War Is Coming Communications.

December 2013
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12:37 am: [info]nightwingingit Evil can just go right back to hell
03:47 am: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 5 comments
01:11 pm: [info]brokenlily Filtered against evil - 11 comments
04:38 pm: [info]silverarcher texts to Lydia Martin - 5 comments
08:12 pm: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 17 comments
09:27 pm: [info]sharkswithguns No evil. None. Not at all. ...also, no kids. - 47 comments
09:31 pm: [info]bad_narrator Friends Filter - 34 comments
10:22 pm: [info]silverarcher Lydia, Stiles, Scott - 6 comments
01:06 am: [info]muchnotmulch no evil or lord harry - 47 comments
10:26 am: [info]drjones_unit (no subject) - 28 comments
12:56 pm: [info]iwanttohelp No Evil / Lydia M. / Lydia's Friends - 36 comments
01:47 pm: [info]needstheroutine Filtered from Evil - 100 comments
03:58 pm: [info]imnotlegolas No Evil - 6 comments
05:59 pm: [info]operalover No Evil Or Lord Harry
06:48 pm: [info]gaveuphisheart No evil/Lord Harry - 18 comments
08:57 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil - 52 comments
09:25 pm: [info]saltypineapple no evil - 21 comments
09:26 pm: [info]vexyandiknowit No Evil - 37 comments
09:35 pm: [info]roguetouch No evil/ Hal/Lord Harry - 73 comments
09:42 am: [info]agelessbeauty No evil - 40 comments
10:10 am: [info]humanitytorn Filtered from Evil - 22 comments
10:20 am: [info]frostandsnow filtered from lucifer - 350 comments
11:36 am: [info]enjoytheadorbs Friends Filter - 65 comments
11:39 am: [info]runswithwolves Beacon Hills - 18 comments
11:47 am: [info]scream_survivor The Handful I Can Trust - 1 comment
11:57 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Texts to Meg!
12:08 pm: [info]muchnotmulch robin and marian - 15 comments
12:18 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 81 comments
06:52 pm: [info]decidewhoweare No Evil - 39 comments
08:13 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil - 37 comments
08:54 pm: [info]imhisblogger no evil - 12 comments
09:07 pm: [info]itscontaminated go away evil - 63 comments
12:32 am: [info]christmasnazi no evil - 10 comments
01:30 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 8 comments
07:37 am: [info]plusone No Evil - 40 comments
08:14 am: [info]thismanofhonor No evil - 13 comments
10:52 am: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 184 comments
12:48 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer & known threats. - 8 comments
01:31 pm: [info]saltypineapple No evil
01:33 pm: [info]alphadaughter Dad & Mercy - 24 comments
02:08 pm: [info]believesownlies Regina - 7 comments
03:14 pm: [info]itchtokill No evil - 188 comments
03:21 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn text to Sam - 6 comments
04:00 pm: [info]heisnoone no evil - 8 comments
05:03 pm: [info]crazyspirituser No evil - 34 comments
05:42 pm: [info]captcasanova No Evil - 27 comments
07:22 pm: [info]operalover Edward - 1 comment
07:58 pm: [info]arabiandays no evil - 9 comments
12:18 am: [info]itchtokill Elijah, Nik, Rebekah & Crowley - 18 comments
12:41 am: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 17 comments
12:42 am: [info]imhisblogger Friends filter - 18 comments
08:08 am: [info]believesownlies (drunk) Texts to Stefan - 8 comments
08:08 am: [info]runswithwolves No evil - 46 comments
10:39 am: [info]nightwingingit Clark - 9 comments
10:43 am: [info]muchnotmulch (no subject) - 17 comments
12:04 pm: [info]subtletrick Thor + Torunn - 11 comments
12:34 pm: [info]harvelle No Evil or Lord Harry - 4 comments
05:00 pm: [info]captcasanova Friends Filter (Excluding Jesse) - 4 comments
05:44 pm: [info]thatlanewit No evil - 6 comments
07:24 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn Sam (NOTE: This entire post is backdated to last night, post-angelnapping) - 24 comments
09:14 pm: [info]silverarcher Friends Filter - 42 comments
11:30 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered from Evil - 19 comments
