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July 22nd, 2012

[info]grayfaust in [info]doorslogs

Who: Nathan, Loren, and Meredith (Dorian cameo)
What: Nathan's timely demise
Where: A church... somewhere... nearby.
Warnings/Rating: Swearing, violence, stalking, death, destruction, desecration of holy ground, etc.

Some backwoods part of his mind was glad that Meredith had fled, nobody needed to see this. This was between the monsters. )

[info]ex_gravedigg366 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Hunter and Zee.
What: Sad!Hunter and Kleenex!Zee.
Where: Zee's studio.
When: Backdated to after Hunter learns of Maren's death, but fuzzy.
Warnings/Rating: Grief.

It wasn't a permanent home, and it looked like it. )

[info]ex_gravedigg366 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Hunter / Dorian Gray
What: Memories Plot
Where: A grocery store on Freemont
Things to avoid: Hunter's tough, he can take it.

Hunter felt different when he got up that morning, and he realized it was an absence of anyone behind his eyes, watching what he was doing. He'd grown so used to the feeling that when it was gone, it felt like getting a haircut after years of forgetting, a lightness in his scalp and the back of his neck. He thought at first that meant he didn't have an alter at all, but he realized that his book had changed, and so had the key. So this new person was there, somewhere, but he wasn't there now. Or maybe couldn't be. Hunter couldn't be sure, and he wasn't exactly eager to get through the door and find out.

It was his day off, and Zee was working, so Hunter decided to go to the grocery store and try to find something besides boxed pasta and beer to contribute to Zee's fridge. The domesticity of the impulse scared him, but he pushed it away. He was in the canned food aisle (Hunter's aspirations toward culinary greatness weren't that high) when the first wave of dizziness hit. Somebody swore at him as he tipped a little against the shelves.

[info]takespoint in [info]doorslogs

Who: Cory / Arthur
What: Memories Plot
Where: Inception Door, Paris.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Arthur sat back into the sofa of his Parisian apartment and watched the pinot noir slosh up against the smooth edges of the glass he held in his right hand. There was a substantial film left behind by the red waves in the bowl which meant it was a little sweeter than Arthur expected; nice instead of disappointing. Arthur had a little bit of a sweet tooth that he didn't advertise. His journal was pushed away across the coffee table, a new one in a different shape placed just so to hide the new parquet floor that he had replaced when Eames had bled all over the last one. In his left hand he held his die, a red six-sided die that always landed in just the right way. When he tossed it, the die told him he was awake, but he didn't always have the die on his person, so he couldn't be sure of its authenticity.

When he was in the back of Cory's mind, Arthur didn't have hands, much less the die. He was much stronger than Cory, to the point where he could take over whenever he chose, but there was very little point. They were the same age but Cory was years behind Arthur in almost every respect. The kid's depression was so deep that Arthur didn't even like being awake when he was with him, preferring to withdraw as far as possible into the depths of nothing. All Cory thought about was how useless he was, how he failed everyone, how he missed Becky and how easy it might be to see her again--or maybe not see anyone again, either way. Arthur couldn't understand Cory's lack of impetus to actually fix any of these feelings, and the constant black despair wore on him in a very short time.

Arthur took a drink, and was surprised at the sudden dizziness that hit him without warning. The room spun, and he quickly leaned forward to set the glass down. What was in that...? Had someone drugged him? He thought he should make sure the door was locked, but once he got to it, it was all he could do to fall through to the other side, and Cory was the one trying to get up, and failing.

[info]websling in [info]doorslogs

Who: Billy / Peter Parker
What: Memories Plot
Where: Turnberry Towers
Things to avoid: Rape, physical paralysis, torture. *wraps Billy in fuzz.*

Bob Dylan's plaintive voice occupied the entire apartment, echoing slightly because of the lack of furniture and occupants. For now the buzz of saws and conversation was absent, since the people hired to make the apartment's floor Billy-friendly took Sunday off. So far they'd managed to rip out all the carpet, but only the kitchen had its tile in. They still needed to replace some stairs with ramps and put in the hardwood floors in the living room, so the place smelled like carpet glue and dust. Billy still liked it. It was his, private, and he liked being present for the construction. His parents had wanted to fit it out to their specifications before he moved in, but Billy knew it would be years before it was done to their standards and even longer before they talked themselves around to letting him actually live there on his own. He was willing to accept some of the difficulties that came with his independence--his mom dropping by a lot, his dad texting, the nurse that came by twice a day, not to mention the money for construction. He counted himself lucky that he had the bank to take care of himself in this state; it wasn't cheap for the surgeries, the drugs, the care, the equipment. The dizzy spell was just part of the package, and he wasn't surprised. He just made sure he was sitting, closed his eyes, and waited for it to pass.

[info]toberuled in [info]doorslogs

Who: Louis Donovan / Loki
What: Memories Plot [CLOSED. No more memories, peeps, all reactions done.]
Where: Louis' apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Louis woke up the morning after contacting the world through the journals with a serious headache and a sour taste in his mouth. It took him some time of staring at the ceiling to find the wherewithal to get out of bed and get some water, the only real cure for his pounding, nauseating hangover. He wasn't particularly keen on the idea of facing his empty apartment, which still smelled a little of disuse, cold with his absence of the past few weeks. Well, that would change quickly enough. It wasn't as if he'd be living anywhere else any time soon.

When the first wave of dizziness hit, he thought it was merely the hangover, and fumbled for the bottle of aspirin in the cupboard. He was busy trying to make coffee, and resist the urge to go look over what he'd said to everyone the previous night. But the dizziness didn't stop, and he stepped sideways, away from the counter, and sat down, hard, on the floor, losing his balance, unable to fully control the short fall. He propped himself up on his hands, leaning back against the cupboards, and felt a flicker of fear - was he having a stroke? This wasn't normal, nor was the oncoming blackness and shapes, shapes with color. He squeezed his eyes shut as the first memory hit, waiting for the sickness to stop.

[info]fair in [info]doorslogs

Who: Tess / Snow White
What: Memories Plot
Where: Her apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Tess groaned as sunlight streamed through her windows and rolled away from it. The novelty of waking up and having nothing to do hadn't worn off yet. Sure it was boring in the daytime with nothing to occupy her hours. But in the morning, when sleep still weighed heavily and the bed seemed impossibly soft, getting up was the last thing she wanted to do.

She called out a half heartedly for Sam but heard nothing back. Must be at work. Good. Even less of a reason to do something. Her stomach rumbled at that thought but she paid it no heed. There would always be time for that later. Instead she pulled one of her pillows down to hug and tugged the blanket up over her head, determined to enjoy more of her lazy day.

[info]author in [info]doorslogs

Who: Liam Roberts / Raoul de Chagny
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Liam was not a morning person in the slightest. He rose when the sun was already high in the sky, lived by the schedule his body asked for. Most mornings (or afternoons) were routine affairs of breakfast, a shower, talking with his roommate, things like that. But this morning, that routine was interrupted off its usual path while he was showering. At first, he blamed it on the hot water, the steam sending his world off-kilter, but when it didn't stop after he shut the water off, didn't ease when he sat down on the edge of his bed dripping wet, Liam knew that something was wrong. Little thought was given to the state of his mattress when he flopped back to lay down, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, one arm thrown over his eyes to block out the light, and Liam simply prayed that he didn't get sick all over the mattress. No way he'd be able to clean up in this state.

