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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 26th, 2013

No evil/Lord Harry

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Does anyone else just want a week off from crazy people trying to kill us all?

That said, if anyone needs my help for anything, let me know.

[Filtered to Rose]

So, you okay with him being here?

[Filtered to Jack]

You alright?

[Filtered to Nine]

How are you settling in?

November 24th, 2013

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Did anyone misplace a banana? I seem to have located one, though it is a bit more along the lines of pudding now than anything. But there you have it. I've made you pudding.

Now that I've completed such a daunting task will someone explain exactly why it needed doing now? Bit in the middle of something. Lives in the balance and all.

January 28th, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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What did you all do to my TARDIS?

Her drives aren't working properly. Can't jump. Can't move forward, can't move backward. She's as stuck in this linear timestream as the rest of you and I want to know why.

January 23rd, 2013

This is a really vague filter against evil.

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I don't suppose any of you have seen a blue box around here, have you? It's quite big. Very hard to miss.

...unless it's cloaked. Then we might have ourselves a bit of a problem.

RIGHT. New question! Has anyone walked into an invisible box lately?

December 31st, 2012

No Evil!

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[Pretend this is back dated before any time zone had New Year's!]

Right so! What better way to spend the New Year's than visiting every time zone and celebrating the birth of a new year? Plus it's a bit like time travel too, yeah?

Anyone want to come with? And only those over eighteen we'll say. I don't fancy accidentally leaving a kid behind in Hong Kong or somewhere.

December 24th, 2012

filtered against evil (added after being told to)

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He did it, Chinboy saved me. This is real and not a hallucination, right? I said take me to see the stars, though I suppose a planet could be a star. Lawrence, Kansas in the year...2012? Well, that wasn't part of the arrangement.

December 23rd, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Oh this is fantastic! While I rather wanted to see how those bauble devices worked, it wouldn't let me examine it so I tried out a wish. So though the TARDIS can no longer time travel, is has one of those rooms in it like that Trek show with the holograms and storylines and such. At least I can now feel like I can time travel again.

December 12th, 2012

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[Filtered to the Whoverse people]

I need to take a little time away from here. Don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll be back before Christmas. Promise. I just need time to figure myself out aga


Sorry for that whole nearly dying on you thing.

December 1st, 2012

Filtered against evil & "Peter Vincent"

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So, I've got a question for you guys.... how long's this Peter Vincent guy been around? And if there's anyone who's particularly close to him, I've got another question for you as well...

November 26th, 2012

Filtered from evil

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Bloody hell! How do you humans run around with only one heart!?!

November 18th, 2012


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Fancy a trip to Italy on Monday afternoon? Venice, to be specific.

November 17th, 2012

Filtered against the really very bad guys

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Oi, Roranicus. It's Saturday. Date Night. I think your people can spare you.

Course if they can't: River, terrible movie night with good wine sound good? This is the closest we've been to living together and I still feel like I never get to talk to you.

October 25th, 2012

filtered against evil and its affiliates

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Kansas? Really, Doctor. Kansas?

October 14th, 2012

Filtered against evil, bad vampires

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I miss being able to take my TARDIS anywhere in time and space. Or rather a combination of me flying her or her deciding where I'm needed. Being stuck here for so long is....annoying after 900 years of space and time travel.

September 30th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Andrew! I finally started with the new Who. Weird start was weird, but I'm really diggin' Nine's companion. For many, maaaany reasons.

But the biggest would be because of the pretty.

September 27th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine and Jerry

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All right now that I've got the hang of using this, I should introduce myself! Percy Blakeney at your service. I'm the lovely, charming and ever talented Marguerite Blakeney's husband. She told me the basics of this place. Apocalypse, fighting and so forth. Bit strange to adjust to, but not so different from where I came from. So on that note, I wish to help out wherever I can!

September 5th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Now that I'm settled into this place and over the 'Where am I? What's going on?' phase, I can actually say hi sensibly. So, hi. Captain Jack Harkness. Turn ons include, danger, long walks on alien beaches and welsh vowels. Turn offs include psychopaths and impending apocalypse.

Now I need to know about this fight and how to fight it. I've heard there's a training camp you can go to so sign me up.


Got myself settled in and got myself some hypervodka. Guess she likes me again, opened a door and there it was. Still no sonic cannons though.

Anyone care to share.


Found a few bottles of something alien, exotic and better than Midori. Tempted?

September 2nd, 2012

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Okay I suppose I'll take Kansas over being repeatedly killed for the amusement of a madman. where I was. But I know I didn't get myself here and things look way to...normal down here so...

Doctor, was this you? Did you get free? Where's Martha?

August 21st, 2012

Filtered to Rose

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How are you holding up with Ten leaving then the Ten who isn't Ten showing up? If you want to tell this daft old face anyway.

August 15th, 2012

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As I'm sure you've seen, there's another Doctor here. He only knows about me from the Library, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell him anything. Possibly best to break it gently to him that you're my father, he is in information overload right now.


With that new Doctor here, I would appreciate if you wouldn't let him know who I am aside from being Rory's daughter. That is a conversation that will need to take place later on when he can handle it.

In the meantime, sweetie, feel up to doing something?
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