11:30 pm: [info]ripefruit no evil - 15 comments
11:37 pm: [info]intheblack no evil - 10 comments
12:40 am: [info]radical_hacker No Evil - 8 comments
12:48 am: [info]bythehook filteered againstt evil - 205 comments
01:02 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches! - 67 comments
01:51 am: [info]castlealexis No Evil - 5 comments
02:17 am: [info]shinytomato Ta-Ta Evil
03:28 am: [info]respondedinkind Filtered Against Evil - 9 comments
05:32 am: [info]alphadaughter Friends - 20 comments
05:35 am: [info]know_your_exits No evil, Lord Harry, or kids
08:36 am: [info]pyro_prince Filtered against Lucifer and evil - 2 comments
08:47 am: [info]greatest_ranger (no subject) - 5 comments
09:15 am: [info]thatlanewit No evil - 42 comments
09:38 am: [info]princessazula Filtered from Lucifer and his ilk - 20 comments
11:27 am: [info]tearyoutopieces ETA: Filtered against Lucifer apparently. - 36 comments
11:28 am: [info]hasherwhims No evil/Lord Harry - 98 comments
11:52 am: [info]wildpowerwitch Filtered from Evil - 25 comments
01:14 pm: [info]lostfairytale No Evil - 73 comments
01:26 pm: [info]feelingepic The Captain Hook and his very pretty face appreciation society (Sans Storybrookers, and Luci) - 82 comments
03:18 pm: [info]passthehat Filtered to friends of Claudia, but not Clauds - 16 comments
03:30 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 6 comments
04:46 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Private to all the Mikaelsons (and their respective mates) - 41 comments
04:59 pm: [info]ripefruit Rapidfire Texts to Charley - 8 comments
05:11 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 14 comments
05:38 pm: [info]thedeductionist Texts To Elizabeth - 1 comment
06:01 pm: [info]ofthursdays (no subject) - 70 comments
08:20 pm: [info]roguetouch No evil, no Lord Harry - 10 comments
08:47 pm: [info]was_nadezhda no evil - 2 comments
09:22 pm: [info]crazyspirituser Filtered against evil...and Sage - 22 comments
09:38 pm: [info]runswithwolves Scott - 21 comments
10:07 pm: [info]beringandwells Claudia - 11 comments
10:36 pm: [info]scream_survivor (Backdated to Yesterday Post Tornado) - 3 comments
11:35 pm: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Lucifer - 72 comments
11:55 pm: [info]greatest_ranger Filtered against evil I guess? - 16 comments
12:39 am: [info]christmasnazi No evil - 27 comments
08:52 am: [info]betterthanmost No evil, vampires, or kids - 3 comments
12:59 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered away from Lucifer and Emily. - 90 comments
06:09 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 79 comments
06:31 pm: [info]christmasnazi Rose Tyler - 3 comments
07:24 pm: [info]robinofthehood No evil - 45 comments
07:31 pm: [info]ripefruit no evil - 9 comments
07:35 pm: [info]was_nadezhda Elementary Sherlock - 8 comments
08:24 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered from Evil - 62 comments
08:48 pm: [info]princessazula Filtered from Lucifer - 8 comments
08:55 pm: [info]action_man Texts to Connor - 8 comments
09:17 pm: [info]socompelling (no subject) - 4 comments
11:47 pm: [info]silverarcher Lydia Martin - 2 comments
11:20 am: [info]hrosha_gul Filtered to Jacen Solo - 12 comments
12:27 pm: [info]captcasanova No Evil - 27 comments
12:39 pm: [info]triesherbest (no subject) - 93 comments
05:16 pm: [info]shinytomato No Evil - 2 comments
05:27 pm: [info]tearyoutopieces No evil - 125 comments
05:28 pm: [info]silverarcher Scott, Stiles, Lydia - 24 comments
05:46 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Pretty - 4 comments
09:59 pm: [info]humanitytorn Filtered to Rebekah - 74 comments
10:47 pm: [info]mostresilient House of Lust + Elijah - 10 comments
11:21 pm: [info]bamfqueen Filtered Against Lucifer and His Followers - 67 comments
11:50 pm: [info]avenging_son Evil can go away now - 8 comments
12:43 am: [info]greatest_ranger Filtered against evil - 7 comments
11:42 am: [info]heisnoone no evil - 52 comments
01:34 pm: [info]agelessbeauty Klaus - 28 comments
