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October 18th, 2013

[info]dr_lecter in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Hannibal and Needy
What: Um. "Clearing the air"? Kind of? Okay, not really.
When: Backdated to the night before Loki's spell wears off
Where: The cabin where Needy stayed during the spell
Warnings: Hannibal is a shady bastard, so yes. Warnings for language, and poisoning a teenager.

Don't go around tonight, well, it's bound to take your life; there's a bad moon on the rise. )

[info]sharpshooting in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Allison, Lydia, Scott, Stiles & Destiny and Willow later
What: Nemeton sacrifices!
When: Tonight
Where: The woods
Warnings: Character death, dark rituals, etc...

Every time I close my eyes it's like a dark paradise no one compares to you. I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side. )

[info]purevogue in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Kurt and Isabel
What: Isabel dreamwalks, Kurt gets a visit
When: Today
Warnings: Kurt is visited by his mother's ghost, or at least he thinks he is.

In my Mother's arms, is where I was tenderly placed, and fell fast asleep with such a warm embrace, No other haven on earth can compare )

[info]imafixer in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Aria, Kennedy and Carla
Where: Outside the prison
When: Friday evening
What: Testing out Aria's new powers
Warnings: Doubtful

Read more... )

[info]neverhurthim in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Anna and Jeremy
What: Having a conversation, dream-style.
Where: In Jeremy's dream.
When: Backdated to Thursday evening, after everyone's abilities are returned.
Rating: PG probably. Will updated if needs be but it's unlikely.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Follow trails of fingertips/Live through your breath/Leaving you will be like/The burden of death. )

[info]iamthealpha in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Derek and Lydia,
What: Looking (and finding) Lydia
When: Tonight after Lydia wanders away from the Nemeton
Where: The woods
Warnings: ANGST

All I have is one last chance, I won't turn my back on you; take my hand, drag me down, if you fall then I will too and I can't save what's left of you. Sing something new, I have nothing left; I can't face the dark without you. There's nothing left to lose, the fight never ends, I can't face the dark without you. )