[info]thelazarus in [info]doorslogs

Who: Jack Corvus / Jason Todd
What: Memories Plot [CLOSED. Reactions finished.]
Where: At Luke's apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Jack had been up for a few hours when the memories came, sitting on the bed with a book. He hadn't been sleeping much, which wasn't all that unusual. He'd been getting even less, though, lately. The world seemed very unsure since he'd come to Vegas. He'd thought he'd left things like anger behind him, that even if they were still there, he had them fully under control. He'd been wrong, though, and that truth bit at him at odd moments, whenever he gave his mind a chance to turn to it.

No one would be awake for a while longer, so he was spending the quiet early hours absorbed in reading. It didn't involve much thinking, didn't give his mind a chance to wander. So when the dizziness hit, he was caught entirely off-guard, and he barely had a chance to be alarmed by the black, or worried about what it could mean, before it had swallowed him entirely.

[info]trickarrow in [info]doorslogs

Who: Callum Westerberg / Clint "Hawkeye" Barton
What: Memories Plot
Where: Callum's motel room
Things to avoid: Give it to me.

The small amount of liquor he had had the night before shouldn't have caused a hangover this bad, and Callum had experienced his share of hangovers. His head pounded, a fierce throb behind his eyes that made him growl at the tiny sliver of light that made it through the heavy drapes that blocked the windows of his motel room. Even Max's whine for attention, for food, for out had him snapping out of pain. A glass of water and two aspirin later, Callum forced himself by sheer willpower to let Max out, put some food and water out, before crawling under his blankets and pulling them up and over his head. Some sleep, he told himself, and he'd feel better. If not, he'd go raise hell at Shailee because that always made him feel better.

[info]cursedlife in [info]doorslogs

Who: Meredith Janssen / Sam Winchester
What: Memories Plot
Where: Ian's apartment
Things to avoid: Zip. Nada. Nothing.

The last day had been spent buried in bed, sleeping the hours away though even that provided little relief from the events that had transpired. She dreamed about it, heard his voice, felt his fingers grab hold of her hair, she woke up drenched in sweat, staring at a ceiling that was still unfamiliar. "Get hold of yourself," she told herself time and time again. Making her way to the kitchen with the intention of a glass of water and a slice of toast, Meredith grabbed for her cell phone laying on the counter, calling up Loren's number to at least check on him, when the vertigo hit. The phone tumbled from her fingers back to the counter, and it was all she could do to slide to the floor instead of falling, knees drawn to her chest as he tried to calm a racing heart, to let the dizziness to pass.

[info]ex_haint987 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Jules / Violet Harmon
What: Memories Plot
Where: Passages
Things to avoid: Give me everything you've got

Violet got kicked out of that damn house eventually, and Jules didn't have the energy to force her back on in again. He just slumped back against the wall in Passages, looking a wreck and feeling worse, wondering if Nathan was dead, if Meredith was dead, if that damn cop uncle of hers had gone and arrested Loren. Maybe it was something, that he didn't think Loren might be rotting in a pool of his own blood somewhere. Heck, maybe it was just wishful thinking, but he was willing to go for it just then. He reached for his cellphone, fingers shaking something terrible, but before he could use it the world started tilting like a ride at the fair, and there wasn't no getting off.

[info]andcream in [info]doorslogs

Who: Micah Callaghan / Hayden McClaine
What: Memories Plot
Where: The jazz club he plays at
Things to avoid: Nothing.

It was one of the rare moments of peace that Micah still experienced there at the club. Here, nothing could touch him, nothing could hurt him. It was just him and his music, the sounds of the piano filling the air as he leaned in to the ivories, playing for an audience of just himself. He didn't need applause to validate him in these moments, wouldn't want an audience to spoil the magic. Instead, he simply played, attempted to forget, and tried to heal, if only for a few moments.

At first, he ignored the headache that spiked behind his eyes, pain something he was used to ignoring, but when the nausea hit and his vision blurred, fingers finally fumbled and he drew his hands away from the piano keys. The sound of heaving breathing filled the air where the piano had once occupied, and he had to brace his hands against the top of the piano as he leaned forward, willing this to pass.

[info]isconfetti in [info]doorslogs

Who: Evan / Eames
What: [CLOSED] Memories Plot
Where: Turnberry Tower
Things to avoid: Nada!

Yeah, man, he was drunk. He'd been drunk since he'd gotten off the plane, and he'd been drunk since he'd left Louis in a cab, and he'd been drunk since he'd walked through his apartment door. Being drunk was a lot like he remembered, only not as satisfying somehow, but then nothing was just then. He longed for the numbness of pills and booze, the forgetting. But, nah, the universe wasn't giving that shit up for him, not anymore. Maybe it was fitting, man. Maybe it was fitting. In the end, he just couldn't bring himself to give a shit. He pulled another bottle from a paper bag, the spoils of his journey home from the bar, and he laughed when the first wave of dizziness hit. That was better, man. Dizziness led to total blackness, and that was good.

[info]chenille in [info]doorslogs

Who: Trystan Chenille // The Caterpillar
What: Memories Plot
Where: Cheap motel sheets
Things to avoid: Nothing~

There was a heavy heat lying next to him in sheets that were bleached and starched to a papercrisp discomfort. In the light of streetlamps lining the off-road that had led the guilty pair to their destination, Trystan had lit a cigarette after offering one in vain -- the embers illuminating his ghastly face to an orange the colour of sin.

It felt, at first, like too much tobacco did -- back in the old days when he inhaled too fast and didn't know any better. But that was impossible, and after a cigarette more and vertigo's refusal to subside, he rolled over, pressing skeletal fingers into the man's fleshy, gluttonous side.

A hitch in his voice allowed it more severity than usual.

"Get out."

It was met with confusion, a superseding argument, and money (twenty too little) thrown onto that dirty bed. His head crashed to the pillow just as soon as the door slammed shut, and in the spinning and displacement of this sudden onset of dysphoria he breathed

only breathed.

[info]hemlockandhoney in [info]doorslogs

Who: Brielle / Poison Ivy
What: Memories Plot
Where: Brielle's apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Mornings were preferable, when the sunlight poured in through windows with no curtains and bounced bright off of white walls. She liked the barren living room with the ferns spilling down the windowsill. She liked the cream color of the carpet with its sporadic stains of dirt and water leakage, casualties to the potted flowers and saplings that she'd pushed into most corners. Brielle had spent most of this morning on the phone with her lawyer, organizing the details of a restraining order against her husband, as discussed with Luke. The lawyer gave her instructions for how to file with the local police department, but he followed up with some harrowing news. David's accounts, which she'd been drawing money from in order to pay for the necessities of rent and lawyer fees, had become recently frozen. It would seem that the divorce papers had hit a nerve, and while the lawyer apologized, Brielle was going to have to find new council. She couldn't afford his retainer. Brielle ended the phone call with a thank you of understanding, and she sat cross-legged on the floor for a long minute. A glance to the glass of water beside her proved empty, and it was upon rising that everything began to slip. It felt like a drop in blood pressure, the way vision blurs and your stomach ends up somewhere down by your feet. Swallowing, she staggered, dropping the empty glass rather harmlessly onto the carpet along the way.

[info]jukejoint in [info]doorslogs

Who: Sam / Christine Daae
What: Memories Plot
Where: Construction site
Things to avoid: Seriously? It's Sam. Everything's good.

