War Is Coming Communications.

April 21st, 2013

April 21st, 2013

Delivery for Ben Parker

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Package )

No Evil

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I've been attempting to get a handle on using the computer more. It's rather difficult not to get taken in by the vast amounts of information at your fingertips. It's fascinating. So much to read.

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[left on Lexi's door? An envelope which contains a poem of adoration written in French]


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Medbay needs to be prepped and ready for a serious injury being flown in right now. And then another one coming in a few minutes later.

We took down one Rakshasha but apparently there was another and we...what do I do with an about eight year old unconscious Rakshasha? Because I’m not killing him--it--him.

[Filtered to Guy, Juliet, John, the Doctor,Elena, Abby, Roses’ Tardis people and Ruby (Storybrooke)*]

Rose and Dick have both been pretty injured and Clark is flying them to the medbay. You may want to get over there now.

[ooc: *Lois would've sent this message as a direct text to any of the people filtered to if she had their number!!]

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[Filtered to the Medbay]

It's my friend's birthday on the 27th. Since I'm supposed to be on call, can someone cover for me? Obviously if there's an emergency I'll be there, but I'm hoping to go to a party for her.

Which is also a surprise party, so no one mention it to Rose!

[Filtered to Simon Tam]

How's Wash doing? Not just physically, I can see that for myself, but mentally. And you and Mal for that matter?

[Filtered to Tony DiNozzo]

Want to come to a party with me on the 27th?

[Filtered to Jack Harkness]


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[Filtered to Mara Jade Skywalker]

I think I need help
I'm not sure how much more of this I can handle
I'm in over my head

Master Skywalker, may I talk to you?

[Filtered to Jacen Solo]

Will you be requiring me today my Lord

No evil

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So, I have a question. Ghosts here. When you lot are done with that salting and burning and stuff. What happens to them? Are they okay after? It's not their fault they died, they never asked to be stuck here and eventually go crazy because death sucks arse so much.

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes]

Is that offer of a snog for science still open?

Text to Dean

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>>I don't think I can handle this hunter thing and
>>Rose was injured on a hunt.
>>It's bad.

Filtered against evil

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It shouldn't be surprising how many people will jump at the chance to have someone spy on their partner for them. And they say romance is dead.


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It is not different

Filtered to Anyone With Future Children (Except Peter P.)

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How do you handle the whole future child thing? I mean, am I supposed to worry because I am. What am I supposed to do?


Do you think meeting up with...our son him and showing him the powers that you have would do anything? I mean would he believe that at all you think? Or maybe if we can tell him something from our pasts that no one should know...no, then he'd just thing we got it out of his head.

I wonder if, scientifically there is a way that we could block telepaths and then prove it somehow.

This is just confusing and I'm worried about the kid because he's stubborn and he's in danger.

[Ben Parker]

I know I'm probably the person you least want to talk to right now, but I only want a few minutes for now.

Is there any way to block a telepath from reading a person's mind that we could do in order to prove that we're who we say we are? If that would reassure you? We could do it, do whatever it is that blocks them and answer anything that would give you proof?

You have every right to be skeptical and every right to be wary of this entire situation it's really smart of you, but it's dangerous here. When I first got here demons were attacking and had possessed people and it's scary stuff. You don't know all of the stuff that you're facing here. And if you're anything like Peter you're going to be stubborn about all of this, I know, but for the sake of me not eating pounds upon pounds of chocolate...work with us to figure out a way to prove it? Then you could feel better about moving into the complex where you'd be safe?


Kids & Teens (Minus anybody who might snitch, no snitch bitches)

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Anyone else feeling like all the adults think we're fucking helpless?

Even though some of you can do more stuff than the adults can.

I'm kinda tired of people thinking I'm helpless. And like I 'm a baby.


When can I start hunting? And learning more.

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iculd not stopit in time i trid

tried wasnt enguh and nowshes

other 1nei s ded tohough

im sorry

Medbay workers

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Seems you got pretty busy. Do you need an extra pair of hands down there?

Filtered to Rose.

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Hello! I thought I'd pop on and leave you a message for when you wake. You see, you're currently in surgery. No need to worry, really, Martha and Rory are taking good care of you. I'm not worried. They're both brilliant at what they do. Professionals, actually. Nothing ever goes wrong when you've got a professional on the job!

Except when people accidentally die. Or are forced to forget about you. Sometimes they even get caught up in parallel universes that you can't really do much about once they're on the other side. Then you've got the Weeping Angels and

Once you're on your feet again, we ought to take a trip out to London. We'll hop the TARDIS over, get some chips, and find ourselves some trouble of our own to get into, eh?

Until then, I'll be here waiting for you on the other side. You'll be good as new soon enough. I promise.

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[Peter and Gwen]

You guys are the new kid's parents, right? I got him fed, and he's calmed down some. Just wanted to let you know. Couldn't get him to stay on my couch, but I think he'll at least let me know if he runs into trouble, and I'll pass it on to you if anything happens.

mNO EVIL mo vampirreds

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anyone for drinks?? companmys better than dirnking alone rn. In the complexc kitchen if nyone else wants some. dont want to go too far off but i just fuckingcant

Filtered to Ruby

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I read back over what I missed the other night.

I... wish to add my congratulations to your daughter's achievement.

No evil

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Oh let's all weep and wail for the death of the poor ickle Rakshasa. Oi, bleeding hearts crew. You lot do know what a Rakshasa is, right? The reincarnated spirit of an evil person, born again to eat the flesh of mankind? Shapeshifters who prey on weaknesses, who exploit children? Any of this ringing a bell?

I personally think they're hilarious. And really, they're getting off light. They'd be in with my lot if it wasn't for the bloody Pagans playing with reincarnation.

But really, you all get all sappy and emotional over the death of something that probably wasn't even a child to begin with. There, there, you all have a nice cup of tea.

Mortals. So glad I don't have much of a soul any more.

Texts to John!

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» I saw what happened. If you need me, let me know.
» Out of the area at the moment, but I can come back.
» Text, though. I'm kind of avoiding the boards for now.

[Texts to Pretty!]

» Whenever you're done being Super Doctor I might need to kidnap you.
» I mean, if you're okay with that. And don't need to rest.
» Which... you probably do. Because Super Doctor.
» Never mind, sorry, you're probably exhausted. Rain check.


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Have any of you eaten anything? I can bring something to you if you haven't.

Filtered against evil

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It's actually all real. All of it.

[Filtered to mom and da Gwen and Peter]
I'm sorry I took off. I just...you made sense of it. I guess I didn't think you would, didn't even consider that if you did you'd know that I'm a monst what it meant. Can we just...not mention that part to anybody? At least not until I find a bus station and get a head st
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