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May 29th, 2013

[info]agoodman in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loki and Thor

What: Rebuilding the Bifrost

Where: Thor's chambers, Asgard

When: Recent

Warnings/Rating: Nada

'I do so love it when something escapes your capability to smash and beat your problems into submission, and I must be called' )

[info]agoodman in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loki and Thor

What: Rebuilding the Bifrost pt 2

Where: Asgard

When: Recent

Warnings/Rating: None

He thought of when he had hung from this bridge, and wondered if his brother would take him by the hand and hurl him off, try to be done with him forever. But no. Thor was loyal, too loyal, so loyal that he would not even mend his own problems with the natural, easy solution of killing them at the root. )

[info]blondebat in [info]doorslogs

who Eddie and Steph (Part One of Two)
what talking about muerte's plottin to get them back together.
when after this
where the shared bunker.
warning the usual with these kids: angst and cuteness.
I can’t be the only one who believes in us. I can’t do it. )

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Thea Wells & Lin Alesi
What: Thea returns from the beyond, Lin is unprecedentedly domestic, there are snugs
Where: Lin’s place
When: Recently, after this
Warnings/Rating: Some swears, eggs.

They were a dichotomy; it was understood that Lin would be warmth and sprawl and she would spin herself in and out of it, surface-skimming and light and that was it, that was how it went. )