She'd been back to work for two days, on a site that was far away from the strip, helping to build an add-on to a retirement home. Yeah, whatever, old men weren't scary, and the place employed mostly women, and it was a paying gig, so yeah. She still had no idea where home was these days, but it was starting to matter less and less as time passed. Other things mattered more, like the completely fucked up lives of her siblings. But, bright side, things through the Door had been a complete snooze job, which was a nice contrast to the fact that every single male she seemed to meet lately had a kink for roughing up chicks. Yeah, so, yeah. And she wasn't even going to think about her possible meet-up with Kitchen Guy. She was sitting on an I-Beam when the first hint of something wrong washed over her, and it was only quick thinking that got her back against the support before the shit started in earnest. She fucking loved Las Vegas.

[info]huntsforher in [info]doorslogs

Who: Ethan / The huntsman
What: Memories Plot
Where: Ethan's bed
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Ethan was still in bed when the rush came on, different from any of the more pleasurable rushes in his life. Different from drugs or the warmth of strange hands. He was exhausted from the late night drunken phone antics of his sister, and while buried beneath pillows in his massive bed, all Ethan wanted to do was climb deeper when the dizziness began. The pounding of a headache that blurred into a fuzzy ache like he was stuck in one of those spinners that turned sugar into cotton candy. Opening his eyes seemed like a bad idea, but he did so anyway. Black began to eat away the corners of his vision and despite the sturdy mattress just beneath his chest and stomach, it felt like falling. Like slipping down past the cotton of sheets and the blur of springs.

[info]agoodman in [info]doorslogs

Who: Benjamin Sorenson / Thor
What: Memories Plot
Where: Lizzy's penthouse
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Normally an early riser, today was no exception for Ben. It used to be that he had breakfast with Lizzy in the mornings -- fruit, juice, toast, sometimes eggs and sometimes waffles, it all depended -- but now he only had breakfast alone. She was off somewhere and he knew that he should text her, but it could wait until later. He should check on Justine too, see how she was adjusting to life in Vegas, but that too could wait for a decent hour of the morning.

Washing off his dishes, he considered going for a run. There was no use in staying cooped up in the penthouse and Thor could wait a little while before returning to his door to find Loki. It seemed like a good plan until he got the first, sharp burst of pain right between his eyes. For a moment, his vision whited out entirely and that roused the other man in his head. Ben was not prone to headaches and as soon as the first wave passed, a second was there, sharp and brilliant, and he made his way unsteadily to one of the softer chairs in the living room.

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Ainslie / Gwen Stacy
What: Memories Plot
Where: The dance studio
Things to avoid: Anything. The orishas will protect her.

Ainslie liked to arrive at the studio early on the weekends. There were no classes then, and it was completamente quiet. The wood floors gleamed, and the mirrors reflected the red patchwork of her skirt as a dash of color that moved too quickly to be focused on as the merengue played through the sound system. Her velas were lit, wax of red and yellow dripping on the altar in the backroom, and the enclosed space smelled of myrrh and honey and limon and home. She did not know what she had expected to find in this desierto, but she already knew that it was not what was truly here. But she had fe, faith, in el destino. This is where she was meant to be, even if this was not the easiest path. Still, it did not mean that she did not yearn for the green of el monte, and the bustle of the village she knew to be her true home. It did not matter how long she stayed away, and it did not matter that she had not been born there, that place was in her blood and in her huesos. She twirled faster, letting the music carry her, and when the room began to spin she believed it to be only the dance, nada mas.

[info]onerule in [info]doorslogs

Who: Luke + Bruce
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment.
Things to avoid: Bring it on. Let's see who can break the Bat first.

Though it was early morning, Luke had already been awake for hours. Even on good days he didn't get much sleep, and lately the days hadn't been so good, which meant his sleep schedule suffered. When he wasn't at work, he was with Gus, and every other spare moment had been claimed by Bruce. While he would never admit it, he was beginning to worry about the other man. He didn't know what he was thinking anymore, never mind feeling, and Bruce had been quieter than usual as of late. On top of everything else, the situation with Brielle and his constant concern for Wren, it was something he could have done without. With the prospect of sleep now all but diminished, Luke rolled out of bed with a sigh, careful not to disturb the slumbering little boy curled up against Finch on the other side. He padded into the bathroom and, fortunately, had just closed the door when the dizziness hit. The suddenness of it caused him to sway, one hand reaching out for the wall, where he braced himself and waited for the feeling to pass.

[info]ofmazandaran in [info]doorslogs

Who: Aiden Shepard / Nadir Khan
What: Memories Plot
Where: Aiden's apartment above the store.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Headaches, nausea, and the like were hardly unfamiliar sensations for Aiden, a man plagued by stress and insomnia on a constant basis. He took a few painkillers and didn't bother going upstairs until things started to swim, at which point he realized the lack of pain wasn't helping things any. He shuddered when he stood up and almost collapsed again; a quick flip of the sign on the door against the hours and a snap of the lock later, and he was staggering up the stairs, hoping he wouldn't slip and bash his skull open on the damn things.

Once upstairs, he collapsed on his bed and pulled the pillow over his head. This wasn't pleasant. It was so far from pleasant it could see the curvature of the universe and was calculating the speed at which it could launch itself into a parallel dimension. And for once, Nadir said nothing, apparently equally blindsided by the sensations. Usually there was some commentary about hangovers and stress limits. Now, nothing. Nothing except the question of whether or not he was going to throw up in the next few minutes or so.

[info]the_extractor in [info]doorslogs

Who: Basilio Agnoli / Dom Cobb
What: Memories Plot
Where: Basilio's house
Things to avoid: Nothing! Give it to me bbs!

One of the good things about the life he lived was his ability to sleep in late. There were very few perks to his job, but the fact that most of it happened under the cover of night was a pretty big one and it meant that he could sleep in as late as he wanted, even on a Sunday morning. It might not have been the same back in New York, when he was frequently asked to drive around one wife or another to Sunday Mass. Sometimes they went in groups and honestly, he was happy to take them. Even now, he knew it for the sign of trust that it was, that the bosses would allow him to protect their wives, sometimes their daughters as well.

But that had been there and now he was here. Stretching in his bed, he waited another couple of moments, enjoying the fact that he didn't have to get up before his bladder reminded him that he needed to get up. Clearing his throat, he got up slowly, rolling the sleep out of his shoulders before standing. The carpet under his feet was soft and slightly warm, unlike the tile in his bathroom. It woke him up a bit more as he relieved himself and washed his hands. He was just returning to his bedroom when the first wave of dizziness hit. Reaching out to his bed, he waited for it to pass -- and when he didn't, he bounced heavily on the mattress as he sat down.

[info]crossroaded in [info]doorslogs

Who: Kellan Ziegmann / Dean Winchester
What: Memories Plot
Where: Kellan's motel room.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Shirt off and eyes fixed on the faucet, Kellan washed the ash and the stink of gasoline off his hands. He was tired, worn out, and knew that if he tried to get some sleep he'd just lie in the bed and try to figure everything out. It had been an absolute shit couple of weeks, ever since one of Maren's siblings had told him she was gone. Why hadn't she told him herself? What the hell had happened, he wondered, that would make her bolt like he used to? Nothing left behind except a note that gave away their relationship, but nothing else about him.

As he turned off the water, everything started to tilt. He rubbed his face and tried to resettle himself. Another drag on the half-smoked cigarette and things were still going wrong, still leaving him feeling like he was on the edge of withdrawal - so he sat down on the edge of the bathtub and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. What a fucking day.

