War Is Coming Communications.

January 3rd, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


January 3rd, 2012

Filtered from the evil types and people that staked her

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I did a whole list of New Years Resolutions ala Lexi for the year I wasn't supposed to make it too but when I got to resolution 35 I decided screw it and just have the resolution of 'Enjoy life, enjoy friendships, and make the best of it.'

So far I like it.

FYI Bobby's resolution is to clear the 'goddamn blood out of his fridge or make the fang do it her own damn self once in a while'. In my defense, busy, and also still hungover from NYE. I resent hangovers. They shouldn't happen.


I also resolve to not just focus on Stefan. He's not the only one to need the Lexi Magic.


So, if I asked where you were, would I like the answer?

Filtered to Darcy

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I am sure by now you have likely seen the post from the other Loki who has just arrived here. I am still trying to find out more about him at this time. Unfortunately, from what little I know I have not been reassured. He may be dangerous.
I do not wish to alarm you, or to assume that he is a threat, based solely on name and association alone, but

I simply wished to advise that you exercise caution in speaking with him. If something were to happen to you, I

Filtered to the Master

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Three of him.

How are you feeling about it? And how are you finding it without the drums.

filtered against evil

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I am only just learning how to use this device, though Andy has been a wonderful tutor on this subject. I am Doreah, from Lys, though that doesn't seem to mean very much in this placeā€¦

I am looking to change what little gold I have for this paper people use as currency here. Does anyone know where I might find assistance?

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isss a doUCHE

Filtered against evil.

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So how can you tell the difference between a real nightmare and Lucifer harassing you in your sleep, anyway?

Any late night movie suggestions for a guy who can't sleep?

[ooc: Future dated to waaaaay later tonight.]

Filtered or whatever to anyone that might actually be helpful

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So...all right apparently I'm stuck here. Here's the problem: all of my shit...is still on that fucking island, so all of my credit cards, clothes, shoes oh...my shoes, I miss them already. ...now what? Who do I have to screw to survive in this pl

Also... I've spent the past two months on a steady diet of fruit and fish which, you know, is nice for the figure but it wasn't voluntary; I miss real food and I can't keep it down. I throw it up every time I try, but I'm kind of thinking I need to kick that so I don't, like, starve for lack of passion fruit and effing trout or whatever. Ideas?

Filtered against evil

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I feel so much better. Thanks Jimmy, Abby, and Jessica! :)

When is Isabela coming back? Does anyone know?
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