War Is Coming Communications.

December 9th, 2013

December 9th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Really getting tired dreaming of the things I've done that I regret.

no evil

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How can we fix this nightmare? Bit tired of it already. Thought I saw a while back when reading over things there was someone who could fix dreams. I duno bout anyone else but I'm about done reliving my worst days. Lets talk fixes.

Dream walkers, dream changers, go. Anything you got. Give it a whirl. Just try.


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Bekah says we need to talk about our nightmares.

Filtered against evil (did that right, right?)

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Think I got this computer thingy down now.

But hi! My name is Korra and I'm the Avatar. I'll do what I can to help out here in this fight to help keep the world spinning. Kinda my thing.

Filtered from Evil

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Hey so I'm curious about something.

I need to keep training, so I can help you all but if I call to Hecate here, my ancestress and the first witch of my world.

Will she hear me? She's gonna be everywhere right? 

She always hears me

I already called the fire and it comes

No Evil

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Damnit Kol! You were supposed to keep me from sleeping! This destroyed bed and dresser are entirely your fault.

[Family + Significant Others]

I can't take this anymore. These dreams are frighteningly vivid. When I wake up I have to convince myself that they aren't real. That Mikael and Esther really aren't here. That you're all still alive. That Niklaus isn't being tortured by them. That Katerina isn't cheating on me and using me

Humor your oldest brother. Everyone--including the significant others--sound off so I know you're all safe.

No Evil

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Sorry for the screaming last night. It looks like my kidnappers have made a comeback via nightmares.

Sleeping is not going to be an option at least anytime soon.

*Those in the know*

The ante got upped in the most recent round, the kidnappers threated to kill my dad and grams. Not sure how much more I can take since it was pretty fresh to start with.

Friends - minus Kon

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I don't know how to help him. I've done some reading on it, made the flat as organized as I can, talked him through getting around, and supplied cereal.

After that, I'm clueless.

Abby would know

Filtered against evil. And stupid angels named Cas

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Today I've learned angels are selfish bastards.

[Friends* and Kon's friends but no Kon]
I want to go out and punch all the things but I don't want to leave Kon either. What can we do though to help him be comfortable?

[*pretty much anyone who's spoken friendly like with Tim here is included. Not sure just ask :D]

Filtered to Lois and Clark

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I read about what happened to Kon. Is there anything I can do to help?

How are you today?

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[Filtered to Friends]

How is everyone?

[Filtered to Family]

Everyone doing okay? I'll see you guys soon.

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]

Had something of a conversation with Nik. Sorry if it's put him in a bad mood. I think he needs to talk about the nightmares with you though. Open up some.

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I know we don't exactly like each other, but how are you?

[Texts to Stefan Salvatore]

» Hello, husband.
» Yes, I am texting you from the beach and think you should join me.
» Is it bad that a part of me never wants to leave here? Even though I know we need to.
» I spoke to Niklaus today.
» I love you and I love you being here. Exactly what I need with those damn dreams.
» And if Mikael ever does show up here, I won't let him hurt you.

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[Filtered to Kon's friends and family]

I'm sorry. I told him not to look.

His eyes.

He needs you.

[Filtered to Cas' friends]

I have it.

I have my Grace.

It... it blinded Kon.

Filtered from Lucifer

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Its getting worse.

You all see it and yet no one is willing to be the first to admit it. We're failing. Rather dreadfully.


Want to know my nightmare? I think you'd love it


At some point I will become offended by the ignoring


Have you considered some manner of necromancy?

For your duel souls problem.

text to Robin

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>>youve been gone a while
>>you all right?


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Is there anything you can do to help him?

Is there anything I can do?

Why did it have to be Kon?
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