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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:45 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

Well this day is turning out interesting, not only am I no longer in pain, but I now know like 8 different languages...

not that I am complaining, but how?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Rory, are you okay?

And can you tell me what's wrong with me..I can hear what everyone is thinking and now I have a headache.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:37 pm]

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[Current Mood |confused]

Okay, so I was kissing my girlfriend and suddenly she was healed...I don't have my wand and neither does Kenzie..

someone want to tell me what is going on?

and how I could possibly make this work on myself so Gray can stop worrying.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:32 pm]

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The dragons are supposed to breathe fire not me...

What have you done Fred and George?

Oh, and could someone kindly tell me where I am?
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|12:24 am]
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...Okay, I can now speak fluent Greek with my customers. That's really unexpected.
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|12:22 am]
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I'd almost be tempted to say the Death of Rats was behind this if I didn't know he was elsewhere.

I just shook hands with myself. There are now two of me. Grandfather would have a field day with this.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|07:02 pm]
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My daughter is seeing dead people and I need it to stop. I know everyone is getting random powers and you folks are probably pretty busy, but she's only nine and this needs to stop now.

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[Mar. 28th, 2009|07:36 pm]

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Well, I am a firm believer in the fact there are stranger things in this world, but that rally jumped ship when I woke up this morning. Here I was, making breakfast when completely out of nowhere the bowl I was pouring oatmeal into changed from it's orginial white to silver. At first I thought I was imagining it, but then I realized the more I touched it as I examined it that it was comming from me. With closer examination I realized when I touched other things that it was turning silver and it was not comming from anywhere else but from me. So apparently everything I touch turns into silver. And while I never been interested in the superhero powers per sae, but I have to admit that this is pretty nifty. I am going to see what else I can do with this ability. And use it while I still can because who knows how long this will last.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|07:28 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

Okay, I am telling you I am not insane, but could someone tell me why I woke up this morning and the entire room had turned into a flower garden? I mean it's nice to look at, but it's not helping matters any that everything I touch turns into flowers. I am not sure if I like this ability or not, but I must say that this is helping me with creating my own garden. Cause lord help me I have more than enough flowers to do that at the present moment. I would suggest not hugging me unless you want to turn into a flower yourself.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|06:21 pm]

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[Current Mood |contemplative]

I just picked up a glass and shattered it..what just happened to me?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|05:32 pm]
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S-so I woke up this morning covered in these critters...

Kinda yicky, but almost kinda cute. I don't know what to do about 'em all, there's like a hundred. I feel bad sending them back to wherever they came from 'cause all they were tryin to do was keep me warm.  ...Well at least these ones don't talk.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:27 pm]
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Hickory dickory dock,
It's time to buy a new clock.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|03:55 pm]

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My pictures are moving. Literally. The people that are in them are moving.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|03:45 pm]
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I just froze the water for my tea. And it's still in the kettle.

What is going on?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|01:45 pm]

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I wished this morning that I had my outfit in a different color... and it changed.

That couch that was here when I got here, the one I was never fond of, that's a different color too.

I'm... gonna go take a walk.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|03:40 pm]
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Oi, Forge! I can fly!

This is so much better than flying on a broom!
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:03 pm]

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Gibbs )

Abby )

What is going on here? This does not make sense.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:38 pm]
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This is not normal! My body has become stone! Mon dieu, is this to be my damnation?? How long until I have joined the gargoyles??

To what gods must I pray to undo this curse? Poor Pierre! To be so doomed!! And so young! I have not yet completed my masterpieces. The world will lose such genius as it has never known!
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Spider-car, spider-car, does whatever a spider-car does... [Mar. 28th, 2009|02:00 pm]

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My tires seem to have developed an adhesive property that I can control.

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[Mar. 28th, 2009|11:35 am]
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Hey uncle Miniver this song's JUST FOR YOU~
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|11:39 am]
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Okay, so I obviously was not in line of sight with the place where I teleported to, but I have seen the hallway of the apartment a million times. I wonder if I dematerialized and the molecules moved to the hallway, or if it was some kind of spontaneous magical phenomenon. Or maybe it's like Nightcrawler and I go through some other dimension.

Sheldon, we need to do tests.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:34 pm]
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I just made something appear out of nowhere. Awesome.

Anyone wanna drop by and have some cake? It's chocolate~.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|12:29 pm]
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John!!!! I need you to come tell me I'm not crazy.

Damn this huge house, I can never tell if anyone else is home and I'm really, really sure that bagels and coffee don't....materialize out of no where, even if I really wanted them.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:28 pm]

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...I was chasing after an armed man, and he shot at me. I picked the bullet out of the air.

