War Is Coming Communications.

January 2nd, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


January 2nd, 2012

No Evil!

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Did anyone make any New Year's resolutions? I went pretty standard. Lose ten pounds, go back to school, be a better friend, and fend off the Apocalypse. You know, the usual.

Also, what does a millionaire do for fun? Dad Pete typically threw parties, but that would be party all the time. Not that I'm entirely opposed to that. Actually, I sort of feel like I may be on to something.

Delivery thing for Kon!

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[OOC: When Kon gets home later, he'll find a couple crates worth of dog food and supplies sitting inside of his apartment. There isn't a name to address as to who any of it was from, but the timing of it makes it obvious that Clark was responsible (see: their last conversation).]

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Well, this has been just fucking peachy so far. The food makes me throw up, I can't sleep in a bed anymore as it turns out, and there's apparently more than one guy running around with my dead brother's face. Best concussion ever. Really though. It's really sad when the highlight of an experience is hot, running water, I'm just saying.

Can I please go home now? I'm really over it.

Filtered to Brittany

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Hey, Brit...have you ever heard of the Taco Vendetta...?

Filtered against evil, I suppose?

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Oh man. This shit right here? THIS RIGHT HERE? DIVINITY. Divinity in my mouth. I know what you're thinking, I was thinking it, too. Kansas? Well, at least it's not Wisconsin BUT THEN I SAW THE SIGN. Cake batter frozen yogurt covered in fruity pebbles. Try it, it will change your life.

In other news, I'm not really sure what's going on.

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Why does walking into Starbucks feel like walking into one of the nine circles of Hell? Do we really need five thousands flavors of coffee? Will the world perish without them all? Can the dipshit in front of me put his phone away for five seconds? Is this the official hangout spot for assholes? Can they at least put up a sign letting people know? I have so many questions.

Violet, this is worse than your dad sending me to get him coffee and then me not remembering what the hell he wanted.

Filtered Against Evil

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Hello! Out of one crisis and into another. Definitely a shock to see my magnificent TARDIS as a human but oh she's beautiful. She's explained a bit to me, but as she told me, she's a mad, rambly, bitey person. A bit hard to follow but the challenge is just fantastic!

filtered against baddies

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I think I kind of rock this eyepatch. Or is it the rum talking?

Text to Connor

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Hey. Dunno if you get texts in space with those guys, but I finally decided to talk to Clark.

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[Filtered to Ava]
So what's the verdict, Captain Skepticism?

[Filtered to King Prepubescent and the 16-year-old girl who took the rejection better than he did]
...all right, here's the deal. This is a one time deal...but I'm still in a rut and I still gotta get rid of some stuff. So, I'm breaking my rule. That said...if I think you're gonna blab...I will handle it. I don't like to do it, but I can. Please don't make me.

Filtered against evil

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[Filtered to people with red or black (preferably red) hair & blue or green (preferably green) eyes]

So this will sound totally weird but I really want to do some specific shoots. Some color and some grayscale but mainly I want to mix the two and highlight just the color contrasts of eyes and hair. Totally tasteful, not super-lame posing or anything.

Anybody interested? I can't really pay you, so it's strictly voluntary, but if you're into it, let me know...you should be warned that I'm planning the shoots specifically to go into my portfolio. I mean, I got one with my bauble wish but it was filled with a bunch of shots I never took and I'd rather fill it with my own work. I appreciate any and all willing participants...

Filtered to Minako and Serenity/Usagi

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We are all set for school which starts on Thursday.

Princess, don't destroy the school on the first day
I'm still suspicious as to why you want to go to school
I'll be watching you

Minako, I asked Connor to get you into music classes. Princess, you are in history. You will learn about Earth whether you like it or not

I am not looking forward to the people
I hope we have some intersecting classes


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I hope your Christmas was well. The sampling you sent me was amazing, I've never seen anything like it before, thank you.

I was wondering, what is the address of the complex? I never got it as I found an abandoned mansion to live at with my friend where I can tend to plants easier.

Open to alll the evil of aaaalll the world cause Serenity refuses to filter

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I'm getting bored. Let's hope school is exciting. I feel like destroying something. I hate waiting
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