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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 29th, 2015

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I know this is an odd question to pose, but is there anyone here in need of a historian or an archaeologist? I'm starting to get antsy with nothing to do, and putting a gun back in my hand might lead down a road that I would rather let my other skill set rest for awhile.

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[OOC: As soon as you click on this post, a messgae pops up. It says "Sound System Override", and this plays on a loop.]

Hi, Lawrence. Did you miss me?

Cut not filtered )

May 21st, 2015

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[Filter: Coulson's Shield + Peggy Carter, Natasha Barton & Clint Romanoff]

I've signed up for a hunt. Morse, Barton and Carter are going as well. We'll be back in a week. A week and a half at most.

No Known Threats

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Right. So, things have been let slide with the crap that's been going on. I dunno about you lot, but I need to get out of here.

So, here's a bunch of hunts for you all to chose from. Bobby's old proviso's apply. You have to have done the classes. And, any first timers need an experience partner. Everyone has a partner. No exceptions!

So, pick one, and find a partner.

  • Denver
  • Illinois
  • Massachussetts - Alicia and Emma
  • Virginia - Katniss, Johanna (maybe) and Tamsin
  • Miami - Rose and Dimitri
  • Chicago - Levi and Damien
  • California - Bobbi, May and Tasha
  • New Orleans - Caroline and Klaus
  • Texas - Sam and Dean. You ain't got a choice, Sammy.


I'm kidnapping my brother.


We need this, Sammy.

May 19th, 2015

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Neal and Ruby are both gone.


May 13th, 2015

Spoilers for AOS finale in comments

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May. If you come near me. If you even look at me. I will kill you. I want that clear To all of you. Yes that was a fucking threat

May 7th, 2015

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I'm up every morning around 5 to do Tai Chi. If you're interested you can observe and learn that way. I also run 10 miles every two days. If you think you can keep up you're welcome to join me.

Phil is going to ask you for help. When he does make it difficult for him.

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So Dad's gone.


May 6th, 2015

network post: skye

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How about that weather, huh?

I've been trying to hack in and figure out this who weird TV thing so we can get our people back, but so far I'm having no luck at all. Which makes me thing it's definitely some kind of magical thing.

spoilers for last night's agents of shield )

May 2nd, 2015

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That answers that

[James Rogers]
Do you want to talk about it?

[Tony Stark]

[Warehouse Residents]
I recommend avoiding the theater for those curious.

[ooc: There may be possible Age of Ultron spoilers in comments. Read at your own risk!]

April 17th, 2015

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I'm beginning to think that I need to stop drinking. This is really not the place I went to sleep in. I don't remember drinking that much but that's the only reasonable logical explanation for this, right?

I have to get home. Pepper is going to be pissed if I'm late for dinner again. There really are only so many times you can use alien armies from outerspace.

Encrypted Message Left For SHIELD

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May be compromised. Send evaluation team. [Insert Location Details] - The Cavalry.

[OOC: So, basically, May said "ha no" to waiting for the welcoming committee and chose to find her own answers. But it's later than she recalls and like she's in Kansas which is not where she was moments ago. So, she believes she's been compromised and as such has left this message for Shield. May won't respond but she'll see the messages later. Feel free to use this post to discuss who is coming to get her :)]

April 16th, 2015

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You know what? No. NO. I'm not having this again. I don't care what bizarre explanation you people insist on giving me. I'm not being kidnapped AGAIN. I was just starting to get things back on track. Send me back. SEND ME BACK.

April 7th, 2015

MCU and his Friends outside same.

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Turns out vampirism doesn't work hugely well with the effects left over from the damn Bezerker staff.

I don't know how long I can keep this in check and Skye..she can't...

Can someone knock me out if this gets bad? Or I dont know, make me choke down vervain? Something.

Its probably not okay for a vampire to really want something to burn to the ground right about

April 4th, 2015

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Well, this is certainly something.

I am deeply sorry for the mess. I was not expecting that to happen.

At least I can't say things are boring here.

Private log.
All right, Carter. You can handle this.

You've watched that show. You know how this works. It's vibrations. That's all. Don't panic. Don't hold it in. You'll only hurt yourself or lose control. And nobody wants that.

Just breathe and you will be fine.

God, I wish Howard was here.

SHIELD and Avengers and such
It would appear that I have acquired Skye's ability. Unless there is someone else here who can do something similar.

There was a slight mishap this morning, but it was really very minor, all things considered. It should be fine. I'll be fine. Just takes some adjustment is all.

I'm not quite so all right with this as I'd like people to think.

April 3rd, 2015

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Threatening bodily harm when a woman attempts to touch my child in his stroller because he is "so delicious" that she could "eat him up" is completely allowed, yes?

[Filtered to Pepper Potts]
How are you settling in?

March 28th, 2015

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It's different, watching everything from the outside.

I can understand the logic of the decisions that I'm making, but it's... It's like I'm discounting everything else that ever would have mattered to me for the sake of that logic. Because of what happens when I'm running too hot, because I know that I make bad choices and say things I regret when I'm letting my emotions dictate things.

Nick never had trouble separating the two. Why am I constantly struggling with it?

[ Bobbi ]
I don't blame you. Calderon, Gonzales, Weaver, Oliver, they're all good people and good agents. And they have a point. Nick's secrets, it was one of the things that complicated the issue, allowed for HYDRA agents to operate so freely without their movements being suspect. And me. I'm not good at this being in charge thing, am I?

[ Skye (& Ward) ]
I left you in the woods, Skye. So what if it was a safehouse? I didn't know what to do to help you, so I just left you, alone, in the middle of the woods with what I can only assume where drug laced restraints to keep you under control.

Quite frankly, I don't see how that makes me any better than Garrett.

March 26th, 2015

No Strigoi

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James is healing well. Thank you to those who have inquired about him.

I think he sleeps easier when one of us is there.

March 25th, 2015

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Well, watching my show was certainly an experience.

[Filtered to SHIELD folks]

Yes. I understand why you might be mad at me. I'm not apologizing, as what I did wasn't wrong. But I am willing to explain myself.

[Yes, this includes you too, Ward. And basically everyone involved in SHIELD in the MCU. And yeah. Spoilers for last night's AoS in the comments.]

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Well, watching my "show" was one of the dumbest choices I could've possibly made.

[Yeah, possible spoilers for OUAT in the comments, I'm guessing. Also, because I fail, I realize that I posted this originally in the wrong comm, and completely forgot about it. Whoops.]
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