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June 14th, 2013

[info]mirrorofthepast in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Elena and Elijah
What: Sharing, chatting and possible anger outbursts
Where: Elijah's cabin
When: Tonight
Warnings: None likely

I've got a heart for sale It's a little worn, and torn, and pale If it beats, then I'll make you a deal I'll give it to you for free, If you can love it, carefully, And get, it away from me )

[info]heartofscraps in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Tony and Claudia
What: Oh, you know. Two techie geeks hanging out
Where: Naval base where Tony lives
When: Today
Warnings: Er. It's Tony Stark. Currently no major warnings, but will update when/if necessary.

Hail hail to the good times Cos rock has got the right of way We ain't no legends ain't no cause We're just livin' for today )

[info]hvic in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Pam and Serena
What: Reunions
Where: Outside of the prison, and then Fangtasia
When: Tonight
Warnings: Pam is a warning all on her own. Add a grief stricken Serena and...this will probably be high on warnings.

I know the reason you're running scared, I met the monster inside your head. You never know the feeling of being alive; It's not enough, it never stops coming. It's not enough, so take a breath, say good bye. )

[info]mmmpineapple in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Violet and Shawn (and sunny)
What: witty banter and perfectly gelled hair
When: Ten minutes after yesterday's net post (fashionably late)
Where: Violet's workspace
Warnings: none

I remember way back then when everything was true and when we would have such a very good time such a fine time. Such a happy time, and I remember how we'd play simply waste the day away )