War Is Coming Communications.

December 22nd, 2013

December 22nd, 2013

Filtered away from evil bitches.

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If any one of you try to bid me a sad farewell or say that it was nice knowing me or even throw me a TTFN! then I will personally take it upon myself to damage you. Possibly permanently.

I mean, yeah. Lucifer is epically powerful. And unkillable. And he can pretty much just snap his fingers and cause us all to spontaneously combust into piles of blood and intestines and uncontrollably disturbing goo on sight. Plus, he's got that whole demonic army backing him and, I dunno about you guys, but I'm thinking that a hell sized army = SO MUCH BIGGER than any army that we'll ever be able to swing topside. That's got to be like eternities of people being sent downstairs and recycled through the demon generator, right? The world is overpopulated, sure, but just take a min to think about how much tougher it's gotta be downstairs on the whole food shortage dealio with millions upon millions of years of people being fed into the hellpipe that are all ready to be ground up into Lucifer lovin' loyalists who -

I'm not ranting. I'm probably also not helping those of you who are worried about how this is all going to play out. Which I am not. At all. Nope, not me! This is going to be fine. End of the world. Fighting the Devil. Yup. We got this. No big. I do this all the time.

So no saying goodbye. No see ya laters. I don't wanna hear anything of the sort. Nada. Zip. ZILCH. Got it?

No evil

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I'm not saying goodbye to anyone here cause I have faith we won't be leaving when we defeat Lucifer. That said I got a nice high vantage point here in Lawrence ready to go. If we're doing squads of fighters on the ground, I can stay up in my perch and call out where the action is, like I did in New York if people are cool with that. If not, I can be on the ground.

I'm glad we were pulled here. Apocalypse aside.

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Well, you know what they say about timing.

It really is everything.

[ooc: Using Sam journal for any and all Samcifer posts. Because it's easier than uploading icons. Wheeee.]

No evil

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I won't do what a lot of people have. I won't say goodbye. If this is the end of this place we've all said what needs to be said.

But I don't believe it is. I believe we will see this through. All of us, even those of us who don't get along, have something to give. We were brought here for a reason. And that is to succeed. So I will see you all again when this is done.


More than that, I refuse to let another chance at a life with you slip away.


I know now we were brought here as allies. I will be proud to fight alongside you.


You have more skill than you give yourself credit for. Remember that.


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For god's sake, really?
I had hoped
Did you know--

Tell me you're safe right now. Tell me you're okay.

Filtered from Evil

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I know you're all very very proud of your cocky bitchfests at Lucifer but stop it, stop treating it like something trivial, stop joking with him, just stop. At the very least respect what he is, what power he has. Tell him you're gonna win, tell him you'll fight with everything you are, don't talk to him like this is some tacky reality show

You might feel all brave and whatever but shut up and prepare for the fight or talk to him with some manner of sensible attitude. He thinks humanitys a mistake, a joke. Stop proving him right.

....Sam told me I picked the right side.

Prove Sam right.


...funny thing is, he'd let me talk to Sam. If I really asked. Once he'd won he'd give me that, because he gave me that before. In the future that he's so sure will be.

It won't be over with this fight, even if we lose. He'll do it slowly, tear humanity apart strand by strand.

...Tell me I'm doing the right thing
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