[info]cryogenesis in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gideon Ayers / Mr. Freeze
What: Memories Plot
Where: Gideon's suite at the Venetian.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

The words on the screen started to run together. This wasn't uncommon, but a stretch and a drink didn't fix it, which was. He had work to do, and meetings to arrange, and investors to assuage - and enemies to manipulate. Oddly enough, there was no pain to go with the haze, which ruled out a headache, so he figured he just needed to take a break. Six straight hours of work, and he was probably due for one.

Gideon never made it to the kitchen. His bodyguard caught him as he staggered, nearly falling, a moment's weakness that almost made him lash out in embarrassment. Everything was wavering - poison? Disease? For one horrific moment he wondered if he was having a heart attack, a stroke, something debilitating.

He sank into a chair and pressed his hand to his forehead and willed the unease away. Ice. He needed - a cold drink. That would do the trick.

[info]ex_bloodofdr310 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Kitane Zmaj / Daenerys Targaryen
What: Memories Plot
Where: Theo's penthouse, Turnberry
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Sunday was a no dancing day. In truth, that only meant that instead of going to dance barefoot with Ainslie, Kitane put her iPod on the docking station hooked up to the stereo and danced around Theo's penthouse instead. She made sure to keep the volume low so she wouldn't disturb the neighbors, as he'd taught her to do, and she paused to scratch Viserion on the head before starting her practice.

An hour later she finally paused to get something to drink. She was in the kitchen when the first wave of dizziness hit and by the time she got back to the main room and the couch, it had developed into a full blown, pounding headache.

[info]laminette in [info]doorslogs

Who: Wren / Selina Kyle
What: Memories Plot
Where: The penthouse
Things to avoid: No holds barred

Sleep was a thing that required layers of pills these days. A little blue pill for anxiety, to deal with the fear that even thinking about sleep brought with it. A little white pill before her head hit the pillow, to knock her out to the point where she couldn't think about anything at all. And even, still, she always awoke to sheets pulled free from the corners of the bed, to pillows on the floor, and to the moon still high in the sky. That morning had been no different, and she had only started dozing again when the sun rose, a fitfully light sleep that made her wish she was somewhere else. Usually, she slept until noon that way, especially these days when she had no appointments, and her only regular outing revolved around hiding in Luke's apartment while he worked. But that was still hours away, and she didn't understand what had roused her at all. She listened for noises, for MK and Adam, for Brielle's arrival, for anything ominous, but there was nothing, and she stood and wandered over to the bar to pour herself a drink. But her step faltered halfway across the room, and she caught herself in time to sit heavily on the bed, thinking what now?

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doorslogs

Who: MK Robinson / Mary Jane Watson
What: Memories Plot
Where: Turnberry Towers, Wren's apartment.
Things to avoid: Nada!

MK felt trapped, shackled to the Turnberry penthouse against her will. Her injuries were healing slowly, very slowly, and she knew it would be ages before she felt like herself again. If that was even possible. But that was a long way away either way, as the boots on both ankles constantly reminded her, and while she could hobble around the apartment if she wanted, incredible pain accompanied those attempts. So, she stayed in the bed, and she popped more of the Vicodin and Percocet the doctors prescribed her because it was the only thing she had to numb the pain. The only thing to take care of the panic and nightmares when all she wanted was a drink or five. The only thing to stop her from dwelling on what Alexander inflicted on her or the feart of Adam leaving her for Ainslie. She felt numb, but only for a moment, until the overwhelming wave of dizziness slammed into her. The dizziness continued, intensified in the worst way, and as she curled into a ball to stave the nausea, she wondered if she finally overdid it. Darkness creeped in, and MK didn't panic, just sighed and let it come.

[info]skree in [info]doorslogs

Who: Nell / Arya Stark
What: Memories Plot
Where: Nell's bed
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Nell's head was pounding. She had worked herself a little too hard at the gym last night, desperate to regain whatever muscle definition the last few idle months had cost her. She would need every ounce of strength she could muster if she was going to keep going out as Archer at night, and help put away the laundry list of people Adam hinted at having for her. Of course, the desire to help people had been well and good when it came to getting her to the gym, but the knock to the head that had come due to a sloppy grip now had her laid out in bed, wondering if she were concussed.

She was idly wondering whether to call MK and face the Sebastian-related-music when the dizziness blindsided her. The phone call would have to wait.

[info]thesavior in [info]doorslogs

Who: Shailee / Natasha
What: Memories Plot
Where: Shailee's Desk
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Shailee was up and working, reams of paper sprawled across her desk. She had finally found a paper trail to follow in one of the few unrelated-to-Westerberg cases she was still assigned to, and was determined to trace the trail to the entity that had been eluding the CIA for the better part of the last four months.

She wasn't sure what brought on the heaache. It could be the fact that she'd been averaging around 3 hours of sleep for the past week. Or that she was already on her fourth cup of coffee and most of the city hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. Shailee tried to work through whatever it was right until the point where her vision started to swim, making the columns of names and numbers do a little cha-cha in front of her eyes. Dropping her head into her hands, Shailee rubbed at her eyes with the base of her palms, intent on forcing the migraine away out of sheer will.

[info]beausang in [info]doorslogs

Who: Oliver Colden / Ravenna
What: Memories Plot
Where: Las Vegas Medical Examiner's Office
Things to avoid: Nothing! He's a forensic pathologist, he can take it.

Oliver was at work, sitting at his laptop, answering correspondence and eating breakfast. The door to his office was open, and outside, a cadaver lay on the table, ready for autopsy in fifteen minutes. For now, it could wait. He'd been in a bit of a down mood this week, and every scrap of respite he could get was a relief. Honestly, he'd be grateful to have nothing but work to focus on in a few minutes.

When the dizziness began, he thought for a moment the chair had slipped down from under him, and he set his bagel and coffee down on the desk. No, he was still perfectly stationary. Then it flared again, growing in strength, and he began to run through a list of potential causes. Aneurysm? No, he'd be dead already.

He didn't make it past the B's on the alphabetical list of what might be wrong. The memory hit, and then it was the only thing in his world.

[info]fall_of_rain in [info]doorslogs

Who: Zee / Meg Giry
What: Memories Plot
Where: At work (tattoo shop)
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Zee hadn't been feeling well ever since he'd woken up, moving quietly around his apartment to try to avoid bothering Hunter. And wasn't that a surprise and a half. The studio apartment was small, and two men and a small dog filled it up quickly. But it was comfortable in its own way. Zee's things had mixed with Hunter's once upon a time, and it seemed like they still remembered how. He'd left a note on the fridge, letting Hunter know to grab anything to eat that he could find, and that they'd figure out the rest when he got home from work.

Work itself was proving to be a challenge with the way he continued to feel worse and worse. The last thing he wanted to do was mess up someone's ink because he ws too stubborn to admit that he was sick, so he'd finished one appointment and called his others to cancel. It was something he hated to do, but better that than screwing something up. That taken care of, he was about to leave the studio's back room and head back to the apartment when the first memory hit.

[info]soundofwings in [info]doorslogs

Who: Iris / Alfred Pennyworth
What: Memories Plot
Where: Passages
Things to avoid: Are you kidding, this is Iris. When have I avoided anything with her? (Translation: Nothing.)

Was she stable? By a medical definition, she doubted that she ever was. But her moods had calmed and everything had retreated once again into its cotton swaddling. It was enough that she could at least function, and function meant that she needed to let Alfred back through the door. No matter what Luke had said, she knew in her heart that Bruce needed Alfred, and it was what she could do to deliver.

