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July 17th, 2012

[info]beausang in [info]doorslogs

Who: Ravenna and the Beast
What: Ravenna goes to check up on her most favorite Beast in the land.
Where: The Beast's castle [Fairy Tale Door]
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

He moved on fours because it was easier, if louder: the sliding of scales, the rustle of feathers, the clack of claws and the thud of muscle and bone did not move silent on the flagstones. He had enough fur that he did not bother with clothing except a deep hood and cloak that kept the draft from his neck and back. He was just at the entrance to the main hall when he heard something, something that was not one of his mute, invisible servants. He stopped and growled a soft, predator’s growl. He could hear her, smell her, even if he couldn’t see her. She stank of scavenger crows and raw steel. )

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker
What: Voices, growth spurts and a liberal dose of emo!teens
Where: Marvel, Midtown High → Stacy home
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Had her skirt always been that short? Had he seen it before? It looked kind of like that gray wool looking one... but this one was smaller. And shorter. Like halfway up her thigh shorter. Thighs. Both. )

[info]adarkflash in [info]doorslogs

Who: Adam and Ainslie
When: Sundayish
Where: coffee shop in Vegas
What: Two old friends meeting up
Warnings: None!

Who makes you nervous? The waiter or me? )