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April 18th, 2012

[info]ser_jaime in [info]doorslogs

Who: Kit & Nikolai
What: And what do we have here?
Where: The Wynn
When: Monday evening
Warnings/Rating: N/A

Read more... )

[info]onerule in [info]doorslogs

Who: Luke and Jack
What: Old friends reunite.
Where: Vegas. A parking lot near Caesar's.
When: Sometime before the fear gas madness.
Warnings/Rating: None.

Thus far, Luke was hardly the worst case scenario Jack had imagined when Wren said he was back in time. Because they'd lost touch, he'd feared that things had gone terribly for him once Wren had left. )

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doorslogs

WHO Wren, MK, and baby Gus.
WHAT Something not quite legal.
WHEN Today-ish!
WHERE The Crossing, then a duplex outside the city.
WARNING Swears (what do you expect from MK?) and a little disturbing imagery.
She was pretty sure she didn’t need to clarify; At four, Gus couldn’t look more like Luke if he tried. )

[info]soundofwings in [info]doorslogs

Who: Iris
What: Being taken into police custody (Narrative)
Where: From the hotel to the Johnson's home
When: The afternoon of Gus' kidnapping
Warnings/Rating: Iris' thoughts - nothing too bad. Police.

What's going on? ...Where's Gus? )

[info]toberuled in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loki and Tony
What: An after-fight meeting. Drinks. Sexual tension. The usual.
Where: Stark Tower
When: Immediately following the battle in Times Square.
Warnings/Rating: None really, some blood.

He brought with him the harsh scent of blood, the chemical of neoprene, salty water and green cologne, and a zip felt only in the back teeth that was all power from that blue glow in the center of his chest. 'I’d rather bleed.' )

[info]toberuled in [info]doorslogs

Who: Loki/Louis
What: Narrative. Loki recovers, Louis freaks out.
Where: Jotunheim (Marvel Door)/Passages
When: Post the Times Square thing and meeting with Tony.
Warnings/Rating: None.

What had he done? )

[info]backintheworld in [info]doorslogs

Who: Maren and Hunter
What: Sibling reunions
Where: Maren's RV
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: I shall warn for dogs and literature

He was not put out with her for backing away, nor even deeply hurt, and he was almost relieved that he wasn't going to have to be particularly affectionate, since he wasn't by nature. )