The dizziness and slight roll of her stomach was ignored, blamed on the once-again rising levels of medication in her system. It would take a while for everything to settle again, and she sighed at a slight wave of nausea. The abrupt turning of the cab she'd called to take her to the hotel did nothing to help, but she ignored it as they pulled up to the front of Passages. Climbing out of the car, the ground seemed to shift again with her vertigo, and she clenched fingers tight around the car's door frame. A moment passed, the driver peering back and asking if she was alright, but she simply waved his questions away and headed for the front door of the building. Her steps wove and she finally began to worry, because that wasn't quite normal, not even as a pharmaceutical side-effect. She hurried, wanting to be inside, and made it as far as a dusty chair in the lobby before she needed to sit down, her legs giving out beneath her.

[info]doomed_love in [info]doorslogs

Who: Bailey / Harley Quinn
What: Memories Plot [Reactions posted]
Where:  Nikolai's villa at The Wynn
Things to avoid: Nothing!

She liked lazy days, loved them even.  It wasn't often that she could sleep in after staying up most of the night.  She'd been fairly boring lately, working, going through the door when she promised, and slinking back into Nikolai's arms afterward.  All in all, her life really wasn't all that bad.  Going through the door sucked but it was something she was adjusting to.  Harley was scowling in the back of Bailey's mind, wanting nothing more than for the blonde to get out of bed so that she could have control again.  "Five more minutes," she mumbled, snuggling in against the covers. 

[info]bound_by_honor in [info]doorslogs

Who: Theo / Eddard Stark
What: Memories Plot [Reactions posted]
Where:  The Wynn, his desk
Things to avoid: Nothing!

He knew he'd promised Kitane their vacation but it was hard for him to leave The Wynn even on the best of days.  He hadn't taken a vacation in years, certainly not since he'd taken over as General Manager, but a vacation sounded great.  He'd made all the arrangements for a few days up at Lake Tahoe and promised Kitane he'd be home by noon so that they could get on the road.  Once glance at his clock said that wasn't going to happen as it was currently 11:45am and he wasn't even remotely ready to walk out the door.  "Molly, would you please let Kitane know that I'm going to be late?" he asked his receptionist through the intercom.  He felt bad, pushing the task off on her, but he needed to get his work done and arguing with her, or worse, hearing the disappointment in her tone, wasn't going to get him finished any faster.  He had a headache brewing and then dizziness but he didn't care.  He'd push through it and get to Turnberry hopefully at a descent hour so they could still go on vacation.

[info]beinghuman in [info]doorslogs

Who: James / Ruby
What: Memories Plot
Where: James's sitting room
Things to avoid: Nothing!

James blinked hard at the charts he was looking at. Even though it was too early to be seeing things, he was certain that he had seen - if only for a split-second - the screen on his tablet flicker colors. He must be imagining it, he decided, for the device seemed to be functioning normally. Reaching for the cup of tea his housekeeper had left for him on the side-table, James took a long sip of the hot liquid on the off chance that it was the lack of his morning caffeine that was affecting his vision. He closed his eyes as he reveled in the perfect taste of the lady grey, and completely unprepared for the wave of dizziness when it suddenly overcame him.

Gone was the smell of the new furniture, the hot tea, and the buttered scone that lay beside it. In its place was something raw and metallic, a smell he associated with an operating theater on the verge of frenzy, a smell he had not truly encountered since the surgery he had performed on Anton. James took a deep breath, placed the cup back on its saucer, calmly flipped the switch on his tablet, and waited for the feeling to pass.

[info]silverandsteel in [info]doorslogs

Who: Silver / Tony
What: Memories Plot
Where: His garage
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Silver pressed his back into the new creeper he got for the garage, staring up at the underside of the truck he was working on and working his elbow into the effort of pulling the skid plate down and away. The classical station was playing something he didn't realize very soft far in the background of the cool shop, barely audible over the hum of the air conditioner. Tony preferred to work in noise, but Silver liked to work in a sea of cool calm chords, it helped when he was trying to concentrate. He didn't require a great deal of thought to work on the truck, which had been badly retrofitted for off-roading and required some serious but not overcomplicated work to get it to where Silver wanted it. He'd taken on the project to keep himself busy when he wasn't working jobs and when he wasn't beyond the door. Tony was asleep or quiet, and Silver was enjoying the time to himself: the crank of the screws, the smell of the oil, the feel of the cool air under his skin as he stretched and rolled to reach what he needed.

[info]building_dreams in [info]doorslogs

Who: Bianca / Ariadne
What: Memories Plot [Reactions Posted]
Where:  Curled up in bed @ Turnberry
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Just getting out of bed was hard most days but today was just never going to happen.  Not with the pounding headache and the dizziness that made her just want to close her eyes and shut out the rest of the world.  Ariadne was in the back of her mind, gently nudging her in the hopes that it would get her out of bed, but Bianca wouldn't have it.  She squeezed her eyes tight and pushed the voice away, hoping against hope that she'd shut up for once and stop about talking to someone.  She didn't need to talk to anyone.  She couldn't.  There was too much at stake for her to go talk to someone.  Still, Ariadne pushed, but the dizziness drowned the voice out.  Bee welcomed it even though it hurt.

[info]ex_published349 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Daniel / The Beast
What: Memories Plot
Where: Passages
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Daniel wasn't spending a lot of time on his own. He had nothing special to do, only more efforts to forget who he was, and he had recently found that being the Beast was not at all like being himself. In fact, when he went through the door, he didn't remember much at all; it was like a dream, easy come, easy go. What didn't go easily was the physical, and Daniel felt the Beast's wounds just as deeply as the creature did. Maybe more, because Daniel was smaller and (he felt) way more fucking fragile than a big monster made up of fifty animals. At least that was pretty sure that was what the Beast was made of. It was hard to think, really... the picture wasn't clear. Maybe Daniel would have been annoyed a few years ago, annoyed the way a journalist would be annoyed when he could not describe something with any accuracy, but right now he appreciated the fleeting escape. He realized he was only reappearing in Passages every day, exactly every day, because he could look out one of the Passages windows and see a glowing sign on the Strip in the distance with the date and time. For now, he planned on turning right around until the Beast healed up, since the creature seemed to do that faster than Daniel could. Already the deep bites and cuts were shallower and less painful, and the way they were disappearing Daniel didn't even think he'd have scars. He should have been scared by all this he realized, as he sat gingerly against the wall next to the Beast's door. Passages certainly didn't hesitate with the scary...

[info]sonofthenorth in [info]doorslogs

Who: Aubrey Rois / Robb Stark
What: Memories Plot
Where: His favourite watering hole
Things to avoid: Bring it all on.

Aubrey had spent last night alone again, only Greyson’s presence at the foot of the bed for comfort. A certain someone hadn’t been answering his texts all day, and so it was that he found himself wandering down the strip until he’d reached his usual haunt, a cozy little bar with plush booths and little nooks in the corner that he could disappear into for hours at a time, swaying to the music and nursing drink after drink until he was properly blasted into oblivion and would stagger home again. Something sad and slow was playing on the jukebox, some man’s voice singing about memories and set to a mournful tune. Aubrey pulled his leather jacket tighter around him as if warding off an imaginary chill, and wrapped both hands around his drink. He’d asked for something sweet, something to warm his bones and fill the aching hole in his chest.

