War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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July 15th, 2013

No evil

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It seems I have been a bit lax in communicating with the 'outside world' for some time. My apologies. I had misplaced my computer for a number of days. ...Well, I was aware of its location, but it was buried beneath approximately twenty pounds of dried bamboo, and I did not see a reason to move it at the time.

Things truly are becoming terribly dull, if I am resorting to conversation as a means of self-entertainm

On a related note, does anyone have need of some bamboo?


I have not seen you in a couple of days, Watson. This is most abnormal, given the recent patterns. I trust nothing is amiss?

Shall I send Lestrade to check on you?

Further, would it be terribly upsetting if I were to suggest installing solar panels on the roof? I had intended to simply do it, but I thought perhaps you may object, given


It is good to have you back, Watson.

[Rose, Florence, & Harry]

Would you happen to be aware of John's current state of well-being?

July 8th, 2013

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[OOC: After seeing Rose's post, Sherlock may or may not have directed Lestrade to go to her place. With Mrs. Hudson. Whether he told him to or not (you can't prove he did!), the goat showed up at her door with the kitten on it's back, sometime this afternoon. If asked, he will deny involvement. Adamantly.]

June 9th, 2013

Friends Filter

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So I think patrolling probably generally goes better when you don't trip over your own feet and twist your ankle.

And guys, really, don't go freaking out because it wasn't even related to anything we ran into last night. Once I can walk okay, I'm going out again.

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[text to Sherlock]
>>Where is it?
>>Where is my cane?

[Text to Claire C.]
>>I can't find anything in this god damn flat.

[ooc: Sent at some ridiculous morning hour!]

June 8th, 2013

Filtered from evil & evil vampires, which is rather redundant, isn't it?

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Holy water works if you believe it works but what if you believe that it will work if you believe that it will work? I should be testing this. I should know. I do not enjoy this staying indoors and
I have things to be doing and I cannot simply stay here because some other versions of myself were terribly accident-prone and

In unrelated news, I require a substantial length of copper pipe, approximately sixty-seven large glass jars with tight-fitting lids, and blood from at least three different sources of supernatural creature. Vampire, demon, other; I am not particularly picky. Whatever is on-hand will suffice. The jars, however, really must be completely air-tight. On that, I'm afraid I must insist.

May 25th, 2013

No evil.

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Epiphany's gone. And Joan's gone. And sounds like a few others. Is anyone else missing?

[Perry, Harmony, John, Greg, Tony, and Sherlock]
You guys better all still be here. No disappearing acts.

May 24th, 2013

Anti-Evil Filter

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What do we know about this seal? I want everything. Every detail. Every theory that has any basis on any fact whatsoever.

Filtered against Lucifer & any potentially threatening sources (*as per J.A.R.V.I.S' analysis ).

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Good afternoon. Mr. Stark would like to remind everyone that we are all utterly and inevitably doomed unless he can appropriately syndicate granular deliverables and matrix cross-media models into the drive dynamic platforms of Mark 39.

[ooc: *J.A.R.V.I.S is basing this filter on any outright threats that have been pointed out by people on the boards. So it's mostly open to whoever hasn't been YOU IS EVIL'd at by other characters. Also, hi! Tony is frustrated and working on a suit and may or may not have stated this to J.A.R.V.I.S off the record who, of course, took the whole TELL EVERYONE thing literally and decided to do just that by accessing his boards account. Oops?]

May 23rd, 2013

Anti-Evil Filter

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Is it Thursday?

May 15th, 2013

no evil

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Well that was rather..dull.

What did I miss? Sherlock, you're still in one piece aren't you?

No evil or bad vampires

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Oh my god that sucked. Like hardcore full-on sucked. Never thought I'd actually be happy to find myself in Lawre Are we all back now? No one's still swapped out?

I read the shit the other me put up. God, I don't... I am so fucking sorry for anything he said or did.

Did he hurt you? Oh god, Harmony, the things he said, I swear to god, I don't think any of that and I never have and I'm so fucking sorry.