01:54 pm: [info]wateravatar Filtered against evil (did that right, right?) - 14 comments
02:50 pm: [info]wildpowerwitch Filtered from Evil - 4 comments
03:00 pm: [info]thismanofhonor No Evil - 73 comments
04:00 pm: [info]castlealexis No Evil
04:12 pm: [info]not_r2d2 Friends - minus Kon - 28 comments
05:04 pm: [info]real_robin Filtered against evil. And stupid angels named Cas - 35 comments
05:08 pm: [info]armordsuprmodel Filtered to Lois and Clark - 15 comments
09:20 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 106 comments
09:27 pm: [info]ofthursdays (no subject) - 131 comments
09:34 pm: [info]needstheroutine Filtered from Lucifer - 88 comments
09:49 pm: [info]muchnotmulch text to Robin - 8 comments
10:36 pm: [info]thatlanewit Clark - 18 comments
07:21 am: [info]withgunsdrawn Cas - 15 comments
10:58 am: [info]nightwingingit No evil - 84 comments
12:05 pm: [info]biteisagift Filtered from Evil - 82 comments
12:56 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered from evil - 52 comments
11:26 pm: [info]christmasnazi filtered against kids - 23 comments
07:03 am: [info]crazyspirituser no evil. evil bad. so no evil - 2 comments
09:43 am: [info]agelessbeauty No evil - 29 comments
12:14 pm: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil - 20 comments
02:16 pm: [info]robinofthehood texts to Marian - 12 comments
04:57 pm: [info]socompelling Charlie - 14 comments
05:10 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Be gone evil! - 25 comments
07:37 pm: [info]notachesspiece No Kids or Assholes Named Lucifer - 13 comments
11:15 pm: [info]humanitytorn Fitered to Werewolves/Shifters - 25 comments
11:31 pm: [info]happyinmymisery No evil - 10 comments
11:09 am: [info]nightwingingit Connor - 4 comments
11:54 am: [info]muchnotmulch no evil - 7 comments
12:25 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered to Castiel...and Crowley. - 28 comments
01:43 pm: [info]itscontaminated caaan - 12 comments
01:55 pm: [info]hasherwhims No evil/Lord Harry - 23 comments
02:09 pm: [info]wildpowerwitch Filtered from Evil - 11 comments
02:28 pm: [info]diditforher No evil/Lord Harry - 53 comments
03:54 pm: [info]heisnoone Team TARDIS - 32 comments
04:45 pm: [info]drjones_unit No evil - 90 comments
07:10 pm: [info]roguetouch Robin & Marian - 23 comments
11:10 pm: [info]christmasnazi Friend Filter - 18 comments
12:04 am: [info]silverarcher Scott, Stiles, Lydia - 27 comments
11:41 am: [info]heisnoone (no subject) - 32 comments
12:07 pm: [info]unginger Lucifer is a Douche - 15 comments
03:28 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Friends Filter - 3 comments
05:27 pm: [info]finishyourduet No Evil - 1 comment
05:28 pm: [info]roseredvampire No evil
07:59 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn no kids. imma say fuck a lots - 34 comments
09:13 pm: [info]muchnotmulch - 20 comments
10:07 pm: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Lucifer - 6 comments
10:21 pm: [info]hrosha_gul No evil/Lord Harry - 30 comments
11:58 pm: [info]imhisblogger Filtered to Rose - 10 comments
01:47 am: [info]nightwingingit current connor flat residents - 30 comments
03:13 am: [info]avenging_son Evil isn't allowed. - 4 comments
03:54 pm: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 8 comments
12:56 am: [info]was_nadezhda filtered against evil - 12 comments
05:00 pm: [info]sinbroker No evil/Lord Harry - 35 comments
05:17 pm: [info]hasherwhims No evil/Lord Harry - 125 comments
07:32 pm: [info]subtletrick Filtered against evil - 59 comments
10:12 pm: [info]lostfairytale No Evil or Kids - 58 comments
10:38 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Filtered against evil - 14 comments
11:27 pm: [info]respondedinkind Filtered Against Lucifer - 78 comments
11:57 pm: [info]muchnotmulch No evil - 1 comment
12:50 am: [info]ripefruit no evil - 25 comments
12:52 am: [info]_bornofajackal No evil or Lord Harry - 5 comments
01:14 am: [info]_booyah No Lucifer, evil, or Lord Harry
02:58 am: [info]onelittlekiss Filtered to: Kenzi, Dyson, Vex, Klaus - 69 comments