This time, however, it didn’t seem so simple. By the time he had drained his glass, a wave of nausea swept over him like a tidal wave and it was all he could do to stumble out of his secluded corner and make it into the men’s room, where he locked the door behind him. Tripping over his own feet, he crashed into the sink and grabbed hold with both hands in an attempt to steady himself. He felt his heart pounding in his throat and he nearly choked; flashes of colour and sound and something more vivid than any dream crashed together inside his skull, behind his eyes, blinding him until foreign tastes and voices and cries poured out of his nose, his mouth, his ears. He lost his hold on the sink and collapsed to the floor in a heap, drowning, grasping at air and losing hold of reality as the first memory devoured him whole.

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doorslogs

Who: Justine / Pepper Potts
What: Memories Plot [Reactions are done.]
Where:  Passages
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Justine didn't like going to Passages.  It was boring, disappearing for hours on end and most of what Pepper did was what she imagined her dad did.  There was a lot of paperwork, a lot of phone calls, and a lot of meetings and it was just...boring.  She didn't like boring.  Still, she'd promised Pepper that she could have the weekends so long as there wasn't anything else fun to do and it seemed like nothing fun was going to happen.  So, a trip to Passages was in order.  She took a taxi, which the valet at the MGM happily helped her into, and they were nearly there when the dizziness started.  It wasn't too bad to start with, so she just ignored it and offered the driver a smile when he told her what the fare was.  The proper bills were fished out - all American now - and she stepped out of the taxi to another wave of dizziness had her holding onto the door.

"You alright, girlie?" the cabbie asked, concerned for the teenager. 

"Brilliant, thanks," she muttered, stepping away from the bright yellow car and toward Passages.  She made it up to the Marvel door before she had to sit down.  "What the bloody hell is this?" Justine was not a happy camper.

[info]awerething in [info]doorslogs

Who: Seven Morgan / Alcide Herveaux
What: Memories Plot
Where: The back seat of a nondescript black SUV.
Things to avoid: Bring it all on.

There was a certain beauty and elegance to counting out his money. Whether it was a thick wad of crisp, new bills, or a pile of crumpled notes hastily pulled from pockets and shoved at him with trembling hands, Seven though it was always beautiful. This time it was a rolled-up stack, secured with a dirty elastic band that stained his fingers brown as he unrolled and began to count, taking his sweet and careful time despite the desperate impatience of the junkie sitting across from him on the back seat. Seven ignored the woman – more of a girl, really – and didn’t wonder where or how she’d gotten her grubby paws on this sort of money. It was serious-fucking-business money, the sort of money that would keep her habit satisfied for nearly a month. A lesser user might have turned this much heroin into a three-month supply, but judging from the scabbed-over holes that danced up and down her arms, Seven doubted very much that this girl had that much restraint or even the sense to ration the dope. It was entirely possible that, in her excitement, she would hit too much, too hard, too fast, too deep, and be nothing but a corpse by morning.

Seven didn’t care, of course. Not as long as his money was all here, and everything seemed to be accounted for. He took a few minutes to count it out again, and only when he was satisfied did he reach into a hidden pocket in his jacket and pull out a sack that he tossed into the girl’s lap. Then he reached across her, careful not to touch her and risk getting any of her grime on his suit, and rapped hard on the window on her side of the car. A few seconds later, a big brute in dark glasses opened the door and stepped aside to let the girl out, exchanging a nod with Seven before removing an enormous hand from the gun that was holstered at his hip.

After the girl had tumbled out of the car with her precious supply clutched to her chest and the door had slammed shut behind her, Seven reached for the handle of the door on his side so that he could summon his driver back to the vehicle and start to make the trip back to headquarters. Before his fingers could close around the latch, the interior of the car began to swim and blur and blend together before his eyes, whirling into dizziness and confusion and chaos that consumed everything. Everything but the memories.

[info]handlewithcare in [info]doorslogs

Who: Evangeline Sablier/Lois Lane
What: Memories Plot
Where: Her kitchen because homegirl likes cereal.
Things to avoid: Nothing!

It was a standard enough weekend morning, full of Cocoa Puffs and Peanut butter toast. Things that didn't require cooking. Will, who was still not a morning person, was not up yet. But she was quite satisfied wandering around in his tee shirt and her slippers. She took her bowl of cereal out to the terrace, but one step outside had her changing her mind immediately. Too hot. So she moved to the living room where she flopped on the couch and started flipping through the channels before settling on the Food Network.

She was about to start eating her breakfast when she started to feel a little dizzy, which wasn't normal for her at all. But things started to get darker, almost like a tunnel. She dropped her cereal bowl with a clank on the table and put her hands over her face trying to make the dizziness and the spins stop. She was about to holler out for Will, knowing that would wake him up and he'd be able to help her out, but she didn't get the chance.

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doorslogs

Who: Anton Sparke/Bruce Banner
What: Memories Plot
Where: His office
Things to avoid: Nothing!

He had no idea how he'd managed to get up that morning and get to his office. There had been drinking and cheeseburgers, that much was still clear while he'd brushed his teeth. He wasn't in typical Anton Sparke gear, settling instead on jeans and a plain black tee shirt. He was downing a handful of advil when he started to feel a bit dizzy. He was sure it wasn't from the drink, that he was used to. His hand immediately went to his chest, he couldn't tell if it was nerves that was making his heart pound, but the more it pounded the more he worried. Shit. This was actually it. He was definitely about to die. God dammit that wasn't in the plan.

[info]abettercriminal in [info]doorslogs

Who: Jonah Keller / Joker
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment on Freemont Street
Things to avoid: THIS IS THE JOKER, PEOPLE. Bring it all on.

Jonah knows that it is perfectly natural that his head should ache. After all, he has just spent the last quarter of an hour banging the back of his skull against the hardwood floor in his bedroom. The entire apartment still smells thick and red, like lying in the stomach of a carnivore, and he believes that the stench of blood will never be entirely cleaned up and aired out. But it bothers him that his head aches - hurts as if metal wires have been run through each nerve in his face, tugged tight until he cannot help grinning like a skull.

The pain helps, though. At the first whisper from the evil clown that lives in his head, Jonah smashes his head backwards almost on reflex and is delighted to find that it apparently surprises him into silence. It's perfectly logical, really. He doesn't like competing with the pain, or maybe he just enjoys watching Jonah hurt himself, and so he is quiet. Quiet is a valuable thing in Jonah’s world, and it might even save some lives.

Jonah can feel his heart pounding and it's in his wrists and behind his ribs, under his belt and deep in his thighs. He is packed thick with hearts and they are all beating a different rhythm and he is terrified they are forcing their way out to his skin. Maybe he will explode in a shower of blood. Maybe the entire room will be stained red, despite the smell of bleach and disinfectant that still burns his nose. He is so caught up in his own thoughts that he does not notice the extra dizziness – at least, not at first. That changes quickly.

[info]theshoefits in [info]doorslogs

Who: Chase Riley
What: Memories Plot
Where: The gym at the MGM Grand
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Chase supposed the one good thing about working at the MGM was the use of the facilities they let him have as a perk. His apartment was modest, and certainly not so special as to have a gym. But the MGM was where he spent most of his time these days and the very fact that they offered to let him use the fitness facility was helpful. It was about the only time he stopped listening and looking at what was going on around him. Earbuds in his ears, eyes straight forward, his feet a steady rhythm on the treadmill running quickly beneath them, he knew this was a vulnerability for him. But he could never seem to break his way out of the trance it put him in. He liked to think if he needed to spring into action, he would know. He hadn't been tested yet, but he didn't mind carrying that extra bit of self confidence around with him.

