War Is Coming Communications.

June 20th, 2011

June 20th, 2011

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Well this holiday sucks

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I am the Wicked Witch of the West.

[OOC: So. Elphie has snapped thanks to Lucifer. She's gone Wicked Witch of the West. Meaning, she's taken her broom, hat and Grimmerie and gone AWOL. She may or may not respond to comments, it'll depend on whether she wants to or not. In the next day or two, she will be kidnapping some poor unfortunate soul that happens to look like Dorothy Gale and will hold her hostage...somewhere. I'll figure that out when it gets here. For now, she's flown off and ain't coming back. Oh and for Galinda and Fiyero, she did NOT take her flying monkeys. They're going to be bothering both of you in the morning. If anyone wants a random encounter with the Wicked Witch, just let me know and we can arrange it! To Elphie's friends/anyone that might look for her, look for her all you want right now, you won't find her until I say you can. :P Anyone that thinks otherwise, remember she stayed hidden in Oz for five-ish years and avoided the Gale Force completely.]

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Know what I say about this day?

My dad ranks #1 on the scale of badassery. Let none question this.

He wrote the scale, then stole it. Chuck Norris wishes he were that awesome.

Miss you Daddy.

Filtered to Mel

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What are the odds that you'll be willing/able to head out of town in the next few days? I'm probably going to screw up more around here or something There's some stuff on my list that isn't exactly in Lawrence.

Filtered to Sam, Dean, Mel, and Ruby

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So. Mel and I are going out of town tomorrow. We're trying to decide now if we're going to Vegas first or somewhere on the coast. You guys want to come or anything? It's cool if you say no.

Edit: Vegas. We decided on Vegas.

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There might be some noise coming from building two of the smaller complex. I'm fixing up the balcony. Making it harder to see in.

Filtered against bad guys.

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My girl is trying to turn me into a hipster nerd.

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Left on Dean's counter )

Filtered against evil

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What was that gunshot, we're all just lucky Prue wasn't shot You know, fuck Father's Day. Mine tried to kill me in a church. Then the secdond one tried it in a museum.. or would have. And my real one isn't all that great either, as I was only born for a purpose Hey, good news! Although it's already known now, but I feel like saying it myself too. I had dinner the other night. And I proposed to Prue Halliwell. And she said YES!!! This is just so amazing. I don't think I can be any happier. Have everything I want here, and now this. Awesome, honestly.

Of course that still leaves the date and place, plus invites, caterers, shopping, and all that. Maybe it will be in a month, maybe five months. I'd like to have it be an outdoor wedding too, not in some building. Somewhere breathtaking with a beautiful landscape, a place that will make it memorable. Plus I really don't fancy being inside a church, still makes me nervous when I go near one, nevermind actually going inside them Everyone will be invited. Well, not Lucifer or evil demons, but that's pretty much a given anyway. But everyone I know here and have known are welcomed. And their friends and family can all come too.

I love you so much. This is what I wanted for a while now. And I can't think of one reason not to do it. I do hope no one speaks up in the "Speak up now or forever hold your peace" part of it You are mine and I am yours. Forever, for as long as we shall live here. Do you agree with not having it in a church? I think it should be fine so long as a priest does it anywhere. I mean, people can get married by going to court and signing a paper, don't they? So we might have to come up with as place. Any scenic place that you'd love to go to for it?


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Hey kid, how's tricks? Staying out of trouble?

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I am not sure if I am using this thing correctly, nor do I know where I am. Is Molokov somehow behind this?

Text to Ruby!

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Do you know when I first realized I was in love with you?

filtered against baddies

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I finally found a decent open mike night.
[link to a bar not too far out of Lawrence that has a sign-up sheet on the site]
Friday night is the actual event, but I thought some of you might want to get your foot in the door and secure a spot.

So we're not talking and
Did you at least enjoy the cupcake?
This is so awkward
I watched One Song Glory and

Still sorry. I was way inappropriate. Think you'll show up for the event?
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