so brief mention of nasties in the past

She liked letters, because those words weren't fiction, even when they were. But rules and lessons, those were hard-won battles )

Aug. 4th, 2013


Who: Riddler and Catwoman
When: Around the time Kara was in prison
Where: Gotham warehouse district
What: Stealin Mrs. Freeze
Warnings: Violence

Now, Eddie, it's not nice to point a gun at a lady )

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