03:20 am: [info]castlealexis (no subject)
03:23 am: [info]shinytomato (no subject) - 2 comments
03:29 am: [info]greatest_ranger No evil - 7 comments
03:30 am: [info]pyro_prince Azula - 6 comments
03:32 am: [info]wateravatar Evil is not allowed to see this - 6 comments
03:35 am: [info]armordsuprmodel Filtered from Lucifer and his ilk
07:54 am: [info]robinofthehood No evil - 80 comments
12:35 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Text to Claire - 3 comments
12:43 pm: [info]rocksolidgame (no subject) - 3 comments
01:55 pm: [info]nightwingingit No evil - 12 comments
12:19 am: [info]smokingmagician Mum - 3 comments
02:04 am: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 18 comments
08:29 am: [info]crazyspirituser Evil can kiss my ass - 39 comments
08:46 am: [info]imhisblogger Claire C. - 1 comment
08:07 pm: [info]saltypineapple no evil - 52 comments
08:15 pm: [info]action_man No evil/Lord Harry - 25 comments
09:02 pm: [info]christmasnazi filtered against evil - 6 comments
10:40 pm: [info]subtletrick Filtered to Sam Winchester - 20 comments
01:58 am: [info]bythehook filtered against lucifer and his allies. - 186 comments
01:09 pm: [info]lostfairytale Filtered to Friends and Family - 27 comments
12:09 pm: [info]respondedinkind Filtered Against Lucifer - 235 comments
03:47 pm: [info]radical_hacker No Evil
04:09 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer. - 67 comments
04:21 pm: [info]crazyspirituser No evil - 18 comments
04:41 pm: [info]saltypineapple Dean - 10 comments
04:55 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 (no subject)
06:27 pm: [info]hrosha_gul No evil - 79 comments
06:39 pm: [info]runswithwolves Beacon Hills - 28 comments
07:24 pm: [info]drjones_unit Filtered to everyone with medical training - 41 comments
08:47 pm: [info]avenging_son (no subject) - 4 comments
07:57 am: [info]mamaroadhouse Filter against Lucifer and evil - 5 comments
06:27 pm: [info]bad_narrator Friends Filter - 74 comments
07:29 pm: [info]thatlanewit Clark - 6 comments
07:50 pm: [info]ofthursdays (no subject) - 35 comments
07:50 pm: [info]notanidjit Sam and Dean - 9 comments
08:02 pm: [info]saltypineapple Dean - 2 comments
09:28 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to roof boys* - 26 comments
10:26 pm: [info]silverarcher Beacon Hillsians - 1 comment
10:53 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn Jo & Ellen - 18 comments
12:29 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Lucifer - 137 comments
01:11 am: [info]avenging_son Mom - 6 comments
05:01 am: [info]jeditraitor Filtered from Lucifer - 20 comments
05:16 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Lucifer - 89 comments
05:23 am: [info]mamavincent Friends (but no Peter) - 41 comments
12:55 pm: [info]plusone Had Enough of Evil, Thanks - 41 comments
01:58 pm: [info]intheblack no evil - 7 comments
04:41 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil - 17 comments
06:32 pm: [info]silverarcher Friends Filter - 32 comments
06:46 pm: [info]startsfires Andy - 13 comments
07:31 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 143 comments
07:35 pm: [info]runswithwolves Filtered to Scott - 59 comments
09:10 pm: [info]ripefruit Las Vegas friends - 29 comments
02:47 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered away from evil bitches. - 51 comments
07:28 am: [info]imnotlegolas No evil - 15 comments
11:14 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 (no subject) - 198 comments
11:19 am: [info]robinofthehood No evil - 85 comments
12:42 pm: [info]plusone Jules - 7 comments
06:03 pm: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil - 54 comments
10:13 am: [info]captcasanova No Evil - 24 comments
06:43 pm: [info]runswithwolves Beacon Hills - 37 comments
08:30 pm: [info]_bornofajackal Left at Thorn Manor;
09:51 pm: [info]runswithwolves Filtered to Crowley - 16 comments
11:54 pm: [info]unginger (no subject) - 31 comments
12:30 am: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Lucifer loyalists - 98 comments