He usually pushed himself hard while he worked out, he was no stranger to sweat, but the dizziness was something new. Like everything else he attempted to push his way through it, it was getting worse and before he could hit the STOP button he was on the ground. The last thought he remembered having was "shit I hope this doesn't end up on youtube."

[info]death_in_life in [info]doorslogs

Who: Wayne / Jeremy Gilbert
What: Memories Plot [Reaction Posted]
Where: His suite @ The Aria
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Coming to Las Vegas was quickly becoming the most necessary thing in the world.  Andrew was clearly not ready to take over for him and there were literally no other options.  He was too old to wait out raising another heir and he needed an heir.  He wasn't going to live forever and there wasn't anyone else to take over.  Sure, his second was running things in New York while he was gone, but he wasn't a Mumford.  Wayne needed a Mumford to hand things over to.  That was how he wanted this run.  His son hadn't been cut out for it and now Andrew? No.  Wayne would kill whoever he needed to if it meant straightening out Andrew.  Maybe Bianca would be a good choice if things got much worse. 

[info]ravendarkholme in [info]doorslogs

Who: Tiffani / Jane Foster
What: Memories Plot [Reactions are done!]
Where:  Her apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Sundays had started to become a day just for her.  She turned her phone off, locked her door, and ignored the rest of the world for a little while.  Jane had her work, she knew that, but it could wait.  The apartment was straightened out, bed made, and breakfast cooked and eaten.  Sundays were just for her but lately, all she wanted to do was call Archie and have him come over.  The headache brewing made her give that one a second thought.  Maybe later, she thought as she sat down on the comfortable chair in front of her tv.  She turned it on, something stupid just to have in in the background as a wave of dizziness hit her.  Well, there went her quiet, peaceful afternoon.

[info]little_red in [info]doorslogs

Who: Will / Hansel
What: Memories Plot
Where: His and Evie's apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing sexually violent please. Violence is okay, though, as well as good sexy memories if you must.

Never a morning person, Will stayed in bed when Evie got up. He liked when they stayed in bed together, but he knew that she wasn't going to go very far, and that he could call for her to come back to bed at any time. He drifted in and out of sleep for a short while, but began to notice a headache forming behind his closed eyes. The apartment was big, but he could hear Evie moving through the other rooms, and was tempted to ask her to bring him something that would head off the pain of the headache.

Before he could, he heard a crash, the sound of a dish and silverware against a table. Instantly awake because he knew the sort of chaos Evie could create in the kitchen, he pushed the covers back and rose to his feet, about to call out to ask if everything was alright. The floor seemed to list to the side as he stood though, and his knees gave out before he could take more than a single step. "Ev-" His voice gave out with his knees, and buried fingertips in the soft pile of their bedroom rug.

[info]ex_supervill870 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Neil / The Phantom
What: Memories Plot.
Where: His swanky suite.
Things to avoid: Lol seriously. It's me. No holds barred.

Like any sane person at this hour of the day, Neil was asleep. He had no reason to be up early, and so he often slept in, his mornings lazy and languid, before he dragged himself out of bed and searched for the motivation to do something with the rest of his day. There were still a good few hours before he felt he needed to get up, and Erik had long since ceased to complain about his laziness. His level of sleep meant that the headache began as a dull ache, one easily ignored, until it built, a heavy tempo, and he dragged his eyes open with a groan. Aspirin, he thought hazily, pushing himself up into a sitting position, and then a wave of dizziness struck, nearly knocking him back against the pillows. Fuck. He couldn't be hungover, since he hadn't been drinking the night before, unless he'd been drinking so much that he forgot about it entirely. That didn't sound right, though, and he brought a hand to his forehead as he struggled to keep upright, but he lost the battle a moment later, burying his face into the mass of pillows with a string of muffled curses.

[info]ex_roses104 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Leon / Rose Red
What: Memories Plot
Where: Office at UNLV
Things to avoid: The sky's the bloody limit

Grading papers wasn't the best use of a weekend, but Leon liked it even still. His students, Freshman for the most part, weren't the most literate creatures to ever attend university, and Leon spent rather a long time laughing over their mistakes as he marked the sheets in front of him. He wondered about education in this country, and he wondered if he was adding to the bloody mess by lecturing about aliens and James Dean. In the end, he decided, as he always did, that being quirky made this place the lovely mess that it was, and he much preferred it to the stuffiness of home. Now what he didn't prefer at all was the blinding headache that was forming behind his eyes, nor the dizzy spell that accompanied it.

[info]nottherobin in [info]doorslogs

Who: Nick Pierce / Stephanie Brown.
What: Memories Plot.
Where: The Bellagio.
Things to avoid: Have at it, mofos!

Over the past few weeks, Nick was searching for ways to keep himself busy. To distract himself from the ghost of Alexander that haunted his every waking moment. Having Jade around helped, of course, but he couldn't be around her twenty-four/seven. That was wrong and selfish and illogical. Work, therefore, became the new band-aid. He visited his assigned sites regularly, finishing inspections and projects well ahead of schedule. It was easier to tinker with security systems and work on his robots than to face the music that Alexander probably wasn't coming back.

He was in the back rooms of the Bellagio security suite, standing over screens with formulas and text that made sense only to him, and typed more items into his to-do list for their system. It was finally, mostly, following the attacks on Las Vegas a few months prior, but there was still work to be done. Slowly, as if creeping like a fog, a headache inched from the pressure point by his eyes and stretched back. He blinked, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, and he tried to fight the blinding pain in his head. Nothing worked, and the pain made him sway on his feet just as the first memory hit.

[info]leavethenest in [info]doorslogs

Who: Jade/Damian
What: Memories Plot
Where: Damian/Selina apartment
Things to avoid: Nothin!

Talon swooped through the window, feet first as his hand pushed him through to land on the couch below. A couple cats angrily meowed at him, shifting their sleeping positions or opting to crawl over him, their paws pushing down on old bruises and scars like they knew it would hurt. Damian sighed, taking the mask off his face and unhooking his utility belt. He needed to stretch his wings again in Gotham and while the new twist on the Talon problem would prove to be difficult, that wouldn't get in the way of beating up escaped inmates with Batgirl.

"Bandit." Damian called, looking over the sea of multi-colored cats. He didn't know why he bothered. She never came when he called, never played with anything except for string or mice filled with catnip and loved to attack him right when he least expected it. These qualities made Damian like her the best. And, more than he wanted to admit, Damian missed his cat. After a couple minutes of waiting for her, his stomach grumbled and he tried to get up for dinner. But, something held him down.

[info]adarkflash in [info]doorslogs

Who: Adam/Flash
What: Memories Plot
Where: High School Field
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Flash circled the track a final time, the heat of summer cooling as the sun began to set and house lights across the field flickered on. He thought about how eager some people are to go home and how he'd never share that same kind of feeling. Home was an ironic word (even if he wasn't really sure what that meant) because it was unsafe, violent and broken. Out here in the field where he could run and run until his heart burst from his chest was his home. It was the real reason why he lost himself in sports. Why he hated those little nerds with loving parents who never thought to raise a hand to their children.

Fuck that. He thought, hearing Adam stir in the back of his head. He didn't mind the doctor much. He was shit with women, sure, but he wanted to save the world. Flash wanted to beat the shit out of any scumbag who reminded him of his father. That was the same thing, right?

Walking out onto the cool grass, Flash dropped to his knees and fell face down onto the field. He threaded his fingers through blades, pulled them from the earth and passed out.

