War Is Coming Communications.

August 22nd, 2012

August 22nd, 2012

filtered against evil and Katherine

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So it looks like I put the bonfire off too much. I guess I'm kind of the queen of procrastinators. I was aiming for an august date, but it looks like I'll only be able to reserve the pavilion with the fire pit in early september. Saturdays are usually good for people, so I figured either the first or eighth of the month. What do you guys have to say on the matter?

Filtered against all the evil, Katherine and Felicia to avoid drama.

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Feels like even the criminals are laying low for now. Patrols have been pretty slow tonight, but I'm not complaining or saying much more to avoid jinxing it.

On a different subject, it looks like one of my favorite imported brands of coffee from back home doesn't exist here. Anyone has any suggestions for brands I should try?

I have a question for you.

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[Andrea, Wes & Cor]
Got a new sparring partner. And Wes, you're coming when I go, yeah?

So guess who just asked me for a spar. Take that Felicia

Filtered to Bruce Banner

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Filtered Against Baddies

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Now I have to figure out a name for him. :D

Edit: His name is Epic!

[ooc: Pretend that Chimera Kitty is the only one in the pic!]

Filtered against all the current bad juju

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Sooo camp was fun. And by fun I mean Team Brattastic joining forces to annoy the ever-loving hell out of Bobby. He's met his match. To be fair, it was 3 on 1...but it was pretty epic, amirite, Abby, Elena?

But on the real...it was good and informative and I think I have a good starting basis going now, which actually makes me feel better.

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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Oops! Not allowed back at that bar anymore!

That being said, I avoided a hangover just for you, Doctor. TARDIS residents, Thailand or GTFO! Only worded more nicely like I'm not still basically drunk.

Filtered to Natasha and Clint

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I don't understand the point of the numbers... what is that about?

Filtered from Evil/Katherine

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For those of you unaware of my coffee habit. I import special coffee. Its expensive but amazing and everyone should try it and Tony you can stop making that face right now

Free samples at my penthouse!

In other news, how are the camps going? Been years since mine. But they really are invaluable.

Text to Dean

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>>I think somethings wrong with me.
>>I just freaked out all over Rose and Felicia.

Text to Florence

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>>Are you busy?

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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I think we should solve the coffee vs tea debate by simply all agreeing to enjoy what we like...and by going to Dubai over All Hall Dia de los Mu the end of October.

Filtered against evil and that Katherine vamp

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superman sings disney songs

can he be any cooler?

Filtered to Emma

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How is your friend doing? I know there's another full moon coming up next week.

Filtered to Darcy

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Hey lover. How do you feel like going out tonight? Or if that's too late notice, what about tomorrow?

filtered against all the evil stuff ever

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I took some pictures of the Northern Lights last night. I always wanted to try, getting the right light balance was difficult though.

under here )

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Katniss, and Prim

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I need to get out...anybody up for a jog? Oliver? Or, no...you're at camp this week, aren't you?

...still mad at me? I'd kinda like to start studying, you know, so I can start maybe second semester if they do that here...but if you're still mad then

Filtered against evil & Katherine

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Right...'ve got a pretty good lead on this hunt now, but...'m not going up there alone. Just in case. Should have it in the next day or so, but I think it might be a woman in white...so, anyone care to join me? Preferably, a female, because...well, if 'm right, it'd be better that way, yeah?

Filtered against current baddies

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Marian's a great model & an even better sport )

Pretty girl! Thank you for letting me shoot! ♥

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Left outside Andrew's front door... )

Filtered from evil and Katherine

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So the editor at the paper where Clark and I work pulled us into his office over the weekend to pitch this crazy idea he had to use the Lois and Clark angle to sell more papers. He figures since he has a Lois and a Clark on his news team and there is a new Superman movie coming out next summer that he should capitalize on those two things to try and sell new papers.

We had to do a photoshoot which was apparently modeled after the Lois and Clark show that my mom's face twin plays me on. Can I tell you all how hilarious it is to see Clark in a fake Superman suit and having to do fake flying poses. Because it's amazing and was really hard to not laugh at the entire time. Especially with the fans blowing to simulate wind.

I still think I should've been allowed to do the pose where I would've been only wearing the cape. It's not like I really wouldn't have been wearing clothes underneath the thing!

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