War Is Coming Communications.

October 25th, 2010

October 25th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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Alright, I've got a question for you lot. I'm getting rather tired of having to do all my alchemy in my apartment. I haven't had to stay this close to my equipment at all times since I was in school studying the shit. And I know that my stuff bothers some of the others on my floor from time to time, and I don't want to be a bother in that way.

So here's a solution I came up with. There's a fair bit of space behind the complex. Does anyone mind if I put a shed back there? It'd be off to the corner, far enough from the building that if anything happens to it nothing happens to the complex itself. I'd have to insulate the walls a bit better before I start moving my chemistry set in there, and I'd need to get my hands on a window AC unit for the summer. I can worry about the heat when that becomes an actual issue.

So. Shed that would be my lab/office. Yes? No? Bloody hell that's a stupid idea?

Filtered against baddies

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So, I'm guessing that before I start trying to fight these demons and monsters, etc that it might be good if I understood exactly what they are. Anyone willing to fill me in on exactly what's going on here, and exactly what's after us?

I'm afraid that of everyone here, I'm probably the one who knows least about all of this stuff. I was just a pre-law student, after all. Which of course meant I knew my share of monsters, but most of them were the human kind...

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I finally got it! The steps at the tempo change.

So this morning Cissie and I got tickets to sell for the recital, so you can get them from either of us.

I reserved a seat for you.

[Winchesters +Ruby & Samuel Campbell...& Adam & Hermione]
Please don't think this is lame
You all don't have to buy your tickets...I reserved seats for you guys already. If you're coming. If you don't want to, it's okay. But I hope you do
[/Winchesters, etc]

You're coming, right? I reserved a seat for you.

filtered against the Sam and Dean dopples

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...Sam and Dean have doubles, am I the only one who thinks this is going to go badly for them all things considered going on now?

Filtered to Hermione

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Alright. My house is at [address]. The ghouls are dead and we're all fine.

But I warn you, the house is kinda gross right now.

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And the apocalypse wheel just keeps on spinning. At least I didn’t start this one. Can't believe this wasn't a dream. At least it explains my weird thing for Spider-Woman all those years.

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I designed a game. Who feels like getting pwned?

Aside from that. I was in town today, someone thought I was Corbin Bleu. Uh, awkward. I gave them a fake name, blank stare, and walked the other way quickly before there could be any risk of someone snapping a picture. But who knows, cell phones and all now a days. Meh.

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I found a job working at a coffee shop near the complex so I could save up for a bus ticket home to Washington. Thankfully, they're willing to pay me in cash.

So please, feel free to come by and spend your money here. [Address]

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Skip ahead a few years and that reality TV shit has all but taken over the airwaves. I don't get it. I'd think spending an hour watching people who think nicknames like "The Situation" or "Snookie" are cool would kill off an astonishing amount of brain cells in one go.

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Kansas? Are you kidding me.

At least there is no risk of me hurting Matt here.

..unless he is here.

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You know, men really should tidy out their room before they let a woman inside to deal with packing everything up. Honestly, Adam, old Playboys under the bed still? A year and a half old box of contraceptives? 

Though I have to say, my favourites are the teddy bears and the Superman underwear. There is so much more though, maybe I should make sure it's all packed.

(OOC: This is called girlfriend payback, Adam xD)

Just wondering...

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[Filtered to Dean]

Don't worry - I'm not going to do anything creepy or weird. I promise. I was just wondering if you could tell me how Sam is? I mean, how he really is? I know him well enough to know that he's not in great shape. What's happened to him since I've been gone?

[Filtered to Ruby]

It had a lot to take in at the time so I didn't think about it like I should have, but...uh...what did you mean you knew Sam when I did? Did you go to Stanford? Were you stalking him? What?

[Filtered to Sam]

Hey, is it okay if I keep the necklace and bracelet you gave me? I remembered I was wearing them and I really don't want to give them back.

filtered to Buffy

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Got a few errands to run across town, I could do with some company?

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So maybe you're not all on drugs. still not entirely convinced I'm not going to apologize, i don't care much for them giving or receiving. I

I'd feel better if it were just a bad reaction to Lupus. It's never Lupus.
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