God, you're not going to like this
There is a whole lot of shit in my flat that I have no idea how it all got there. It wasn't there when we left town and I didn't put it there and a lot of it looks like the shit they handout at the complex when you show up and I swear it wasn't me that took it.

May 14th, 2013

No Evil or psycho vampires of death

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So whose amazing plan was it to leave all these little gift baskets with laptops and giftcards and shit just out in the lobby? Because wow, make my job easier, why don't you?

This place isn't so bad so far. You know, aside from all the crazy people and evil vampires. Almost wouldn't mind sticking around longer now.

{ooc: so AU!Harry continues to be a douche. He's just stolen all the care packages out of the main complex. Normal Harry will be back tomorrow and will flail about all the stolen shit piled up in his apartment, because dude, he was stopping all that so wtf!! But yus, if anyone feels like noticing a distinct lack of shit in the lobby... Should note that he does know how to avoid security precautions pretty well, so any video evidence would be minimal}

May 9th, 2013

No evil, douchebag vampires, Lily, or asshole versions of Harry Lockhart

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Can me and Sylvia stay with somebody else til people switch back? I can't... he's wrong and he's not my Harry and fuck, he's a fucking asshole. And I don't know if I can really trust him with the cat, so she's coming with me.

[The Harry that's here]
Why did you
You know, you don't have to like me but that was really low last ni
You didn't have to be so
No, fuck you

Why did he have to... He's right. I just fucking left her there...I should have just taken her with me...

May 7th, 2013

ETA: no evil or evil vampires or what the fuck ever

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Okay, so Kansas so isn't a step up from where I was before. There any particular reason I can't just go the fuck back to fucking New York?

May 6th, 2013

Joan, Rose, & Mrs Trumper

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How is everyone this fine evening?

May 5th, 2013

Friends filter

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So, just checking in, how many of you guys are still, you know, you? because John jus

ETA: Me and Harmony and Perry are clearing off for a few days. Just fyi. I've got my phone, call me if you need anything, okay?

[Perry and Harmony]
Can we go do something? Day trip or something, I don't know. I just can't Maybe if we're away from Lawrence it'll leave us alone, won't trade any of us ou

Filtered against Satan, kidnapped people and vampires. Apparently.

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What exactly happened to London?

April 29th, 2013

evilis not permieted here

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mrs husdon has ben volenytly ill onthe carpert and lestreade sesms to thinkit is my fault.

itis not
thatist ijujst a felinne behavrior. expellng hair. unfortunatebut normal

sttill, he is mostt displesased.

[my watsons]
I sem to havemisplaced my poistol. theone with the larege silver atac hhment oon oneend. theshooty endd. i was wokring on it theother evenning and itsemes to have migrated to alesewhere.
itis most invonvenveinent. terilbly inconvenientt really. horibly.

haveiether of you sen it rec ently?

April 23rd, 2013

no evil none at all

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I can't stay up long because Martha gets angry when I do but I wanted to say thank you to everybody who was worried. and for those of you who are giving yourself guilt trip and I know you're out there don't. I'm fine now and it's going to be OK well maybe fine is pushing it but I'm alive and that's all that matters. so all of you can quit standing by my bed looking like I'm about to die on you because I'm not that easy to get rid of.

oh and thank you to Clark because without him I don't think this would have gone quite like this. personally I'm a big fan of the blood being in my body.

[ooc: Rose did this all with voice-to-text cause she's still not really feeling up to typing at all. And for the record, I actually voiced the whole entry. Nyah. Any mistakes made were kept!]

April 22nd, 2013

No evil

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Rose made it through the surgery last night. She's not out of the woods yet, but her condition is stable for now. She's not awake yet, and I don't expect her to be for a while yet as her body focuses on healing, but if people want to see her, they can come in for short periods, only a couple at a time though. No crowding her, we still need to work.

[ooc: Viki, hope this works for you!]
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