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July 9th, 2013

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doorslogs

Who: Betrayal
What: Reveal
When: Late Night after the party
Warnings: Language

What does that make me? )

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Dr. Fischer & Iris
What: Hospital admissions
Where: The hospital Toby works at
When: Recent
Warnings/Rating: Mentions of suicide, self-harm. Questionable medical practices. Nothing horrible, but my research was limited and I admit that.

She was supposed to be nameless and gone and there wasn’t anyone left to claim her. She was no one, and no ones didn’t get hospital rooms and care. )

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doorslogs

Who: The little red nun
What: reveal!
Warning: none

candy coated kiss )

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doorslogs

Who: Reveals. Missing Waldo.
What Reveals!
Rating: Umm...PG-13ish.

how can you find waldo when he looks like everyone else? )

[info]toberuled in [info]doorslogs

Who: Thor and Loki
What: Talking after Loki finally wakes up from his coma thing.
Where: Asgard [Marvel Door]
When: Before the plot.
Warnings/Rating: None! Brotherly angst and some fuzzes!

Even he knew that Loki needed to find his own way and whatever leniency he could get for him he would, but Thor would not pull him from Midgard to Asgard unless he had to. It was better that he spend his time wherever he could be happy. )
Tags: ,

[info]doorssecrets in [info]doorslogs

Who: Lonely boy
What: Reveals
When: Early morning
Warnings: Language

Don’t look? Yeah, right. As if that had ever worked on any little boy. And as he spun away from his nightmare and crashed through the trees with his heart pounding in his throat, he wished that he’d been stronger. Braver. )