War Is Coming Communications.

June 14th, 2012

June 14th, 2012

Filtered to Tony

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I have a new business proposal for you. I am wanting to build an anti-gravity generator to use as an extra security measure. I am proposing to install the first one I build in my flat in the complex to ensure it works as it should. If that is a success, I will offer to install more within the complex, and also into the homes of those of us who do not live there. It is an added security measure in the off chance anything that the magic and wards do not protect against try to get in. As you are a highly intelligent man, I assume I need not explain what it specifically does. It would take some rigging and rewiring, but if the residents wish one placed just inside the front door of the complex, I could put the switch to activate it within the security room, which would hopefully cut down on anyone on our side getting caught within the anti-gravity field. But if that is a concern, I would also be willing to make magnetic boots or shoes for the residents to ensure they don't get pinned to the ceiling.

The only thing holding me back in developing this is that I need to make cavorite for it, and I am lacking in the materials to make it. If I gave you a list of what I need for the cavorite, would you be able to get me those materials?

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You are still alive and kicking, yes?


Or is Justice in control? Just to make sure...

Hello? Is Anders there? Can I please speak to Anders?

...and I actually do want to talk to you this time. And not that stick in the mud


Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I wanted to help kill the plastic things. But Sam wouldn't even let me shoot em from my porch all trashy and awesome.

Stupid being pregnant. I have been pregnant forever and thus I have a message for Emily Winchester which she can discover in years to come.

Honey, Mom loves you very very much but on this evening. The 13th of June 2012. I have this to say.





Also Daddy has been very very brave to live with me for the last few months.

Roll on end of July/start of August

And yes you're sitting there reading it now all, hahaha I know when I'm born and you don't. But shush. You're grounded. For the sass.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty (am I forgetting anyone?)

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Right so, looking back at everything in the last two or so weeks... I was an ass. Like, I'm probably in the running for the asshole of the year award or something. And I got no excuse. Yeah I was sleep deprived and stressed with arriving in a strange world, Loki being here and plastic running around but still. I put a Hulk sized booted foot in my mouth and said some extremely stupid shit that no amount of me saying sorry will ever atone for. Especially with the consequences that said words brought to the innocent people here. That's fully on me.

So, while I am sorry as hell and promise to never be that douchey again, I'm not expecting or asking anyone to forgive me. Seems to me I'm not worthy of it and don't deserve it. Least not yet if ever. But I'm gonna work at making up for it. It's the very least I can do.

Filtered to Harry Potter People

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All right you lot! Before any of the rest of us disappear thanks to that bloody seal I'm demanding a get together. I know, it's a pain, and I know that Aunt Gin is gone now so it's bad timing on that, but she's going back home. She can be happy there as much as she can be here. We can't all just get sad about her going back it won't do any good. We should be glad that she was here at all and that we got to spend time with her at all. And it's not like she's dead.

So, we're going to have dinner. I'll cook. If anyone else wants to help they can, but attendance is mandatory.

When do we want to do this? See, I'm giving you all options!

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Glad that mess was over, it was crazy. Almost had a couple close calls myself. But I'm glad those who were taken against their will are safer now. I have to admit though, I did like blasting them with magic. Good therapy? Perhaps. But at least that threat is done now.

I think I'm going to go find a place to eat ice cream. Heard there's one spot that has over 30 flavors, or 40. Have to try that.

filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Mark found his new calling in life. Being Spiderman.


We should be back in Lawrence by Sunday.

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[Darcy A.]

I just got the wine and card from mothers day. Thank you.


As I said I would, we have returned from Moscow and Greece, so if you would like to get some tea sometime to talk, I am able to.


Девочки есть кое-что для тебя теперь, когда мы вернулись. Они бы остановиться прямо сейчас, но в настоящее время потеряла сознание от истощения.

[The girls have something for you now that we're back. They would stop by right now but are presently passed out from exhaustion. ]

filtered agianst evil ++

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I have a bit of a dilemma. I need to exist or at least need to borrow someone's card who does exist. I need to buy all the things. Straight away really.

delivered to Ruby with a note

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ooc: This was delivered to Ruby: http://www.lushusa.com/Relax%2C-Take-a-Bath/01137,en_US,pd.html?start=9&cgid=wrapped

The note attached reads "From a friend to a friend. I heard that your little unborn angel is driving you kind of crazy. Enjoy." -Damon

Filtered against evil, Moriarty

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A friend and I would like to get out for drinks and whatnot so would someone be willing to keep an eye on ShortyAstor? She's more than able to take care of herself, but if someone could just make sure she's okay? Check in on time to time?

Hey, would you be alright on your own if I were to go out with a friend? I'm trying to see if someone can just check in on you from time to time but I know you can take care of yourself.

Filtered to Connor Temple

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Private to Connor )

filtered against evil +

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If anyone knows any jobs open, I'm looking.

If you'll still train me I want to start as soon as I can.

Hey little duck, how do you feel about heading back to our apartment soon?
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