Whilst I'm not complaining, I then proceeded to capture the man in five seconds flat. I seem to be moving far too fast to be normal.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:24 pm]

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Erm, guys? Can someone tell the people at the theatre that I can't come tonight? I've kinda... grown wings... nice wings, but not exactly ones you can hide.

It's fun to fly about, though. I'm flying high, defying gravity, and you can't bring me down!
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:15 pm]

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Oh, by the Unnamed God.

What did I just do?! I just... for all that matters, I appear to be able to launch balls of energy from my hands. My wall now has a rather nice hole in it, a bit like the one I left in one of the walls at Shiz.

I suppose this is what I get for getting angry.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:12 pm]
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Most curious. I was studying my bookshelf, and lifted my hand to remove a book... and it suddenly shot into my hand.

Whilst this is a useful ability, I'd rather like to know why I have it.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|11:22 am]
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Is it me or did I just make time fast forward briefly?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:39 am]
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[Current Mood |bouncy]

I can teleport! Haha! This is great!

Seriously. I was wanting to visit this museum in London and there it was. A portal right to it!

I wonder what the range on this ability is...What are the limitations? Can I visit other worlds? Other dimensions?

I remember reading something like this in a friend's comic back in high school. Trying to remember what they called it...

Either way...Wow!

I can sleep in!


Ooc )
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|01:47 am]

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[Current Mood |excited]


This world is the shit. Any world that can make Jack pour from my fingers?

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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:58 am]

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[Current Mood |confused]

I just froze everything in the room, but how? I have never done that before, or at least I don't remember doing it...

Anyone have any ideas?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:56 am]
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[Current Mood |curious]

I have heard of bringing art to life with the right shading or whatever, but this is nuts.

All I did was draw something and suddenly it was standing in front of me...I don't know whether to think this is amazing or check myself in to the nearest mental hospital.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:46 am]

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[Current Mood |confused]

This is bad, someone shouldn't mess with time and yet somehow I have..but how?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|03:18 am]
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Okay I am not sure how this is going to make any sense since I have proven to the known universe that me and Fred are completely insane, but that is besides the point, but anyway. I was just sitting in my flat, just working on another invention for Fred's and my many joke items when out of nowhere the salt shaker on the table came to life and started moving across the table on it's own. I think it spoke to me, but don't quote me on that because I ran from the room before I could see what was happening, but that was not until the tables near the door started dancing and that was when i realized that it was comming from me. So apprently I have the ability to make inanimate objects such as the salt shaker and the end tables near the door way come to life on it's own. Why couldn't I have the ability to fly instead of bringing things to life? I think I will get a kick out of this later, but at the present moment, it is not fun walking around the house and seeing objects move. It makes me feel like I am in a really bad horror movie. Is the world really condemmning me, or is this some kind of sick joke and I will wake up from this horrible nightmare?

I don't like this...
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:22 am]

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[Current Mood |contemplative]

I actually had a conversation with a horse today...can I just say how weird that is?
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|02:11 am]

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[Current Mood |crazy]

Okay...umm...I know I have done some bad things, but this takes the cake..

I just set a building on fire and nearly killed everyone in it..what is going on?
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FANTASTIC! [Mar. 28th, 2009|03:05 am]

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Oh my this is the best thing to happen to me since I invented the sonic screwdriver. I never been a believer in attaining abilities and the like, but that suddenly changed when I was sitting in the TARDIS minding my own business fixing the main console and getting fed up as always. Then out of nowhere I blew a huge blast of energy from my body so fast that it blew me right out of the door of my TARDIS. This is FANTASTIC! I been playing around with it for the past... 3 hours I want to say. I think this is the best thing to ever happen to me since I got here. This is definietly going down in the history books for sure. I just have to locate the book to write it in.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|12:01 am]
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[Current Mood |distressed]

Could someone please explain to me how I just managed to put my fist through a brick wall without breaking a knuckle?
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Oh my god... [Mar. 28th, 2009|02:56 am]

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Okay this is so not good. One minute I was dancing in my apartment, near Times Square, minding my own buisness when suddenly completely out of nowhere, I find myself in the middle of Central Park still dancing. Apparently I have the ability to teleport from one place to another. I have read stuff like this before happening, but honestly? This is really weird. I am not sure I like having an ability, but I think I can get used to teleproting instead of walking. This is going to take some time.
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|01:59 am]

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[Current Mood |chipper]

Well no one can call me stupid again, I remember everything I have read in the last 12 hours. Ask me anything and I can answer it.
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