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[Aug. 10th, 2015|09:18 pm]

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Goddamnit, I just realized my birthday is coming up. I don't want nothin'. No presents, no parties, no surprises! (I'm looking at you Romanoff) I don't want to be reminded that I'm getting older and that the future of loss of sight and aching bones is right around the corner. Pretty soon I'll be as old as Myc and Harry...no offense lads.

When did the thought of birthdays become a bother rather than exciting? Dear lord, I am showing my age.
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[Aug. 8th, 2015|05:20 pm]
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As much as I enjoy the London summer, the constant questions about passport and visa rules from tourists is annoying. If I have to deal with one more retiree from Florida on their first trip ever overseas who is confused by the cars, the food, or the currency, I will tell them to never leave the country again.

This place isn't America and it's not like Downton Abbey either. Funny that.

Oh, and British people, if you want actual heat, I would direct you to California at this time of year. You can stay with my folks and melt.
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[Warded from those under 18] [Aug. 4th, 2015|06:39 pm]

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I've been seeing all you lads answering questions and I must ask, why?

Is this a new thing? Is it 'hip' to answer questions on one's sexual encounters? I do suppose it's one thing to be honest and open, but is this taking it to another level? Or is it all just for fun?

I'm not judging or trying to be condescending. Consider it curiosity. Either that or I'm far too used to muggles and how close-minded and secretive they can be.
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[Jul. 28th, 2015|01:47 am]

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Does anyone know of a spell that can be used to track steps and show a visual translation of said steps? Muggles have a device for their ballerinas, why don't wizards?

Actually, wizarding ballet could be improved. There's so much potential to it. Maybe someone needs to start a thing or two with it. Maybe she can. She's ready for a change. Nobody puts baby in the corner. Did anyone get that reference? It's from a movie.

Private to Clint
That reminds me - you haven't seen me dance in a long while, if at all, have you?
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[Jul. 28th, 2015|12:10 am]

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I must say I never thought this day would come, but I feel like a different man. Funny how little ones in your life make quite a difference. I'm glad I'm usually a morning person and they seem to sleep through the night, though I think they're even more energetic than Cho.

Meet the little ones )
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[Jul. 27th, 2015|01:48 pm]

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Every now and again, I spend so much time in my office at work that I sort of forget that I have a home to go back to. And then, when I finally do get back there, my dishes are still waiting in the sink for me.

I think my coffee cup had a new civilization going in it and that's pretty embarrassing for a guy who's going to be thirty five in less than five days.

Which is also kind of weird to think about.

Speaking of birthdays, Neville and I will be kicking back at the Three Broomsticks on Friday evening. Stop by and say hi and have a drink if you've got the chance.
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[Jul. 20th, 2015|10:56 pm]

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Well I've just received an interesting invitation. It seems I've been recommended for something, but I'm not sure what. If that makes sense. I got an invite to an interview on Friday at 3:00pm in the Department of Mysteries. But that's all it says. It's on an official letterhead, it can't be a joke, right?

Private to Harry Potter )
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[Jun. 24th, 2015|12:56 am]


Private to Mycroft and Harry )
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[Jun. 16th, 2015|12:27 pm]


It was nice to see everyone celebrating the end of term. Thanks for the invite Hogwarts. Made me feel even older than I want to feel, but if you kids have fun, I can't argue. Best of luck to everyone moving out today, I heard some students slur talk about how they had to move out today. Hopefully that goes smoothly enough.

Private to Mycroft )

Private to Harry )

Private to Nat )
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