War Is Coming Communications.

May 13th, 2013

May 13th, 2013

Filtered against evil, crazy vamps, Clark, alll the evils

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It's weird.. seeing my room in the complex. Found a couple tapes of my voice talking to Johnny. But mostly monologue stuff, few quotes from literary sources, survival of the human spirit, making our own fates.. things like that. And uses the word "metal" a few times, in a negative tone. Guess it's some kind of voice journal. I have journals at home too but more like an online blog. She has a couple guns too. And knives. A lot of knives. What kind of person is sh And some of her tapes mention time spent in a mental hospital? That's weird too.

I've seen my name on the class list as one of the teachers. About guns and blades.. improvised weapons. I'm afraid I don't know any of that stuff so I can't really do it. Might mess it up I have some experience in other stuff, like aikido and judo, and managing a theater, but that's about it. And I know nothing about being a bouncer, so I had called that bar and asked for temporary leave. Not sure what to do to help.. but I've made some stuff in the complex kitchen. Few trays of cupcakes with frosting. And sprinkles on it too. I can make another batch if we need more.

Filtered against Lucifer, evil vampires, Clark, etc

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Kinda wish my mother was here. Darla. I've never met her. Would have been nice to see her just once. Just... not evil!her, the one who wasn't doing bad things, the one who gave birth to me and staked herself to have me, I wish she

I'm about to head off to do some patrols again, if anyone would like to partner up.

Texts to Abby

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>> Darling, sweetheart, soulmate, love of my life?
>> Please don't hit me?
>> I may not have been entirely honest when I said I was heading out
>> The earthquakes around Kansas? Kon and Clark
>> Kon is taking us all to the Fortress so he can heal
>> Clark is subdued...that's one threat out of Lawrence
>> Be home in the morning
>> I love you

Filtered against evil, bad vampires, Clark

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Mothers Day. I wish a happy one to those here. And to mine, both of them. I'm so glad mine took me into her home and family, accepted me like one of their own. They're good people. Still miss my other one, I'll always Still wish I could have saved th I've heard a saying, home isn't the place. It's the people who are in it.

I had passed through a park yesterday and it reminded me of my other mum too. Miss her We used to go into the park a lot at home. And what was that, earthquakes, is it? I hadn't thought that type happened in this state of Kansas. But then, I've never been to the States before so I'm not really sure.

Filtered against Hal, Mitchell, Clark, Lucifer

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Whoa, quakes? Shaky ground. I'd thought that was only common in California. I've lived there. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other places in there. First time I've ever heard of it in the middle of the country. My boss back at the TV station would have liked some footage. But I'm here and not there, so probably doesn't matter now. My family would probably assume it's some omen or supernatural type stuff. But I don't remember seeing anything about that in their book. Probably a good idea to stay indoors wherever we are, in any case.

It's funny though, I think the other me that's from here, he was some kind of public figure. Maybe a lawyer. Or someone running for office, or maybe even a court employee. I could tell from the suits in his wardrobe. Got some nice ones, I'd never really had anything like that.

Filtered against evil

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This isn't the same Does it even matter when there's

[seven hours later]

I Okay, I've got to know, and then I'm going back to sleep for a week. I'm here again? Or I'm here now? Is this a different Kansas than the other Kansas

No Evil. No Hal. No Mitchell and No Originals

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I am way too hung over for this

Fuck you, Seal. Fuck. You.

Because this isn't enough the Seal decided to bring through two Originals from Mystic Falls? Klaus and Rebekah.

What's an Original? Basically the Original vampires from my world. Stronger, faster, more immune.

If you don't drink vervain or keep it on your person, start. Just start. I don't know when they're from but unless the Seal wants to be nice and give us either ash from a very specific tree or even better, a stake from it? You're basically screwed if they decide to want to kill you. I don't care who you are, and neither will they. At least Klaus. Rebekah can go either way honestly.

And Klaus? Is a vampire-werewolf hybrid. As if it weren't complicated enough. Who will probably want to make more knowing him. And throws tantrums like a child when he doesn't get his way.

Now if you'll excuse me as I'm now going to go meet him and hopefully maybe convince him not to Take this information as you will. But if you don't invite them in, they can't get in. Vervain will keep them from being able to compel you. And... right now, that's about it.

[Werewolf Filter]

Right. So, while I know there are a few of you and you aren't from Mystic Falls... I wouldn't put it past Klaus to try and turn you into hybrids. So be careful. To do that, he'd feed you his blood, kill you to make you a vampire and then have you complete the transition with my blood. Because it's always my stupid blood and


Whatever you do, don't talk to them. Especially Klaus. He has a vendetta against the you who is usually here and right now, you would be valuable and vulnerable to him.


Yes. Klaus is here. Yes I'm having a complete panic attack How many of you are even you now? No I'm not going to go into hiding over this. I refuse to let him control my life but that doesn't mean that I want him realizing he has more people to use against me to get his way. Because he will. Anyone knows I'd


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As if bizarro Mystic Falls wasn't weird enough, I come back to Lawrence to see Rebekah's here. I hate the Seal.