02:18 am: [info]vexyandiknowit (no subject) - 11 comments
02:22 am: [info]mrs_locksley (no subject) - 31 comments
07:02 am: [info]crazyspirituser (no subject) - 7 comments
12:20 pm: [info]wateravatar Filtered against evil
01:04 pm: [info]sinbroker No lingering loyalists - 129 comments
02:21 pm: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 35 comments
03:42 pm: [info]wildpowerwitch (no subject) - 19 comments
05:37 pm: [info]scream_survivor No Evil Supporters - 13 comments
05:50 pm: [info]castlealexis Don't Bother Supporters of Evil - 9 comments
08:45 pm: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 7 comments
09:48 pm: [info]roseredvampire (no subject) - 14 comments
09:52 pm: [info]finishyourduet (no subject) - 2 comments
12:07 am: [info]jeditraitor (no subject) - 10 comments
02:50 am: [info]respondedinkind (no subject) - 61 comments
01:03 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 13 comments
03:44 pm: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 12 comments
04:45 pm: [info]christmasnazi Stiles - 9 comments
07:51 pm: [info]saltypineapple (no subject) - 14 comments
07:02 am: [info]alphadaughter Evil jerks can suck it - 32 comments
10:54 am: [info]imhisblogger Friends Filter filtered from Bo - 25 comments
01:44 pm: [info]robinofthehood texts to Lydia B - 18 comments
02:39 pm: [info]muchnotmulch (no subject) - 72 comments
03:34 pm: [info]boywhobelieves edit: no evil - 33 comments
04:06 pm: [info]raresttinker Claudia + Hatter - 16 comments
07:36 pm: [info]agelessbeauty Mikaelson family - 53 comments
09:42 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Pretty - 10 comments
11:07 pm: [info]action_man No evil? Is this still a thing we're doing? - 21 comments
11:11 pm: [info]diditforher (no subject) - 23 comments
01:03 am: [info]maryrockstar no evil, thank you - 11 comments
12:54 pm: [info]rocksolidgame Evil can forget it - 19 comments
12:56 pm: [info]not_r2d2 No Evil Followers - 43 comments
05:27 pm: [info]frostandsnow (no subject) - 138 comments
10:09 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil - 57 comments
06:25 am: [info]focusscottfocus No evil - 75 comments
07:17 am: [info]avenging_son No evil - 5 comments
10:06 am: [info]believesownlies Elijah - 7 comments
10:39 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 30 comments
12:06 am: [info]runswithwolves Beacon Hills - 47 comments
02:09 am: [info]castlealexis No Evil - 4 comments
02:30 am: [info]scream_survivor Don't Bother Evil - 5 comments
09:50 am: [info]turnedtoashes Filtered from Evil - 19 comments
10:38 am: [info]imhisblogger filtereed to Claire. C. - 25 comments
10:42 am: [info]princessazula Filtered from Evil - 2 comments
02:50 pm: [info]dethronedking No Evil/Kids under 12 - 12 comments
03:48 pm: [info]ageeleven No evil - 26 comments
03:57 pm: [info]diedtooyoung (no subject) - 92 comments
04:22 pm: [info]itchtokill Crowley - 12 comments
07:00 pm: [info]silverarcher no evil - 77 comments
07:54 pm: [info]a_good_man Edit: Filtered against evil - 81 comments
09:12 pm: [info]human_typhoon Edit: Filtered from evil - 12 comments
09:46 pm: [info]startsfires Andy - 14 comments
11:45 pm: [info]everydirtytrick (no subject) - 65 comments
12:48 am: [info]suburbsclone Filtered from any remaining threats. - 28 comments
12:49 am: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil and Ewings. Which lol - 22 comments
01:20 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 4 comments
02:33 pm: [info]mostresilient Texts to Katherine Pierce and Gregory House - 10 comments
03:03 pm: [info]paidtheprice (no subject) - 148 comments
03:19 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Filtered from Evil and Henrik - 35 comments
05:21 pm: [info]bigcitydandy no evil - 20 comments
05:31 pm: [info]human_typhoon Filtered from Evil - 2 comments
09:01 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Mal - 24 comments
11:09 pm: [info]sinbroker Filtered to Loki - 6 comments
11:33 pm: [info]itchtokill Allison - 26 comments
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