February 17th, 2022



[No Subject]


I'm not saying that my heart-felt, jazzy rendition of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" didn't hit it out of the park, but lets be real:

It was totally awesome.

Also, I will gladly take any and all leftover Valentine's Day candy that you're telling yourself that you can't eat for whatever reason. Really. I'll gladly take one for the team. Especially if you have Hot Lips. Who doesn't love cinnamon chewy candies?

And, Boss? We might need a new frothing frother machine thing. I was...experimenting.



[No Subject]

My eternal thanks to one Kate Bishop.

Spot High, auditions for Grease, the spring musical, will be held next Tuesday after the final bell. Come prepared with a monologue and 16 bars of any upbeat number. There will also be a dance sequence you'll learn that afternoon, but nothing complicated I promise!

I can also definitely use backstage help, and that includes from all of you not actually in school. You'd be surprised how unhelpful soulless Island parents are.



[No Subject]

Seems the local college was a bit short on qualified staff. It's not entirely ideal, but it does give me the opportunity to teach again.