World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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[[OOC: Heroes spoilers likely in comments]]

John Connor [userpic]

[OOC: Heavy spoilers for 2nd season of SCC (specifically, the episode "Mr. Ferguson is ill today") are in post, possibly comments too.]


You know, I get the idea of being fictional. Kind of a mind-blower.. but yeah. I get it now. Though I try not to dwell on it much But I have to say, it's another big surprise to see yourself on TV. Probably as surprising as when I actually believed I was The Punisher. Good thing I didn't kill anyone. Again.


TV show )

Emma Frost is tired of trying to be good [userpic]

I must admit, I miss teaching children.

Though all things will come in their own time.

John Connor [userpic]

I don't belong here. I had plans in Brooklyn tonight. Drug deal going down. Won't be a good deal for them. But that was before I wound up in.. wherever this is. Ah well, doesn't matter. I'm sure it's the same as anywhere else. There will always be the guilty. Those that require... punishment.

John Connor [userpic]

My first week at school... and I haven't been shot at. Or chased. Or had to hide from a "cop" searching for me. I don't miss that at all. Not sure I miss the cliques, with the jocks vs. the new kids, but.. I'd take that over the other stuff anyday.

This puts me in the mood to celebrate. I'm thinking of stopping at South America this weekend. I heard they have good beaches down there.

Why not, Logan? That's what I thought.


No. I jumped. I jumped. I jumped.

I'm not dead, why am I not pizza on the sidewalk?

I jumped.


Sooo toked.

sonya blade [userpic]


I've heard of different realms, but never different 'versions' of realms, even stranger is that I don't remember stepping through a portal.
Last I remember, Earthrealm is still recovering from invasion. Yet this city doesn't even look like it's been through a war.
Some answers would be appreciated.

On that note, how did the year go from 1997 to 2008?

 I think I need a vacation.

Everyone will be happy to learn that I've completed my study on the godbox, and by using some Ancient technology, I've upgraded it.  Anyone who wants the upgrade I'll be glad to do it for you.

Interesting little device, presented a lot of problems from teh get go.  Some I've managed to overcome, but there's still these.. .firewalls... if you will....


Not FIRE-walls.  GOD-walls.  HA!  Named something right there, Sheppard, beat you to the punch.

Okay.  Where was I?  Godwalls.  Right.

Godwalls operate outside the control of anyone or anything.  I've tried to go around them but since they're based in non-scientific fact (way to cheat, Gigi) they keep re-establishing themselves.  Basically it works in that if you're, I dunno, the Cat, and you really want to beat up the Jabberwocky, the godbox won't  take yout directly to the Jabberwocky because it would be an unfair advantage.  Also, say you're Tesla Spencer -- E. Coli -- whatever, and you have a tiff with Mr. E. Coli...

Hmm.  Maybe I should quit with the names.  Let's just go with, uh, "GIRL".

Okay, so say GIRL has a tiff with BOY and BOY then tries to hunt down GIRL when GIRL absolutely positively does not want to talk to BOY.  Godwalls will prevent BOY from approaching GIRL until she wants to be approached.  Hehehe.  Sounds like some weird mating ritual you'd see on Animal Plant.  Right? 



Okay, the new godbox I've come up with has a built in flash drive and USB portal, can track all of Gigi's other special children (if not protected by Godwalls) press to talk feature, on-line access to the boards, and automatic voice recognition and auto-dialing.  Also, just for fun, I've add an mp3 player so you can download all your music.  IPhone can go take a flying leap.  If I could take this thing public I would blow Mr. Gates out of the water...

Okay.  So.  Let me know if you want one. 

Abomination: Noun, something bad that should never happen, see. . . )

John Connor [userpic]

I really like being here. There's no limits.

Cameron Phillips )

Sharon Carter [S.H.I.E.L.D.] [userpic]

As they say, this blows in chunks.

Anyone got a need or position for ex-mercenary-cum-spy-cum-liason-cum-director? SWAT captianship is looking more and more plausible.

And I'm getting sick and tired of sitting around, calling it recon on the new world is not doing it anymore.

John Connor [userpic]

I have to admit... I'm really starting to like it here. I mean, usually when I move to a new place, I can't tell anyone my real name, or use credit, or anything like that. But here? No hiding at all.

I think it's time I had some fun. Any suggestions on what a 16-year-old boy can do for fun around here? Would there be any arcades open? Batting cages? I got a few ideas, but I'm also open to any suggestions.

And just when I thought, "it really can't get much worse."

Guess I shoulda known better.

I quit. For a month. I've had my fill of humans for now.

John Connor [userpic]

I have no idea why I'm here. Or how. I just showed up some time ago. Like.. instantly. I probably shouldn't even use this computer. Skynet might find a record of this post and send a borg back for me.

But on the bright side, I got a friend here. And my father.. that's kinda weird. I just hope nothing goes wrong. That this peace lasts. Ohh God, please let nothing go wrong..

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

I have acquired property to start my own business; however, I lack certain... supplies... Ingredients not readily obtained in the more controlled areas of the magical world.

As much as I hate condescending to ask in this forum, if any of you know where I might find such products, let me know.

This is less than ideal.

John Connor?

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