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May. 29th, 2012


Scene Recap - October 1st to October 7th

Scene Recaps )

May. 16th, 2012


Time Update!

Okay guys, time updates are going to be ran a little different from this point on. Since the start of the game, we have been doing time updates in the form of a week's worth of game time. From now on the updates will be in the form of a month's worth of game time. Each game month will span the course of two real life months. This will only change if we see the need for more time or if the game month happens to have a great deal of plot going on.

This time update will include all of October which means that you can continue playing in the game week that we were all currently working on. Please note that you can also incorporate flashbacks as needed, just be sure to tag them as such.

Please feel free to send us any feedback, questions or concerns at the mod email

Thank you all and happy playing!

- The Moderators -


May. 11th, 2012


I feel like a hero and you are my heroine

Who: Max and Jayne
What: The typical deep conversations followed by or preceding deep penetration
When: Late Wednesday Evening
Where: Max and Eli's place
Warnings: *see above

this is how I feel and it's oh so real )

May. 1st, 2012


Who: Katee and James
What: Elemental “bonding” ;)
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Georgetown campus
Warnings: None.

Hold tight, we’re in for nasty weather; there has got to be a way, burning down the house... )

Apr. 30th, 2012


Mechanic 101

Who: Colin and Cleo
What: Mechanic 101
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Their home
Warnings: A smidge of nudity towards the end

Best mate ever )


I'll make love to you

who: Izumi and Rupert
what: Relaxation
when: Wednesday after the BIrthday Party
where: Izumi's Home
warning: NSFW (Finally!)

and I'll hold you tight, baby, all through the night )

Apr. 29th, 2012


Boys suck at feelings

who: Charlie and Chloe
what: Heart to Heart
when: Wednesday Night
where: Lion's Den
warnings: n/a

Luckily big sisters can translate )

Apr. 27th, 2012


Officially a two year old

Who: Izumi, Noriko, Rand, Rupert, Jayne, Felicity, Odette (NPC), and Noah (NPC)
What: Noah's birthday party
When: Wednesday evening, around six PM
Where: Izumi's house
Warnings: Awkward? And perhaps cuteness as well

happy birthday, dear Noah )


Daddy, meet my boyfriend.

Who: Chloe, Dimitri, Jason
What: Daddy meet my boyfriend!
When: Wednesday night
Where: The lions’ den
Warning: None

He's usually more ferocious than that )

Apr. 26th, 2012


Who: Justice, Naya, and Gabe (& guest appearance by Jason)
Where: Dead Until Dark (vamp bar)
When: Wednesday evening
Why: Because ladies need to bitch.
Rating: Some cussing from the 'ladies'.

He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink... )


Bad Talk, Dad

Who: Charlie and Jason
What: Father/Daughter Chat, Take Two
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Richards’ Residence
Warning: Angst, SO MUCH ANGST

Screaming, yelling, and accusations would be so much better than this. )


We Are Being Professional, Dammit

Who: Jason and Justice
What: The awkwardness continues
When: Wednesday morning
Where: The crime scene
Warning: None

Pretending nothing's going. )


Wherever you go, Whatever you do

who: Chloe and Dimitri
what: Date?
when: Wednesday Afternoon
where: Woodrow Wilson High then a Cafe
warnings: Adorableness

I will be right here waiting for you )

Apr. 24th, 2012


You're Not Completely Happy

Who: Chloe and Jason
What: Awkward conversation late at night
When: Wednesday Midnight
Where: Richards’ Home
Warning: Language

When did you get so grown up on me? )


So about last night...

Who: Lucas and Justice
What: A very awkward breakfast
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Their home
Warning: Just the sheer awkward is warning enough

Am I really trying to get you to keep banging this guy? )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


I don't know what got into me

Who: Isis and Niko
What: A birthday getaway
When: Wednesday night
Where: A cabin in The Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
Warnings: NSFW

Whatever it was, I hope it doesn’t go too damned far. )

Apr. 20th, 2012


Who: Lex and Zack
What: Late night phonecall & cuddles
When: Wednesday night
Where: Lex’s apartment
Warnings: Schmoop. Total schmoop..

Don’t leave me hanging on the telephone... )


So an Italian from Jersey walks into a bar

Who: Carr and Gio
What: Visiting the local watering hole
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Mercy
Warnings: Extremely NSFW

and leaves with a Scotsman )

Apr. 19th, 2012



Who: Sam and Arabella (and Lex)
What: Exhibition problems
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The Zeppo
Warning: None :)

Wanna buy a ticket? )

Apr. 18th, 2012


Who: Lex and Zack (with a cameo by Katee)
What: An awkward reunion
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: The Zeppo
Warning: Awkward and very NSFW

But you didn’t have to cut me off, make out like it never happened, and that we were nothing... )

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August 2012




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