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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 27th, 2014

Filtered against known threats.

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Ever since I got back, it feels like I'm always hungry, no matter how much I eat.

I also can't seem to stay warm. Weather says it's fine out, but

I was thinking that maybe a picnic or barbeque or something with all of you guys here might help me with the hunger problem. Anyone interested?

May 21st, 2014

Bo (Of the fae variety)

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Oi, Suucubint.

We should talk.

Possibly over sambucca shots

May 16th, 2014

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How you feeling, with Hale being here and all that?


I want to maul that pirate.

How are you? You know any time you need to feed, I'm here, right?


Haven't spoken in a while, what you up to?


You're being quiet, I find this suspicious. Are you okay?


So how are you adapting to being here now?

May 7th, 2014

Texts to Bo Dennis!

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✉ Ahoy there, sugar crotch!
✉ Have you been shivering anyone's timbers lately?

May 5th, 2014


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I don't know about you, but I had a really good time. If you want to again, le

Let me know if you start to feel weak or off or anything like that. I can fix it.

filtered from enemies.

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what is a twitter and why are these women declaring that they are pursuing me on mine?

is this some form of sexual advance?

April 30th, 2014

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Ok.  So, I thought I'd seen a lot.  But, traveling to Kansas in the blink of an eye, was not something I ever expected.  Hell, I thought the only person powerful enough for that would be the Blood King.  So, explanation anyone?  And anyone seen the druid?  I need to kill him.

Kenzi?  You here Little Momma?

March 20th, 2014

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[Filtered to those who were in hell with her]
Would it be wrong? To wish away the memories? Normally I'd never want my mind messed with, but...

March 13th, 2014

Filtered TO adults.

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I love a good Disney movie as much as the next kid, but you grown-ups running around talking about magic and asking me if I'm actually a kid and not a grown-up too makes you sound like CRAZY PEOPLE.

No offense, Mister Dyson. But it's true!

Are you guys ok? If you don't feel comfy or safe with the people that you're with, talk to me. We'll find a way for you to get away and you guys can come with me and Martha.

Are you still in New York with that Bekah lady?

March 12th, 2014

No evil

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[OOC: So, bit of explanation. Kirk had to go away after the battle to do a job. He was contacted by someone he met in San Francisco who asked him to do some freelance work of a sensitive nature which involved a lot of travel. He let people know he was leaving and he wouldn't be able to contact anyone for a while, so if you're friends with him you knew he was gone but he hasn't talked to you since the big fight.]

I come back to Lawrence after three months and there's pint size versions of people running around. Did I miss something really big?

[Friends Filter]

Hey, guys. Please don't kill me for cutting off contact for the last three months. Job's finished and I'm finally back. Please tell me you're all still here? Even if you hate my guts right now, can you touch base with me so I know the seal didn't take you?


I looked into the stuff you asked me to check into while I was gone. I don't think it's related to anything we've been dealing with here, just really weird coincidences. I guess you should still keep an eye on things, just in case, but I don't think we need to worry. It's not anything we need to bring to the attention of the people in charge around here. By the way, how in the hell did you find me? That's what I want to know.

ETA: [Kenzi]

Please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me you are not a kid. Please?

January 21st, 2014

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This might sound weird, but you want to maybe come on a run with me? I could do with letting off some steam.

December 22nd, 2013

Filtered away from evil bitches.

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If any one of you try to bid me a sad farewell or say that it was nice knowing me or even throw me a TTFN! then I will personally take it upon myself to damage you. Possibly permanently.

I mean, yeah. Lucifer is epically powerful. And unkillable. And he can pretty much just snap his fingers and cause us all to spontaneously combust into piles of blood and intestines and uncontrollably disturbing goo on sight. Plus, he's got that whole demonic army backing him and, I dunno about you guys, but I'm thinking that a hell sized army = SO MUCH BIGGER than any army that we'll ever be able to swing topside. That's got to be like eternities of people being sent downstairs and recycled through the demon generator, right? The world is overpopulated, sure, but just take a min to think about how much tougher it's gotta be downstairs on the whole food shortage dealio with millions upon millions of years of people being fed into the hellpipe that are all ready to be ground up into Lucifer lovin' loyalists who -

I'm not ranting. I'm probably also not helping those of you who are worried about how this is all going to play out. Which I am not. At all. Nope, not me! This is going to be fine. End of the world. Fighting the Devil. Yup. We got this. No big. I do this all the time.

So no saying goodbye. No see ya laters. I don't wanna hear anything of the sort. Nada. Zip. ZILCH. Got it?

December 16th, 2013

Filtered to: Kenzi, Dyson, Vex, Klaus

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I know this is probably unnecessary, but please tell me you're all okay and that there were no eating of faces that happened in the last 6 hours. It was so real

December 8th, 2013

No evil

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Okay, so I've been filled in a bit about this place. I'm Dyson, friend of Bo and Kenzi. And since people seem to be open around here, I'll follow suit. I'm a wolf shifter.

[Filtered to Bobby Singer]

I've been told by Kenzi you're the person to ask about what's going on around here.

December 6th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches!

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I need someone strong. I'm talking hit on the head by an asteroid, bitten by a spider, dumped into a vat of toxic green goopy mutant spawning chemical waste, son of Hercules, out of this world strong. I was out with some friends when then sirens went off and by the time we were able to find a decent shelter it just -

He's stuck, he's hurt, and we can't get him out. We called for an ambulance, but I don't know how long it'll take with everything else going on and I don't know what else to do.

December 2nd, 2013

No Evil

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Ooooh succubus!

It just got interesting!

Booze? Cause I think you need a party!

{OOC - Oh such spoilers will this thread possess!}

November 29th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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You colonials may be dirty dirty tea criminals but you do know how to put on a celebration.

Now I'm gonna go and watch the repeat of the most pointlessly padded sport in existance for reasons I don't understand.

And if anyone suggests that crap you watch is football I will fight them.


You maybe want to not poke Lucifer with a stick my very favourite and very fragile human?

Thought I was supposed to be the mad reckless one

October 24th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches!

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All righty, ladies and gents! It's time to collect. I've got clothes, laptops, phones, shoes, annnd disco dinosaur figurines that I don't remember picking up but happen to have anyway. I'm over at [address] and am not opposed to being given food/candy/booze as thanks.

Is there anything else I can do to help with the whole post explosions stuff? I admit that I am not the best when it comes to the super heroics, but I do know a thing or two about surviving in places that aren't exactly what you'd call home.



You and me. Halloween. Party. We need to find ourselves costumes ASAP. Something that says sexy thrown onto a whole smorgasbord of badass.

I'm thinkin' like Batgirl and Robin. Mafia style Pink Ladies. The hunter versions of Daphne and Velma?

October 21st, 2013

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[Texts to Klaus]
» Hey.
» I heard something funny today.
» Wanna hear it?
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