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Well....I certainly didn't see this coming. I do not know what magic was strong enough to bring me here, but unless you want me to rip your heart out of your chest, I would suggest you return me home immediately. I have pressing matters that I must attend to.

Filtered against Evil, Clark, and Vampires from the UK

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I don't understand why it does this. What can this possibly

[Filtered to Much]

I'm back home. Didn't want you to keep worryi

Marian's still not b

[Filtered to Gisborne]

She was there with you?

[Filtered to Lydia]

Sorry I wasn't Are you okay Are you still staying with Much?

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Did the witch mess up a spell? I mean, seriously, Kansas? What the hell? Nik? Are you out there? Come on, do you really hate me that much?

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Look, this is very simple.

My name is Klaus. If you haven't heard of me that mostly just confuses things further. I need to be in Virginia, as it turns out I'm in Kansas. Along with my sister. This was not something I planned and if someone would be so gracious as to fill in the blanks including why I can't find Mystic Falls on any map then this situation does not need to escalate to me loosing my temper.

No evil.

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I can't keep doing this...

Filtered to Mitchell

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I have no choice. You know that, don't you? He can blab all he wants to, but it was always going to come down to you and me. I'm the one who took the pair of you on, I'm the one who has to be responsible for what happens. It was me who trusted you and it's going to be me that ends you. Or gets ended by you, thereby sparking people to be pissed off enough to do it themselves. Frankly, at this point, either one is better than letting the two of you tear apart the city. Alex may not be able to do it, but I have to

So, stop and look at your choices yet? Ask yourself why he's letting you have your way with everyone but me?

No evil, no evil switched out vampires or evil Superman

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I think this is why I think Tony is cooler than this Batman guy. Keep being awesome Tony.

Filtered against evil, Originals, Hal and Mitchell. DO I NEED TO ADD ANYONE ELSE?

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Next person who kidnaps me is getting tasered. Fair warning.

And I’ve got questions which should really surprise no one.

No one’s invited in any of the vampires from Elena’s world into the Complex, right? The bad ones at least. Not the amazing ones who own the bar and kick ass. And do they need to be invited into each individual apartment?

Whatever did happen to the garden on the roof? I think Layla was growing vervain. Is anyone else still doing that?

Any news on where Lord Harry and apparently his evil sidekick are roaming about? And what are we currently doing about that situation?

Kenzi. I hear you’re awake. I will bring you vodka when I’m back in town but stay the hell in the medbay until they release you.

Kon. Do your homework.

Abby. Thanks for letting Connor come and help out. Couldn’t have done it without him.

How many people aren’t switched back yet? Are we nearing everyone returning because I hate watching him on kryptonite pyscho or not?


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Please tell me you're okay after all that earth shaking I'm guessing was you and evil Supes.

Text to Connor T

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>>Those things got you back in one piece right?
>>I don't trust them.

Friends Only

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please tell me its not him

i cant fucking do this again

edit: no evil

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Lydia's gone. I think she's going after one of the vampires. Mitchell probably.

Can someone please

Oh god please someone find her. Someone stop her

I'll do anything--anything if someone can save her.

no evil and no evil vampires

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Can anyone locate Lydia? Magic maybe. She's missing.

[Filtered to Lizzie Bennet]
Can you come stay with Jane? She is at my flat.

Filtered to Marian*

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(Ooc: *still the au one)

I know you might not trust this, but things have been put in motion for you to be safe, once you return to Nottingham. For you to get away from there. You and William. The other Marian and Gisborne has made sure of it. You have nothing to fear upon your return there.

I will miss you, and I am glad that we were able to meet. Never forget how many people believe in you.

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(ooc: Set before the thread placeholder)

Letter Left on the Kitchen Counter at Much's Flat )


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Are we gonna talk about the drunken stupidity?

Filtered against evil, minors, vampires

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Ohh, it is so good to be back here! The place I was.. not fun. Oliver's team nearly kicked my ass over the city when they saw me. Bart, Ollie, not even AC would talk to me. And the whole thing sucked in other ways too. Captain Rogaine was alive too. Lex Luthor. I know he comes back in our show, but.. he never died in the first place at the world I went to. And I had somehow told him Clark's secrets early on

And Lex kept acting like I was his flyboy, his second in command or something, like his best buddy without feelings. Like, if I laughed or something, he looks at me funny. I'm guessing he was able to complete that operation after all, Clark hadn't come to the rescue like I remembered it. So I just played along with it for a bit. Turns out that whatever that place was, I was his top security chief and strategist. I never want to go there again. I didn't like my friends not trusting me.

So, updates? What's going on, any important info I should know? I've so far read up on the crazy vampires and still looking into the boards. And how's complex security? I hope Claudia and Connor were able to cover it. Sorry, guys. I tried everything, none of Luthorcorp's records showed a way to go to other parallel universes. Maybe the Fortress, but that's Clark's and we weren't talking at all in that world

filtered against evil

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Just had the weirdest New York vacation ever. Woke up in some apartment with pictures of me and Lexi everywhere. Talk about weird. What'd I miss?
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