[info]skelterhelter in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loren / Tate Langdon
What: Memories Plot
Where: A corner store bathroom.
Things to avoid: Mentions of bad burning things.

He'd stuck around long enough to ensure that the fire was worth it before he slipped out one of the back doors and into the dawn of the city. His thoughts weren't on the church, on what would happen if the fire spread, or on what it would mean if that holy place had surveillance of any kind. When he'd cased the building, he hadn't seen any, but that didn't mean much. Loren didn't know about things like that anymore to the extent that he might have once. All he wanted to do was wash the oil and the soot from his hands. The people on the street probably thought he was just another casino drunk, because Nathan's drugs were still taking a toll on his nervous system, and Loren staggered more than he stepped. He fell into more than a few people, and one guy shoved him off with a curse before Loren tripped through the doors of a corner store. Straight to the men's room, his blackened hands clutched the white ceramic of the sink to support himself while he drew a breath. Risking a glimpse at his reflection, there was black smeared across one of his cheeks. Struggling with the automatic paper towel machine, he dampened some of the paper with water to try and rub it away. But there was something wrong, and he naturally assumed it was the drugs still in his system when his hands slipped from the sink's edge and his knees hit the floor. The water continued to run loudly above him, thundering over the sound of blood in his ears when the memories began to come.

[info]fear_incarnate in [info]doorslogs

Who: Sophie Chase / Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow
What: Memories Plot
Where: Park near her apartment
Things to avoid: Nothing!

She blamed it on nearly forty-eight hours without sleep, too much wine, and entirely too many little pills with names she couldn't remember. That's what Sophie settled on as she swung on the swings in the small park near the place her and Sadie called home. She was barefoot, shoes lost god-knows-where, and the world swung by as she soared through the air. It wasn't until she hopped off the swing and landed on her rear in the sand that everything really hit her. Vertigo, nausea, a feeling of disconnection that she couldn't shake. It wasn't horribly unpleasant, nothing she wasn't unused to, so instead of fighting it, she settled back, splayed out on the soft sand, squinting up into the summer sun, and waited for it to pass.

[info]goblinheir in [info]doorslogs

Who: Dylan / Harry Osborn
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment.
Things to avoid: Nothing.

Just another morning. One of his first in the city, but Dylan was already buckling down to a day's work. Two laptops were spread out before him on the little kitchen table by the window, and he sucked down his second cup of Folgers coffee with a stifled yawn. Jet lag was a familiar curse, and Dylan stretched his back out against the uncomfortable chair before he set an elbow into the table's edge. On one screen, codes and scrambled numbers scrolled in an endless sea of black and green while he hacked. The other screen boasted emails to and from his superiors. He took another sip, wincing against the strange wave of dizziness, but suspecting nothing.

[info]riddlethem in [info]doorslogs

Who: Sadie/Riddler
What: Memories Plot
Where: college library
Things to avoid: Nothing!

Sadie's earbuds blasted music to combat the quiet of the school library. Follow follo-o-ow. You're the one I follow. Follow to the middle. Middle of the shadows, far away from the sorrows. Somewhere in her head, the Riddler was pleased. Pleased that she was studying to make her mind stronger (though it would never be as strong as his). Pleased that they were likely the closest pairing of this Passages conundrum. He wasn't used to having anyone actually loyal in his ranks, but Sadie happened to have the perfect characteristics for it. A little weird, easily amused and a need to help that no one in Gotham from his side of the tracks possessed. Her affection for him was something he could actually return.

Sadie felt warm like a cat in a sunbeam. She traced her fingers over words about childhood psychology and why coloring helped stimulate creativity, but all she wanted to do was sleep. The chanting through her ears lulled her, asking her to wade into the darkness.

[info]stillspinning in [info]doorslogs

Who: Sebastian Vance-Price / Mal
What: Memories Plot
Where: His room at the Bellagio
Things to avoid: Nothing!

The computer screen swam in front of him, and no matter how many times he looked away, rubbed at his eyes, the headache continued to mount. He could feel the cold sweat break out over his face and back, and it was only by pure luck that he didn't fall as he got off of the bed, got a bottle of water, and downed it in one go. His head spun, and stumbled steps led him to the window that looked out over the city that was just starting to stir. The glass was cool against his forehead as he leaned against it, willing the headache to pass, to ease. Fingers came up to touch the window, curling into a fist as the first memory came.

[info]pesadilla in [info]doorslogs

Who: Lin Alesi/Theon Greyjoy
What: Memories Plot
Where: Lin's apartment @ Meridian Condos
Things to avoid: N/A

It was overwhelming, the heat. Though he had yet to peek through the plastic slats of his blinds, Lin already knew what he would find. The sky would be low and that gray-white color that makes everything feel washed out, wrung out, and old. It weighed him down. He hadn't had the energy to lift himself from the bed to turn on the air conditioning unit in the window across the room, but nor had he found himself able to roll onto his stomach, push himself up, and slide the other, nearer window open either. He felt thoroughly exhausted and the thought of the effort it would take for him to perform any action, no matter its simplicity, was too much.

His arms and eyes felt heavy just thinking about it.

He had spent the day in bed. It was nearly four in the afternoon, his phone told him in stark white digits, though little sunlight penetrated the room. It was dark and sweltering. Rather like the womb, he supposed. Lin looked up at the ceiling, eyes unseeing, as his mind churned through a dizzying amount of thoughts. The past few days had been a blur. And, to be honest, the boy really wasn't sure if he was actually going insane or not. - It definitely felt like it. Theon's appearance had been the tip of the iceberg. Next there came a magical journal and a mysterious key. Then fucking Aubrey.

It was all too much. He just wanted to sleep. But his head hurt and his mouth was dry, and he felt nauseous. Lin sat up woozily, trying to remember if he'd taken his medication. The black room spun around him. He closed his eyes and laid back down.

[info]original_snake in [info]doorslogs

Who: Andrew Percy/Draco Malfoy
What: Memories Plot
Where: Andrew's Suite, The Wynn
Things to avoid: Nothing! (Or specify otherwise here)

Andrew woke up as usual. He started a cup of coffee, tossed the paper on the table and headed off for a shower. He had many such routines that were very simple, yet comfortable, especially considering his situation. In the bathroom, he felt the pressure, starting like his frequent sinus headaches began. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. It didn't help. He took a shower as the pressure in his skull continued. The water didn't help either. Back at the kitchen table, he watched the computer screen, checking for any word from Serafina, and then the memories hit. They came without warning, as relentless as a storm.

[info]ladysoldier in [info]doorslogs

Who: Andrew Mumford / Peggy Carter
What: Memories Plot
Where: The back of one of the Mumford cars.
Things to avoid: Nothingggggg.

Andrew was leaving the studio apartment of an undergrad at UNLV that he met at a club only a few hours before. She was a pretty little thing, with not much up there, and majoring in psychology if he remembered correctly. Whatever, it didn't matter. He had skipped dinner with his grandfather the night before, feigning illness, and he knew he would be in trouble. But, he needed the break desperately. Anything but constant dinners with Wayne Mumford and the looming future as the head of a crime family. It was all too much, and Andrew wished he could continue to pretend to be that wealthy bachelor who was just out to have a good time.

He couldn't though, and he knew he needed to go to the Aria to face his grandfather again. So, he told the driver, even as his head pounded with what he guessed was a wicked hangover, to bring him there. As the first memory sneaked in, Andrew leaned his head against the glass. Did the girl sneak something in his morning OJ? Well, this was going to be interesting.