War Is Coming Communications.

October 20th, 2010

October 20th, 2010

Filtered against baddies

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There will be a training session game of rooftop tag the day after tomorrow. Anyone able to is welcome to join in. Those interested in future shifts in the Security Room should report to me at seven PM for orientation. The games will commence at eight and run for two hours. At the end the team with the most people left standing will be proclamed the winner.

[Justice League]
Justice League members, per usual attendance is highly reccomended; non-attendance will mean a private or group training session with myself, if you cannot attend or have reason please alert me ahead of time. It is appreciated.

Dick )

Filtered to Lindsey

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You're a lawyer, right?

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Right, would someone who is not the worlds biggest moron care to explain to me what is actually going on here? Is Kansas a bad reaction to some kind of poison pizza, or hangover?

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[Whovians NOT visible to Romana or the Master]
Please tell me that I am dreaming. That I did NOT see that last message the Master wrote.

Your blood work came back and its... strange. Do you think you could stop by the clinic?

Filtered to Jacen!

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Do you still have War's ring?

filtered to the less then shiny side (thieves etc)and serenity crew

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So. We're stuck here on this rock, might as well get to know the local color. Name's Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

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Danyone know of any good take out places around here? I'm not particular, anywhere that will let me order the food to go would be nice. I have to have an excuse to get Elphie to the picnic I made her.

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[Filtered to Elphie]

I have dinner, would you like to join for a night time picnic. It's a bit of everything around here really, so you can try bits to see what you like.

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You're all having a bad reaction to some of the fun drugs. That's what this really is. Wilson isn't this cunning. It's the obvious answer. Now the only question is, which is it? Or is it a number of them. MAOIs and SSRIs cause hallucinations and delusions.

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Listen up, you crazies. I don't know who drugged my Orange Crush, stole me off an airplane, and stuck me in Nowhere, USA. But the second I figure this out, I'm going to have my friend Eliot beat all of y'all up cause this is just cruel.

You're just lucky you weren't dumb enough to take my laptop.
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