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November 30th, 2013

no evil

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is it true?

if we make the devil go away we all leave?

but then what happens to my baby sister? does she get left behind with no one to love her?

cause that's not fair

November 29th, 2013

no evil

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think i want to go sleep for a week now. that was a lot of cooking.

No Lucifer

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We really gotta go into again how we don't sass the devil? Haven't we had this same discussion at least ten times by now in the last damn year?

Wait until the retaliation starts happening because you bet your goddamn smart mouths that it will.

Goddamn idjits, the lot of you.

November 27th, 2013

no evil

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ive not celebrated thanksgiving before since it is american. but apparently its a time to help those less fortunate. there are five homeless shelters in lawrence. i think maybe i want to bring them all food somehow. like we used to. only different now. maybe use the kitchen at the inn and try to prepare a turkey though ive not cooked one of those before either.

or open the inn to people who need a meal. ill cook it. i can pay for it. i think. maybe there is a way to get to those not at the shelters either.

enjolras? eponine? can I use the kitchen for it?

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[Filtered to Friends and Inn Residents-But Not Eponine!]

Is there anyone who'd be willing to take charge of the Inn for a couple of days? Two nights at most. All we'd really need is someone willing to check on guests if there are any present (which at the moment, it's only the displaced, but things come up) and prepare meals.

I'm looking to steal my girl away for a weekend.


Don't make any plans for this weekend.

November 26th, 2013

No Evil Here, Please!

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Apparently, my due date is July 5th.

No, you are not using my baby as your beacon of American hope and pride.

And he or she will also not be the antipatriot, either.

We're just going to have a nice, normal baby who wears colours other than red, white, and blue.

November 22nd, 2013

no evil

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i want to see more of this world. T.V. shows many interesting places but it would likely be unsafe. it showed Africa and Asia today. one day I would want to see them though.
but i have no intention of eating an animals bones if i do go.

November 15th, 2013

filtered to cas

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get a drink with me?

[filtered to robin]
get a drink with me and cas?

November 14th, 2013

No evil

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I'm going to be a father.

I can't stop smiling right now. I tried, just to see if I could. It didn't work.

November 12th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches.

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Vex and I are breaking out the tequila so I can forget everything that I just watched happen on my show.

Would anyone care to join us in our alcoholic funfest?

[ooc: Possible 4.1 spoilers for Lost Girl in comments.]

November 11th, 2013

filtered against evil and Lord Harry

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What's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? I was thinking that those of us with no one to celebrate with might celebrate together. We could each bring a dish of something.

Just a thought.

No evil

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So much paint. Paint everywhere.

Lydia our couch now has a home worthy of it.


So that thing about loving me no matter what...

November 10th, 2013

no evil

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ive a space. a room and its mine. and i dont have any slightest clue what to do with it. but its mine.

are you busy?

Filtered to people that responded to her last night

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[Aka anyone on this post]

Thanks for talking to me last night and pushing some sort of rationality at me. I... couldn't deal with it.

Thanks for listening to me rant about the same thing over and over last night.

[Peter V.]
I don't know how to
I want to fix it but I know I ca
I can't handle
I'm sorry.

November 9th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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We have furniture! And most of it is moved in and some of it has to be delivered but we have actual furniture! And I bought paint and a border for the bath and we will truly have no savings left once we're done but I don't care because it is so beautiful! Call it stupid, call it old-fashioned (which perhaps I am, a bit, 12th century and all), but I feel like a proper wife doing all of this. Settling into a house and all.

It's perfect. A little too perfect, something is bound to No. Not dwelling on that right now

[Filtered to Females-but you know, non evil ones?]

Robin bought me a baby bib.

I mean, not for me to wear. That's just silly. And it's a ridiculous, Robin's Ego Needs Inflating Sometimes one.

But it's still a baby bib. And I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. And if I should tell him I think I might

No evul/lord Harry/Petrr V.

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konw t?wha nope. i can't deal with that so alcohol instead. alcohol and nicotene and ignoring everyting ever because fuck taht vampire batasrd and shis vindictive agelnda..

November 8th, 2013

no evil

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think i want to see it. the complex. maybe. been all but avoiding it since yeah.


not sure if itll do much though.

November 5th, 2013

No evil

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my head is killing me ive not had any ale to drink either to blame. three days ive been awake now. all i want is sleep.

November 4th, 2013

No evil/Lord Harry

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I was thinking about baking something. Possibly a lot of somethings. Any requests?

[Friends filter*]
How long is typical before you feel like you have a place in everyhing going on here? I am not particularly fond of feeling so...lost.

[You probably know if you're on tthis filter, but if not ask!]

No evil

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That was a fantastic party, Rose.

Never got that hungover back home. Must be to do with the time. Or the location. Definitely nothing to do with the amount of drinking, or god forbid age.
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